Competencias digitales y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes del 3er año de psicología de una universidad pública de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo precisar la relación que existe entre las competencias
digitales y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios del 3er año de psicología de una
universidad pública de Arequipa. En la actualidad, las competencias digitales son una necesidad en
la formación de estudiantes universitarios, sobre todo cuando hablamos de calidad educativa. En este
sentido, fue importante conocer cómo los estudiantes manejan las competencias digitales y cómo
estas se vinculan con los procesos cognitivos, a través de las estrategias de aprendizaje, que los
estudiantes deben de accionar para procesar y gestionar adecuadamente la información. Por tanto,
este estudio se enmarca como una investigación descriptivo correlacional transversal y contó con
una población de 200 universitarios y una muestra de 122 estudiantes universitarios. Para la
evaluación se usó el Cuestionario para el estudio de la Competencia Digital del Alumnado de
Educación Superior (CDAES) y la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje (ACRA) ambas validadas
en el contexto peruano. Así mismo, se aplicó el coeficiente de correlación de r de Pearson. Se halló
una correlación directa significativa con una intensidad moderada entre las competencias digitales y
las estrategias de aprendizaje, específicamente con un valor del estadístico de r de Pearson de ,514
para las estrategias de adquisición de información, r de Pearson de ,468 para las estrategias de
codificación, r de Pearson de ,448 para las estrategias de recuperación de información y r de Pearson
de ,466 para las estrategias de apoyo al procesamiento de información. De esta manera se concluye
que las competencias digitales se relacionan con las estrategias de aprendizaje, es decir a mayor
puntaje en el dominio de las competencias digitales mayor puntaje en las estrategias de aprendizaje
en estudiantes universitarios.
The objective of this study is to specify the relationship that exists between digital competencies and learning strategies in university students of the 3rd year of psychology at a public university in Arequipa. Currently, digital skills are a necessity in the training of university students, especially when we talk about educational quality. In this sense, it was important to know how students manage digital competencies and how these are linked to cognitive processes, through the learning strategies that students must implement to adequately process and manage information. Therefore, this study is framed as a descriptive cross-sectional correlational research and has a population of 200 university students and a sample of 122 university students. For the evaluation, the Questionnaire for the study of the Digital Competence of Higher Education Students (CDAES) and the Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) were used, both validated in the Peruvian context. Likewise, Pearson's r correlation coefficient was applied. A significant direct correlation with a moderate intensity was found between digital competences and learning strategies, specifically with a value of the Pearson r statistic of .514 for the information acquisition strategies, Pearson r of .468 for the of coding, Pearson's r of .448 for information retrieval strategies and Pearson's r of .466 for information processing support strategies. In this way, it is concluded that digital competencies are related to learning strategies, that is, the higher the score in the domain of digital competencies, the higher the score in learning strategies in university students.
The objective of this study is to specify the relationship that exists between digital competencies and learning strategies in university students of the 3rd year of psychology at a public university in Arequipa. Currently, digital skills are a necessity in the training of university students, especially when we talk about educational quality. In this sense, it was important to know how students manage digital competencies and how these are linked to cognitive processes, through the learning strategies that students must implement to adequately process and manage information. Therefore, this study is framed as a descriptive cross-sectional correlational research and has a population of 200 university students and a sample of 122 university students. For the evaluation, the Questionnaire for the study of the Digital Competence of Higher Education Students (CDAES) and the Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) were used, both validated in the Peruvian context. Likewise, Pearson's r correlation coefficient was applied. A significant direct correlation with a moderate intensity was found between digital competences and learning strategies, specifically with a value of the Pearson r statistic of .514 for the information acquisition strategies, Pearson r of .468 for the of coding, Pearson's r of .448 for information retrieval strategies and Pearson's r of .466 for information processing support strategies. In this way, it is concluded that digital competencies are related to learning strategies, that is, the higher the score in the domain of digital competencies, the higher the score in learning strategies in university students.
Alfabetización informacional--Perú--Arequipa, Estrategias de aprendizaje--Perú--Arequipa, Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Arequipa, Universidades--Perú--Arequipa
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