Uso de preposiciones en niños de 5 y 6 años institucionalizados y no institucionalizados de la ciudad de Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar si existe diferencia en la frecuencia
del uso de preposiciones entre niños de 5 y 6 años institucionalizados y no institucionalizados de la
ciudad de Cusco. Así como también se consideró importante saber la diferencia entre los errores
cometidos al usar las preposiciones y el desempeño obtenido al completar oraciones con estas. El tipo
de investigación fue sustantiva descriptiva y el diseño descriptivo comparativo, la muestra estuvo
conformada por 75 niños en total de entre 5 y 6 años de edad, 54 fueron niños no institucionalizados
(25 niños pertenecientes a una institución educativa inicial privada y 29 niños pertenecientes a una
institución educativa inicial estatal) y 21 niños institucionalizados pertenecientes a un Centro de
acogida residencial (CAR). Así mismo, se utilizaron dos instrumentos de evaluación, el análisis de la
muestra de lenguaje (longitud media del enunciado) y la tarea de morfosintaxis de la Evaluación
Clínica de los fundamentos del lenguaje Celf-5. La conclusión a la que la presente investigación llegó
confirma una diferencia significativa en la frecuencia del uso de preposiciones entre niños
institucionalizados y no institucionalizados, mostrando mayor frecuencia de uso de preposiciones en
los niños no institucionalizados.
The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a difference in the frequency of preposition use between institutionalized and non-institutionalized 5 and 6 year old children in the city of Cusco. It was also considered important to know the difference between the errors made when using prepositions and the performance obtained when completing sentences with these prepositions. The type of research was substantive descriptive and the comparative descriptive design, the sample consisted of 75 children between 5 and 6 years of age, 54 were non-institutionalized children (25 children belonging to a private initial educational institution and 29 children belonging to a state initial educational institution) and 21 institutionalized children belonging to a Residential Reception Center (CAR). Likewise, two assessment instruments were used, the analysis of the language sample (mean utterance length) and the morphosyntax task of the Clinical Assessment of Language Fundamentals Celf-5. The conclusion reached by the present research confirms a significant difference in the frequency of preposition use between institutionalized and non-institutionalized children, showing a higher frequency of preposition use in non-institutionalized children.
The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a difference in the frequency of preposition use between institutionalized and non-institutionalized 5 and 6 year old children in the city of Cusco. It was also considered important to know the difference between the errors made when using prepositions and the performance obtained when completing sentences with these prepositions. The type of research was substantive descriptive and the comparative descriptive design, the sample consisted of 75 children between 5 and 6 years of age, 54 were non-institutionalized children (25 children belonging to a private initial educational institution and 29 children belonging to a state initial educational institution) and 21 institutionalized children belonging to a Residential Reception Center (CAR). Likewise, two assessment instruments were used, the analysis of the language sample (mean utterance length) and the morphosyntax task of the Clinical Assessment of Language Fundamentals Celf-5. The conclusion reached by the present research confirms a significant difference in the frequency of preposition use between institutionalized and non-institutionalized children, showing a higher frequency of preposition use in non-institutionalized children.
Fonología, Preposiciones (Español), Español--Morfosintaxis, Trastornos del habla en niños--Perú--Cuzco
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