Calidad en las empresas del sector automotriz de vehículos livianos y pasajeros en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad evaluar el nivel de cumplimiento de la calidad
total en el sector automotriz liviano y de pasajeros en Lima Metropolitana. Para este
propósito se utilizó la herramienta de medición de calidad construida en la investigación
realizada por Benzaquen a empresas peruanas sobre su gestión de calidad. Esta herramienta
ha establecido una medida de implementación de la gestión de la calidad basada en nueve
factores de éxito para la calidad total. La investigación se ha realizado utilizando una
muestra de 70 altos directivos de las empresas del sector materia de estudio con el fin de
determinar el nivel de cumplimiento de los factores de éxito de la Calidad Total. El estudio
realizado evidenció la existencia de un nivel menor de cumplimiento de los nueve factores
con respecto a los hallazgos de Benzaquen, existiendo factores que no se aplicarían al sector
por las características del mismo
The present research aims to assess the level of compliance with total quality in automotive lightweight and passengers sector in Lima Metropolitana. For this purpose, the quality measurement tool built on research by Benzaquén in Peruvian companies about their evolution in quality management was used. This tool provides a measure of implementation of quality management based on nine success factors for total quality. The research was conducted using a sample of 70 senior managers of companies in the sector to determine the level of compliance of the success factors of total quality. The study revealed the existence of a lower level of compliance of the nine factors with respect to the findings of Benzaquén, some factors that would not apply to the sector by its characteristics
The present research aims to assess the level of compliance with total quality in automotive lightweight and passengers sector in Lima Metropolitana. For this purpose, the quality measurement tool built on research by Benzaquén in Peruvian companies about their evolution in quality management was used. This tool provides a measure of implementation of quality management based on nine success factors for total quality. The research was conducted using a sample of 70 senior managers of companies in the sector to determine the level of compliance of the success factors of total quality. The study revealed the existence of a lower level of compliance of the nine factors with respect to the findings of Benzaquén, some factors that would not apply to the sector by its characteristics
Calidad total, Industria automotriz -- Perú -- Lima, Investigación cuantitativa
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