Influencia de las partes interesadas en la transparencia de las empresas peruanas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación buscó aplicar un modelo que permita analizar la
transparencia corporativa a través de la información divulgada en la web, en ese sentido,
como resultado de la revisión de la literatura se aplicó el modelo propuesto por Fernández-
Feijoo, B., Romero, S. & Ruiz, S. (2014). Effect of Stakeholders’ Pressure on Transparency
of Sustainability Reports within the GRI Framework, que tiene como propósito fundamental,
analizar si la transparencia de las empresas peruanas se ve influenciada por sus partes
El modelo aplicado consiste en tres partes: (i) Hallar la variable dependiente
Transparencia, que relaciona a cuatro variables: la frecuencia (cantidad de reportes en el
periodo de investigación), el nivel de aplicación (cantidad de reportes con el nivel intregado
en el periodo de investigación), la declaración de nivel (cantidad de reportes con auditoria
interna en el periodo de investigación) y la garantía de aseguramiento (cantidad de reportes
con auditoria externa en el periodo de investigación); (ii) Hallar las variables independientes
(clientes, empleados, medio ambiente e inversores) y variables de control (tamaño y bolsa)
que toman valores de cero o uno de acuerdo a la industria que pertenezcan; y (iii) Analizar la
influencia de las variables independientes en la variable dependiente Transparencia.
Para la aplicación de este modelo se utilizó los instrumentos de medición: análisis de
componentes principales, para hallar la variable dependiente Transparencia; y regresión lineal
múltiple entre otros instrumentos, para hallar la influencia de las variables independientes en
la variable dependiente Transparencia. La data utilizada para la aplicación en mención, se
obtuvo de la website Global Reporting Iniative (GRI).
Como resultado de la investigación, se obtuvo los índices de transparencia de las
empresas peruanas en el rango de -0.73 a 3.85; así también, se encontró que las partes
interesadas (clientes, empleados, medio ambiente e inversores) influye de alguna manera en la transparencia de las empresas peruanas, siendo la de mayor influencia la parte interesada
empleados junto con la variable de control tamaño.
The present investigation sought to apply a model that allows analyzing corporate transparency through the information disclosed on the web, in this sense, as a result of the literature review the model proposed by Fernández-Feijoo, B., Romero, was applied. S. & Ruiz, S. (2014). Effect of Stakeholders' Pressure on Transparency of Sustainability Reports within the GRI Framework, whose main purpose is to analyze whether the transparency of companies is influenced by their stakeholders. The applied model consists of three parts: (i) Find the dependent variable Transparency, which relates to four variables: the frequency (number of reports in the research period), the level of application (number of reports with the level included in the research period), level statement (number of reports with internal audit in the investigation period) and assurance guarantee (number of reports with external audit in the investigation period); (ii) Find the independent variables (clients, employees, environment and investors) and control variables (size and stock market) that take values of zero or one according to the industry that they belong; and (iii) Analyze the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable Transparency. For the application of this model, the measurement instruments were used: analysis of main components, to find the dependent variable Transparency; and multiple linear regression among other instruments, to find the influence of the independent variables in the dependent variable Transparency. The data used for the application in question, was obtained from the GRI website. As a result of the investigation, the transparency indices of the Peruvian companies were obtained in the range of -0.73 to 3.85; Likewise, it was found that the interested parties (customers, employees, the environment and investors) influenced in some way the transparency of Peruvian companies, being the most influential the interested party employees along with the variable of control size.
The present investigation sought to apply a model that allows analyzing corporate transparency through the information disclosed on the web, in this sense, as a result of the literature review the model proposed by Fernández-Feijoo, B., Romero, was applied. S. & Ruiz, S. (2014). Effect of Stakeholders' Pressure on Transparency of Sustainability Reports within the GRI Framework, whose main purpose is to analyze whether the transparency of companies is influenced by their stakeholders. The applied model consists of three parts: (i) Find the dependent variable Transparency, which relates to four variables: the frequency (number of reports in the research period), the level of application (number of reports with the level included in the research period), level statement (number of reports with internal audit in the investigation period) and assurance guarantee (number of reports with external audit in the investigation period); (ii) Find the independent variables (clients, employees, environment and investors) and control variables (size and stock market) that take values of zero or one according to the industry that they belong; and (iii) Analyze the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable Transparency. For the application of this model, the measurement instruments were used: analysis of main components, to find the dependent variable Transparency; and multiple linear regression among other instruments, to find the influence of the independent variables in the dependent variable Transparency. The data used for the application in question, was obtained from the GRI website. As a result of the investigation, the transparency indices of the Peruvian companies were obtained in the range of -0.73 to 3.85; Likewise, it was found that the interested parties (customers, employees, the environment and investors) influenced in some way the transparency of Peruvian companies, being the most influential the interested party employees along with the variable of control size.
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú, Indicadores económicos--Perú
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