El estado actual de la aplicación del sistema de costos por proyecto de la empresa constructora ABC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal proponer mejoras al
sistema de costos de la empresa constructora ABC. Ello con la finalidad de resaltar la
importancia de la gestión de costos para el sector construcción, el cual se caracteriza por
ejecutar proyectos con alto riesgo. Este estudio tuvo un enfoque cualitativo del tipo case
study, de alcance descriptivo, de diseño no experimental y transversal. En la primera etapa del
trabajo de campo se recopiló datos de la empresa seleccionada y en la segunda etapa se
realizó el análisis e interpretación de los datos, aplicando los conceptos, técnicas de costeo
obtenidos en la revisión de la literatura científica sobre gestión de costos y análisis
Una vez que se finiquitó el desarrollo de estas etapas se procedió con proponer las
mejoras pertinentes de acuerdo con las necesidades de la empresa. A la luz de los resultados
obtenidos del presente trabajo de investigación podemos aseverar que la información de
costos confiable y oportuna es una ventaja competitiva para la empresa. Para ello, es
necesario diseñar e implementar un sistema de costos por proyectos eficiente y eficaz, que sea
capaz de brindar información de calidad, oportuna y confiable; con la cual la alta gerencia
pueda tomar decisiones más acertadas en beneficio de la empresa. Asimismo, este estudio
puede constituirse como una guía para otras empresas del mismo sector con características y
necesidades similares.
The main objective of this research work was to propose improvements to the cost system of the construction company ABC. This highlights the importance of cost management for the construction sector, which is characterized by executing projects with high risk. This study used a qualitative case study approach, was descriptive in scope, and had a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. In the first stage of the fieldwork, data was collected from the selected company. In the second stage, the data was analyzed and interpreted applying the concepts, costing techniques obtained in the review of the scientific literature on cost management and documentary analysis. Once these stages were developed, we proceeded to propose the pertinent improvements according to the company's needs. In light of the results obtained from this research, reliable and timely cost information is a competitive advantage for the company. To do this, it is necessary to design and implement an efficient and effective project costing system capable of providing quality, timely and reliable information, with which top management can make better decisions for the company's benefit. This study can also guide other companies in the same sector with similar characteristics and needs.
The main objective of this research work was to propose improvements to the cost system of the construction company ABC. This highlights the importance of cost management for the construction sector, which is characterized by executing projects with high risk. This study used a qualitative case study approach, was descriptive in scope, and had a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. In the first stage of the fieldwork, data was collected from the selected company. In the second stage, the data was analyzed and interpreted applying the concepts, costing techniques obtained in the review of the scientific literature on cost management and documentary analysis. Once these stages were developed, we proceeded to propose the pertinent improvements according to the company's needs. In light of the results obtained from this research, reliable and timely cost information is a competitive advantage for the company. To do this, it is necessary to design and implement an efficient and effective project costing system capable of providing quality, timely and reliable information, with which top management can make better decisions for the company's benefit. This study can also guide other companies in the same sector with similar characteristics and needs.
Contabilidad de costos, Costos de producción--Contabilidad, Empresas constructoras--Control de costos
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