Modelo prolab: Cuídame, propuesta para el servicio de atención integral en salud y cuidado para el adulto mayor en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las personas mayores, en virtud de su fragilidad inherente, son susceptibles de sufrir
amenazas para su salud y su seguridad, amenazas que pueden desencadenar sucesos
imprevistos que pongan en riesgo su integridad física. Del mismo modo, el bajo nivel de
servicios a domicilio con trabajadores cualificados y especializados para el cuidado de los
adultos mayores expone a estas personas a peligros que pueden dar lugar a sucesos
desfavorables e imprevistos. Este proyecto es un concepto de plan de negocios que pretende
poner en marcha un servicio de atención de salud integral para el adulto mayor a domicilio en
las zonas de Lima Metropolitana, que se distinga por un trato esmerado, rápido y completo en
las diversas áreas que comprometen al adulto mayor (física, psicológica, motora, etc.)
El proyecto de negocio tiene márgenes positivos menores durante el primer año de
operaciones, según el flujo de caja proyectado, como consecuencia de vender menos paquetes
ante los gastos fijos de personal. A partir del segundo año, la empresa supera esta dificultad y
logra márgenes netos superiores al 30%. Se ha calculado un Valor Actual Neto (VAN)
financiero de S/3’641,505, una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 198%, un WACC del
12.46%, un Payback de 0.27 y un IR de 60.58. Se estima un VAN Social de S/. 13’839,945.
En los ODS de la ONU para el 2030 puede reconocerse varios objetivos que aplican
en subobjetivos y metas el trabajo con adultos mayores; sin embargo, la solución propuesta
está en línea con la meta 3.4, 3.5, 3.8 y 3.d de los ODS, que se refiere a la salud y el
bienestar. Sobre la base de la información presentada anteriormente, se considera que el
proyecto Cuídame es una idea viable que permitirá a las familias de los distritos delimitados
de Lima Metropolitana acceder a una gama completa de servicios de salud oportunos que
buscan mantener la auto valencia de los adultos mayores y prevenir la dependencia
implementados servicios desde su domicilio.
The elderly, by virtue of their inherent frailty, are susceptible to threats to their health and safety, threats that can trigger unforeseen events that put their physical integrity at risk. Similarly, the low level of in-home services with skilled and specialized workers for the care of older adults exposes these individuals to hazards that may result in unfavorable and unforeseen events. This project is a business plan concept that aims to implement a comprehensive health care service for the elderly at home in the areas of Metropolitan Lima, which is distinguished by a careful, fast and complete treatment in the various areas involving the elderly (physical, psychological, motor, etc). The business project has lower positive margins during the first year of operations, according to the projected cash flow, as a result of selling fewer packages due to fixed personnel costs. From the second year onwards, the company overcomes this difficulty and achieves net margins of over 30%. A Net Present Value (NPV) of S/3’641,505, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 198%, a WACC of 12.46%, a Payback of 0.27 and an IR of 60.58 have been calculated. A Social NPV of S/. 13’839,945 is estimated. In the UN SDGs for 2030, several objectives can be recognized that apply in sub- objectives and goals the work with older adults; however, the proposed solution is in line with goal 3.4, 3.5, 3.8 and 3.d of the SDGs, which refers to health and well-being. Based on the above, it is considered that the Cuídame project is a viable idea that will allow families in the delimited districts of Metropolitan Lima to access a full range of timely health services that seek to maintain the self-reliance of older adults and prevent dependency by implementing services from their homes.
The elderly, by virtue of their inherent frailty, are susceptible to threats to their health and safety, threats that can trigger unforeseen events that put their physical integrity at risk. Similarly, the low level of in-home services with skilled and specialized workers for the care of older adults exposes these individuals to hazards that may result in unfavorable and unforeseen events. This project is a business plan concept that aims to implement a comprehensive health care service for the elderly at home in the areas of Metropolitan Lima, which is distinguished by a careful, fast and complete treatment in the various areas involving the elderly (physical, psychological, motor, etc). The business project has lower positive margins during the first year of operations, according to the projected cash flow, as a result of selling fewer packages due to fixed personnel costs. From the second year onwards, the company overcomes this difficulty and achieves net margins of over 30%. A Net Present Value (NPV) of S/3’641,505, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 198%, a WACC of 12.46%, a Payback of 0.27 and an IR of 60.58 have been calculated. A Social NPV of S/. 13’839,945 is estimated. In the UN SDGs for 2030, several objectives can be recognized that apply in sub- objectives and goals the work with older adults; however, the proposed solution is in line with goal 3.4, 3.5, 3.8 and 3.d of the SDGs, which refers to health and well-being. Based on the above, it is considered that the Cuídame project is a viable idea that will allow families in the delimited districts of Metropolitan Lima to access a full range of timely health services that seek to maintain the self-reliance of older adults and prevent dependency by implementing services from their homes.
Adulto mayor--Perú--Lima, Servicios de salud--Perú--Lima
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