Informe sobre la Resolución SBS N° 03645-2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El 01 de enero de 2019 entró en vigencia la Ley N° 30822, Ley que modifica la
Ley N° 26702, Ley General del Sistema Financiero y del Sistema de Seguros y
Orgánica de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros, y otras normas
concordantes, respecto de la regulación y supervisión de las Cooperativas de
Ahorro y Crédito (Coopac); a partir de esa fecha, la supervisión y regulación de
estas entidades fue encargada a la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el desenvolvimiento que las Coopac
han tenido en estos seis años, en los que tuvieron que adaptarse a una
supervisión obligatoria por parte de la SBS, lo que requirió, incluso hasta la fecha,
una importante capacidad de adaptación a un mercado sumamente regulado, en
el que resulta indispensable contar con un enfoque de gestión integral de riesgos
y una cultura de cumplimiento que les permita mitigar la posibilidad de incurrir en
pérdidas económicas derivadas del incumplimiento de la normativa vigente.
Con ese fin, se analizará la Resolución SBS N° 03645-2023, emitida en el marco
de un procedimiento administrativo sancionador iniciado contra la Coopac
Quillabamba por el incumplimiento de diversas disposiciones vinculadas al
funcionamiento del sistema de prevención de riesgos de lavado de activos y del
financiamiento del terrorismo, y se realizará una evaluación de los motivos por
los cuales se dificulta la implementación de la cultura de cumplimiento, o
compliance, en las Coopac; entre los cuales se puede destacar la necesidad de
contar con un adecuado marco de gobierno corporativo que priorice la adopción
de políticas orientadas a la gestión integral de riesgos.
On January 1, 2019, Law N° 30822, Law that modifies Law N° 26702, General Law of the Financial System and the Insurance System and Organic Law of the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance, and other corresponding regulations, in regard to the regulation and supervision of the savings and credit cooperatives (Coopac), came into force. As of that date, the supervision and regulation of these entities was entrusted to the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS). The purpose of this work is to analyze the development that the Coopac have had in this six-year period, in which they had to adapt to mandatory supervision by the SBS, which required, even to date, the capacity to adapt to a highly regulated market, in which it is essential to have a comprehensive risk management approach and a culture of compliance that allows them to mitigate the possibility of incurring in economic losses derived from non-compliance with current regulations. To this end, SBS Resolution N° 03645-2023 will be analyzed, related to an administrative sanctioning procedure initiated against Coopac Quillabamba for non-compliance with various provisions linked to the anti-money laundering system, therefore an evaluation will be carried in order to identify the reasons why the implementation of the compliance culture in the Coopac is difficult; among which we can highlight the need to have an adequate corporate governance framework that prioritizes the adoption of policies aimed at comprehensive risk management.
On January 1, 2019, Law N° 30822, Law that modifies Law N° 26702, General Law of the Financial System and the Insurance System and Organic Law of the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance, and other corresponding regulations, in regard to the regulation and supervision of the savings and credit cooperatives (Coopac), came into force. As of that date, the supervision and regulation of these entities was entrusted to the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS). The purpose of this work is to analyze the development that the Coopac have had in this six-year period, in which they had to adapt to mandatory supervision by the SBS, which required, even to date, the capacity to adapt to a highly regulated market, in which it is essential to have a comprehensive risk management approach and a culture of compliance that allows them to mitigate the possibility of incurring in economic losses derived from non-compliance with current regulations. To this end, SBS Resolution N° 03645-2023 will be analyzed, related to an administrative sanctioning procedure initiated against Coopac Quillabamba for non-compliance with various provisions linked to the anti-money laundering system, therefore an evaluation will be carried in order to identify the reasons why the implementation of the compliance culture in the Coopac is difficult; among which we can highlight the need to have an adequate corporate governance framework that prioritizes the adoption of policies aimed at comprehensive risk management.
Cooperativas--Legislación--Perú, Derecho administrativo sancionador--Perú, Gobierno corporativo, Sociedades comerciales--Legislación--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú
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