Modelo Prolab: EduRet: Proyecto para mejorar la tasa de retención estudiantil en educación superior
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Tal como sostiene el Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU, 2020), la retención
estudiantil en la educación superior en Lima es un fenómeno que se puede explicar por
varias razones: carencias materiales, dificultades socioeconómicas, entre otras.
Para atenuar dicha realidad y combatir la deserción estudiantil en instituciones
educativas de bajo segmento, se ha planteado una plataforma digital moderna, en
atención a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) cuatro, ocho y diez. Esta
plataforma es personalizada y brinda soporte académico, financiero y emocional a los
estudiantes que pretendan abandonar sus estudios. Esta plataforma está pensada para
casas de estudios que no tienen los recursos suficientes.
Dicha plataforma se diferencia por su rentabilidad y escalabilidad, y se propone
ser una herramienta que ayude a acortar las brechas de la educación peruana y permita
incluir en el acceso a la educación de calidad a más jóvenes. Contribuyendo a fortalecer
las oportunidades académicas y laborales, esta herramienta tiene el potencial de generar
un impacto positivo en la sostenibilidad social y ambiental, impulsando el crecimiento
de las instituciones educativas y el desarrollo económico a nivel nacional.
As stated by the Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU, 2020), the undergraduate retention rate is a phenomenon affected by agents such as infrastructural deficiencies, socio-economic difficulties among others. To confront this scenario in low budget institutions, a modern digital platform is presented. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) four, eight and ten. The platform presents personalized features and offers academic, financial, and emotional support to students in risk of academic desertion. The idea is appropriate to colleges or institutes with limited budget. The described platform stands out for its profit-earning capability and scalability. This idea is proposed as tool that helps shorten gaps in the peruvian educational system and allows access to quality education for the students. This tool strengths academic and occupational opportunities for the peruvian population, therefor creating a positive impact in labor and environmental sustainability; and boosting institutional and economic growing along the country.
As stated by the Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU, 2020), the undergraduate retention rate is a phenomenon affected by agents such as infrastructural deficiencies, socio-economic difficulties among others. To confront this scenario in low budget institutions, a modern digital platform is presented. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) four, eight and ten. The platform presents personalized features and offers academic, financial, and emotional support to students in risk of academic desertion. The idea is appropriate to colleges or institutes with limited budget. The described platform stands out for its profit-earning capability and scalability. This idea is proposed as tool that helps shorten gaps in the peruvian educational system and allows access to quality education for the students. This tool strengths academic and occupational opportunities for the peruvian population, therefor creating a positive impact in labor and environmental sustainability; and boosting institutional and economic growing along the country.
Gestión educativa--Perú--Lima, Orientación pedagógica--Perú--Lima, Educación superior--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Lima, Innovaciones tecnológicas
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