La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de galletas, limeños-mayores de 51 años de edad en Lima, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Cada día la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial gana mayor relevancia en el
mundo. En el Perú, existen escasos estudios empíricos que permiten conocer el
impacto que esta tiene en el consumidor. Este estudio busca verificar de qué manera
influye la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de
consumidores de galletas limeños de una muestra por conveniencia. Para ello se
desarrolló un experimento de acuerdo con la Metodología de los Modelos de Elección
Discreta con el fin de cuantificar la intención de compra relacionada con las acciones
de responsabilidad social realizadas por las empresas.
La presente Tesis es una ampliación del alcance de la investigación doctoral
del profesor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, La Influencia de la Responsabilidad
Social Empresarial en el Comportamiento de Compra de los Consumidores Peruanos
(CENTRUM, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Lima 2009).
Esta Tesis de Maestría busca validar si la relación identificada originalmente
por el profesor Marquina también se presenta en la categoría de galletas, tal como el
autor lo sugiere en sus recomendaciones finales.
Con la autorización del autor, se han utilizado partes de su tesis,
particularmente en los aspectos referidos con la revisión de la literatura y la
metodología implementada para realizar el experimento.
El experimento se realizó utilizando una muestra elegida por conveniencia de
131 consumidores limeños. La investigación brinda evidencia empírica de la relación
positiva existente entre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el comportamiento de
compra de la muestra indicada. Los resultados del estudio indican que el efecto de la
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en su conjunto es superior al de las Competencias
Corporate social responsibility is getting more relevance in today's world. In Peru, there are just a few empirical studies which allow us to grasp the impact CSR has on consumer behavior. This study's objective is to verify the way in which CSR influences the buying behavior of limenian cookie consumers from a convinience sample. To cuantify the buying intention related to CSR actions carried on by corporations, a Discrete Election Model Methodology experiment was executed. This thesis extends the scope of the doctoral research of Professor Samoel Marquina Feldman titled The Influence of CSR on Buying Behavior of Peruvian Consumers (CENTRUM, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima 2009). This Master's Degree Thesis seeks to validate if the relation originally identified by Professor Marquina applies also to the cookie category as the author suggests in his final recommendations. Having the author's permission, part of his thesis has been used, specifically in aspects related to literary revision and the methodology used to execute the study. The experiment was executed using a convenience sample of 131 limenian consumers. The research shows empirical evidence of the positive relation between CSR and the buying behavior of the mentioned sample. The study's results show that the overall effect of CSR is superior to that of Corporate Competences.
Corporate social responsibility is getting more relevance in today's world. In Peru, there are just a few empirical studies which allow us to grasp the impact CSR has on consumer behavior. This study's objective is to verify the way in which CSR influences the buying behavior of limenian cookie consumers from a convinience sample. To cuantify the buying intention related to CSR actions carried on by corporations, a Discrete Election Model Methodology experiment was executed. This thesis extends the scope of the doctoral research of Professor Samoel Marquina Feldman titled The Influence of CSR on Buying Behavior of Peruvian Consumers (CENTRUM, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima 2009). This Master's Degree Thesis seeks to validate if the relation originally identified by Professor Marquina applies also to the cookie category as the author suggests in his final recommendations. Having the author's permission, part of his thesis has been used, specifically in aspects related to literary revision and the methodology used to execute the study. The experiment was executed using a convenience sample of 131 limenian consumers. The research shows empirical evidence of the positive relation between CSR and the buying behavior of the mentioned sample. The study's results show that the overall effect of CSR is superior to that of Corporate Competences.
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Comportamiento del consumidor, Investigación cuantitativa
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