Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 3092-2013/SPC contenida en el Expediente N° 118-2013/ILN-PS0
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La compensación en materia de consumidor es controvertida en distintos
pronunciamientos por parte del Indecopi. Este es un problema que aún no ha
sido resuelto. Por ello, el presente informe jurídico analiza la Resolución N°
3092-2013/SPC en concordancia con todo lo relevante dentro del expediente
para adoptar una postura en torno al conflicto. En ese sentido, el trabajo
analizará los aspectos relevantes de un procedimiento administrativo en
materia de consumidor. Se inicia evaluando si existió vulneración a la
idoneidad en el tipo de servicio financiero prestado por el proveedor.
Posteriormente, se evalúa si es posible la compensación en cualquier tipo de
cuenta. Además, se analiza si hubo afectación a principios administrativos
como el principio de confianza legítima y predictibilidad dentro del
procedimiento administrativo. Finalmente, se evalúa el alcance de las
medidas correctivas complementarias que puede imponer la Comisión de
Protección al Consumidor.
Compensation in consumer matters is controversial in different pronouncements by Indecopi. This is a problem that has not yet been resolved. Therefore, this legal report analyzes Resolution No. 3092-2013/SPC in accordance with everything relevant within the file to adopt a position regarding the conflict. In this sense, the work will analyze the relevant aspects of an administrative procedure in consumer matters. It begins by evaluating whether there was a violation of suitability in the type of financial service provided by the provider. Subsequently, it is evaluated whether compensation is possible in any type of account. In addition, it is analyzed whether there was an impact on administrative principles such as the principle of legitimate trust and predictability within the administrative procedure. Finally, the scope of the complementary corrective measures that the Consumer Protection Commission may impose is evaluated.
Compensation in consumer matters is controversial in different pronouncements by Indecopi. This is a problem that has not yet been resolved. Therefore, this legal report analyzes Resolution No. 3092-2013/SPC in accordance with everything relevant within the file to adopt a position regarding the conflict. In this sense, the work will analyze the relevant aspects of an administrative procedure in consumer matters. It begins by evaluating whether there was a violation of suitability in the type of financial service provided by the provider. Subsequently, it is evaluated whether compensation is possible in any type of account. In addition, it is analyzed whether there was an impact on administrative principles such as the principle of legitimate trust and predictability within the administrative procedure. Finally, the scope of the complementary corrective measures that the Consumer Protection Commission may impose is evaluated.
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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