La revista Di y la imagen de la clase aristocrática trujillana durante la década del 60
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se centra en demostrar cómo el contenido
periodístico de la revista Di expresó la imagen aristocrática de la sociedad trujillana
en la década del 60, basada en las creencias religiosas, en la valoración de la cultura
extranjera y en el exclusivismo de las festividades de la ciudad de Trujillo. El análisis
de la publicación se justifica ante la necesidad de enriquecer el estudio de medios
de comunicación regionales que en su época fueron voceros de la realidad
socioeconómica, histórica y cultural de su espacio inmediato. El objeto de análisis
se constituye por 39 artículos periodísticos publicados entre los años 1961 y 1973,
en 22 revistas, de un total de 58 ediciones.
El aporte del trabajo, desde el aspecto metodológico, es la creación de fichas
de análisis de contenido para el estudio de textos periodísticos. Primero se
organizaron los artículos tomando en cuenta los elementos básicos del género
periodístico. Posteriormente, los artículos se analizaron bajo un listado de
categorías relacionadas con la imagen de la clase aristocrática. La investigación
muestra que en las secciones “Personajes de portada”, “Festividades y tradiciones”
y “Sociales” se advierte mayor presencia de la sociedad acomodada de Trujillo. Las
tres están entrelazadas debido a que el grupo que organizaba dirigía y ejecutaba
los eventos era el mismo, perteneciente a la clase adinerada de la ciudad.
Finalmente, la revista Di muestra que los tres temas recurrentes, creencias
religiosas, valoración de la cultura extranjera y el exclusivismo de las festividades,
predominan en el discurso de las jóvenes entrevistadas, representantes del nivel
social alto.
This research focuses on demonstrating how the journalistic content of Di magazine expressed the aristocratic image of Trujillo's society in the 60s, which was based on religious beliefs, appreciation of foreign culture and exclusivism of the festivities of Trujillo City. The analysis of the publication is justified by the need to enrich the study of the regional media, which in those times were spokespeople of the socioeconomic, historical and cultural reality of their immediate space. The object of analysis is made up of 39 journalistic articles published between 1961 and 1973, in 22 journals, out of a total of 58 issues. The contribution of the research work, from a methodological point of view, is the creation of content analysis sheets for the study of journalistic texts. First, the articles were organized considering the basic elements of the journalistic genre. Subsequently, the articles were analyzed according to a list of categories related to the image of the aristocratic class. The investigation shows that in the sections "Cover characters", "Festivities and traditions" and "Socials", there is a greater presence of the affluent society of Trujillo. The three are intertwined due to the fact that the group that organized, directed and carried out the events was the same one belonging to the wealthy class of the city. Finally, Di magazine shows that the three recurrent topics, religious beliefs, appreciation of foreign culture and exclusivism of the festivities, predominate in the discourse of the interviewed young women, who were representatives of the high social level.
This research focuses on demonstrating how the journalistic content of Di magazine expressed the aristocratic image of Trujillo's society in the 60s, which was based on religious beliefs, appreciation of foreign culture and exclusivism of the festivities of Trujillo City. The analysis of the publication is justified by the need to enrich the study of the regional media, which in those times were spokespeople of the socioeconomic, historical and cultural reality of their immediate space. The object of analysis is made up of 39 journalistic articles published between 1961 and 1973, in 22 journals, out of a total of 58 issues. The contribution of the research work, from a methodological point of view, is the creation of content analysis sheets for the study of journalistic texts. First, the articles were organized considering the basic elements of the journalistic genre. Subsequently, the articles were analyzed according to a list of categories related to the image of the aristocratic class. The investigation shows that in the sections "Cover characters", "Festivities and traditions" and "Socials", there is a greater presence of the affluent society of Trujillo. The three are intertwined due to the fact that the group that organized, directed and carried out the events was the same one belonging to the wealthy class of the city. Finally, Di magazine shows that the three recurrent topics, religious beliefs, appreciation of foreign culture and exclusivism of the festivities, predominate in the discourse of the interviewed young women, who were representatives of the high social level.
Artículos periodísticos--Perú--Trujillo--1961-1973, Trujillo--Vida social y costumbres--1961-1973
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