Business consulting – Electro Ferro Centro S.A.C. plan de mejora en el retorno sobre ventas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Electro Ferro Centro (EFC) es una empresa con más de 48 años en el mercado
liderando la gestión de abastecimiento de suministros industriales en mantenimiento,
reparación y operaciones (MRO), atendiendo a las principales empresas y proyectos del país
en los sectores de minería, construcción, petróleo, entre otros. La empresa ha experimentado
un crecimiento acelerado mayor al 20% anual desde el año 2010, enfocándose en un servicio
personalizado y a medida del cliente, situación que propició el incremento de recursos
humanos y económicos a lo largo de dichos años.
A partir de las entrevistas realizadas a los principales directivos, el análisis situacional
de la organización y sus objetivos a largo plazo, se identifica como problema principal que el
retorno sobre las ventas está por debajo de lo previsto en el presupuesto anual, situación que
ocurre desde hace tres años. Las soluciones propuestas se enfocan en dos aspectos. Primero,
realizar una gestión de proveedores basada en la segmentación, tomando en cuenta el impacto
financiero y el riesgo de suministro que cada uno representa. Segundo, rediseñar
estratégicamente la Gestión de Desarrollo Humano (GDH) centrada en la atracción y
retención del talento. Ambas permitirán mejorar la eficiencia de la utilización de los recursos
relacionados al costo de ventas y gastos operativos, las cuales impactan directamente al ratio
del retorno sobre las ventas. La implementación de ambas propuestas lograría incrementar el
ratio de 1.8% a 3% en un plazo estimado de dos años, de acuerdo al cronograma presentado.
La inversión estimada asciende a US $280,500.
Electro Ferro Centro (EFC) is a company with more than 48 years in the market leading the supply management of industrial supplies in maintenance, repair and operations, serving the main companies and projects in the country in the mining, construction, oil, and other sectors. The company has experienced an accelerated growth of more than 20% per year since 2010, directing its approach towards a customized service specially tailored to each client, a situation that led to an increase of human and economic resources during these years. Based on the interviews conducted with the main executives of EFC, the situational analysis of the organization and its long-term objectives, the main problem is the return on sales which is below the predicted in the annual budget, an issue that has persisted for the past three years. The proposed solutions focus on two aspects. First, to perform a strategic supplier management based on segmentation, considering the financial impact and supply risk that each supplier could represent. Second, strategically redesign the Human Development Management, focusing on the attraction and retention of talent. Both solutions will improve the efficiency of the use of resources related to the cost of sales and operating expenses, which directly impacts the return on sales ratio. The implementation of both proposals would increase the ratio from 1.8% to 3% in an estimated period of two years, according to the schedule presented. The estimated investment amounts to US $ 280,500.
Electro Ferro Centro (EFC) is a company with more than 48 years in the market leading the supply management of industrial supplies in maintenance, repair and operations, serving the main companies and projects in the country in the mining, construction, oil, and other sectors. The company has experienced an accelerated growth of more than 20% per year since 2010, directing its approach towards a customized service specially tailored to each client, a situation that led to an increase of human and economic resources during these years. Based on the interviews conducted with the main executives of EFC, the situational analysis of the organization and its long-term objectives, the main problem is the return on sales which is below the predicted in the annual budget, an issue that has persisted for the past three years. The proposed solutions focus on two aspects. First, to perform a strategic supplier management based on segmentation, considering the financial impact and supply risk that each supplier could represent. Second, strategically redesign the Human Development Management, focusing on the attraction and retention of talent. Both solutions will improve the efficiency of the use of resources related to the cost of sales and operating expenses, which directly impacts the return on sales ratio. The implementation of both proposals would increase the ratio from 1.8% to 3% in an estimated period of two years, according to the schedule presented. The estimated investment amounts to US $ 280,500.
Industria de la construcción--Perú, Administración de empresas