Perfil de la fluidez del habla en niños de cuatro años de instituciones educativas privadas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar el Perfil de la fluidez
del habla en niños de 4 años, el método de investigación de este estudio ha sido deductivo
de tipo no experimental y descriptivo simple en el diseño en hablantes fluentes de español.
El grupo de estudiantes que fueron seleccionados como muestra, son 30 niños a quiénes
se les aplicó el Protocolo de Fluencia del Habla de Andrade (2000) adaptado al Perú por
Castro y Manrique (2013). Según las tipologías de disfluencias, las de mayor porcentaje
para las disfluencias comunes han sido las vacilaciones en niños y las repeticiones de
palabras en niñas. En el caso de las disfluencias tartamudeadas, han obtenido un mayor
porcentaje las prolongaciones en niños y las pausas en niñas. La velocidad para los niños
fue una media de 89.16 de palabras por minuto y 153.26 de sílabas por minuto, mientras
las niñas obtuvieron 88.86 de palabras por minuto y 155.73 de sílabas por minuto. Así
mismo, en frecuencia de las rupturas, el porcentaje de la discontinuidad del habla ha sido
de 4.17% en niños y 4.23% en niñas y han coincidido en el porcentaje de las difluencias
tartamudeadas en ambos sexos con el 0.20% en el promedio, teniendo como muestra 200
Se recomienda otros estudios en edades menores.
The general objective of this research work is to determine the Profile of speech fluency in 4-year-old children. The research method of this study has been deductive, nonexperimental and simple descriptive in design in fluent Spanish speakers. The group of students who were selected as a sample are 30 children to whom the Andrade Speech Fluency Protocol (2000) adapted to Peru by Castro and Manrique (2013) was applied. According to the typologies of disfluencies, the ones with the highest percentage for common disfluencies have been hesitations in boys and word repetitions in girls. In the case of stuttering disfluencies, prolongations in boys and pauses in girls have obtained a higher percentage. The speed for boys was an average of 89.16 words per minute and 153.26 syllables per minute, while girls obtained 88.86 words per minute and 155.73 syllables per minute. Likewise, in terms of frequency of ruptures, the percentage of speech discontinuity has been 4.17% in boys and 4.23% in girls and they have coincided in the percentage of stuttering disfluencies in both sexes with 0.20% on average, having as it shows 200 syllables. Other studies are recommended at younger ages.
The general objective of this research work is to determine the Profile of speech fluency in 4-year-old children. The research method of this study has been deductive, nonexperimental and simple descriptive in design in fluent Spanish speakers. The group of students who were selected as a sample are 30 children to whom the Andrade Speech Fluency Protocol (2000) adapted to Peru by Castro and Manrique (2013) was applied. According to the typologies of disfluencies, the ones with the highest percentage for common disfluencies have been hesitations in boys and word repetitions in girls. In the case of stuttering disfluencies, prolongations in boys and pauses in girls have obtained a higher percentage. The speed for boys was an average of 89.16 words per minute and 153.26 syllables per minute, while girls obtained 88.86 words per minute and 155.73 syllables per minute. Likewise, in terms of frequency of ruptures, the percentage of speech discontinuity has been 4.17% in boys and 4.23% in girls and they have coincided in the percentage of stuttering disfluencies in both sexes with 0.20% on average, having as it shows 200 syllables. Other studies are recommended at younger ages.
Niños--Lenguaje--Perú, Habla--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar)--Perú--Evaluación, Escuelas privadas--Perú
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