Facultades y límites del poder ejecutivo y el poder legislativo con respecto al presupuesto público : ¿cómo se ejerce la colaboración de poderes en la aprobación del presupuesto del sector público?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A través del Presupuesto del Sector Público se desarrollan las políticas de
Gobierno, de allí que el Poder Ejecutivo tiene un papel fundamental, además de
su competencia constitucionalmente establecida, para administrar la hacienda
pública. Por otro lado, el Poder Legislativo en su rol de control político, participa
también en este proceso no solo aprobando la Ley de Presupuesto, sino que, a
través de la representación ciudadana que ejercen los congresistas, ha
intervenido en la asignación del presupuesto. Esto proceso de intervención de
dos poderes del Estado responde al Principio de Colaboración de Poderes,
desarrollado por el Tribunal Constitucional para establecer los alcances y límites
que posee cada uno de estos actores en el proceso de aprobación de la Ley de
Sin embargo, no se trata de una colaboración pacífica, por lo que a través el
presente trabajo pretendemos establecer, en primer lugar, a través de una
mirada jurídica, a qué Poder del Estado le competente en exclusiva la asignación
del Presupuesto del Sector Público, y atendiendo a la naturaleza colaborativa de
dicho proceso, cuáles son los alcances o límites de la intervención que pudiera
tener el Poder Legislativo en el mismo. En segundo lugar, a través de una
investigación de los procesos de aprobación de la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector
Público de los últimos 15 años, veremos cómo han confluido ambos Poderes del
Estado y qué factores han influido en su intervención en la asignación del
Presupuesto del Sector Público.
La conclusión principal a la que arribamos es que, si el Congreso interviene en
la asignación del Presupuesto, lo hace necesariamente con anuencia del Poder
Ejecutivo pues no posee una competencia jurídica originaria; y esa intervención
del Poder Ejecutivo está determinada por factores políticos relacionados con el
tamaño de la representatividad que tiene el Gobierno (Poder Ejecutivo) en el
Through the Public Sector Budget, government policies are developed. Hence, the Executive Branch plays a fundamental role, in addition to its constitutionally established competence in managing public finances. On the other hand, the Legislative Branch, in its oversight role, also participates in this process not only by approving the Public Sector Budget Law but also through the citizen representation exercised by congressmen, intervening in budget allocation. This process of intervention by two branches of the State responds to the Principle of Collaboration of Powers, developed by the Constitutional Court to establish the scope and limits of each of these actors in the approval process of the Public Sector Budget Law. However, this is not a peaceful collaboration, so through this work, we intend to establish two matters/statements. First, which Branch of the State is exclusively competent for the allocation of the Public Sector Budget, and considering the collaborative nature of this process, what are the scopes or limits of intervention that the Legislative Branch could have in it through a legal perspective. Secondly, through an investigation of the approval processes of the Budget Law over the last 10 years, we will see how both branches of the State have converged and what factors have influenced their intervention in the allocation of the Public Sector Budget. The main conclusion we reach is that if the Congress intervenes in the allocation of the Budget, it does so necessarily with the consent of the Executive Branch since it does not have original legal competence, and that intervention of the Executive Branch is determined by political factors related to the extent of representation that the Government (Executive Branch) has in the Congress.
Through the Public Sector Budget, government policies are developed. Hence, the Executive Branch plays a fundamental role, in addition to its constitutionally established competence in managing public finances. On the other hand, the Legislative Branch, in its oversight role, also participates in this process not only by approving the Public Sector Budget Law but also through the citizen representation exercised by congressmen, intervening in budget allocation. This process of intervention by two branches of the State responds to the Principle of Collaboration of Powers, developed by the Constitutional Court to establish the scope and limits of each of these actors in the approval process of the Public Sector Budget Law. However, this is not a peaceful collaboration, so through this work, we intend to establish two matters/statements. First, which Branch of the State is exclusively competent for the allocation of the Public Sector Budget, and considering the collaborative nature of this process, what are the scopes or limits of intervention that the Legislative Branch could have in it through a legal perspective. Secondly, through an investigation of the approval processes of the Budget Law over the last 10 years, we will see how both branches of the State have converged and what factors have influenced their intervention in the allocation of the Public Sector Budget. The main conclusion we reach is that if the Congress intervenes in the allocation of the Budget, it does so necessarily with the consent of the Executive Branch since it does not have original legal competence, and that intervention of the Executive Branch is determined by political factors related to the extent of representation that the Government (Executive Branch) has in the Congress.
Relaciones Ejecutivo-Legislativo--Perú, Gastos públicos--Perú, Administración pública--Perú
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