Informe Jurídico sobre el Laudo Arbitral de fecha 1 de diciembre de 2015 recaído en el Caso Arbitral N° 2728- 2013-CCL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo versa sobre las consecuencias de la entrega tardía de
terrenos a favor del Contratista en el marco de la Obra Pública para el
Mejoramiento de la Av. Néstor Gambetta en el Callao y cómo dicha situación
puede causar la ruptura del equilibrio económico financiero del Contrato (EEC).
El referido escenario, comúnmente recurrente en la contratación pública, fue el
caso del Gobierno Regional del Callao y el Consorcio Nueva Gambetta, razón
por la cual este último acudió a la vía arbitral para reclamar las distintas
ampliaciones de plazo negadas por la Entidad, costos directos y mayores gastos
generales variables.
Ante ello, el Tribunal Arbitral mediante Laudo recaído en el Caso Arbitral N°
2728-2013-CCL resolvió a favor de las pretensiones planteadas por el
Contratista, a excepción de los Costos Directos, sobre los cuales realizó
descuentos. Sobre la base de lo anterior, se analizará qué tipo de obligación
constituye la entrega de terrenos que permita asumir una postura sobre dichos
reclamos y determinar si efectivamente, el Contratista sufrió una ruptura de la
ecuación financiera del Contrato que no se reestableció en la vía arbitral. Se
verificarán también las condiciones que deben concurrir en el EEC.
Finalmente, se brindarán unas breves conclusiones a los problemas jurídicos
This paper deals with the consequences of the late delivery of land in favor of the contractor in the framework of the public works for the improvement of Néstor Gambetta Avenue in Callao, and how such a situation can cause the breach of the economic and financial equilibrium of the contract (EEC). The aforementioned scenario, common in public contracts, was the case of the Regional Government of Callao and the Nueva Gambetta Consortium, which is why the latter resorted to arbitration to claim the various extensions of time, direct costs and higher variable overheads denied by the entity. Against this background, the Arbitral Tribunal, by means of the Award in Arbitration Case No. 2728-2013-CCL, ruled in favor of the claims raised by the Contractor, with the exception of the direct costs, to which it applied discounts. Based on the above, it will be analyzed what kind of obligation constitutes the delivery of land that allows to take a position on such claims and to determine whether the Contractor has indeed suffered a breach of the financial equilibrium of the contract that has not been restored in the arbitration proceedings. The conditions to be met in the EEC are also examined.
This paper deals with the consequences of the late delivery of land in favor of the contractor in the framework of the public works for the improvement of Néstor Gambetta Avenue in Callao, and how such a situation can cause the breach of the economic and financial equilibrium of the contract (EEC). The aforementioned scenario, common in public contracts, was the case of the Regional Government of Callao and the Nueva Gambetta Consortium, which is why the latter resorted to arbitration to claim the various extensions of time, direct costs and higher variable overheads denied by the entity. Against this background, the Arbitral Tribunal, by means of the Award in Arbitration Case No. 2728-2013-CCL, ruled in favor of the claims raised by the Contractor, with the exception of the direct costs, to which it applied discounts. Based on the above, it will be analyzed what kind of obligation constitutes the delivery of land that allows to take a position on such claims and to determine whether the Contractor has indeed suffered a breach of the financial equilibrium of the contract that has not been restored in the arbitration proceedings. The conditions to be met in the EEC are also examined.
Arbitraje comercial--Perú, Arbitraje y laudo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Contratos públicos--Perú, Obligaciones (Derecho)--Perú, Contratos--Aspectos económicos--Perú
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