Business consulting para la empresa Unimaq S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
UNIMAQ S.A. es una empresa con gran respaldo financiero, perteneciente al grupo
económico Ferreycorp, lo cual le concede grandes oportunidades de posicionamiento y
estrategia. El objetivo principal de la consultoría es determinar el problema central de la
empresa y plantear las soluciones necesarias para la gestión de inventarios antiguos. Luego de
haber identificado la situación general de la empresa, donde se abordó el modelo de negocio
mediante CANVAS; se procedió a determinar la misión, visión y valores, como eje principal
de la tesis. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos fue necesario diversos estudios como: El
análisis externo PESTE, las cinco fuerzas de Porter, oportunidades y amenazas, análisis
interno AMOFHIT, fortalezas y debilidades, matriz de complejidad versus beneficio, análisis
de causa raíz, entre otras metodologías.
Luego de la identificación de problemas, se determinó que los inventarios antiguos
son el problema clave a tratar por una amplia diferencia; se concluyó, luego de la valoración
de los cuatro problemas analizados. Por ende, se está planteando medidas para la venta y/o
alquiler de los mismos, de esta manera, prescindir de ellos, ya que generan perjuicio a la
economía de UNIMAQ S.A. En ese aspecto, se elaboró un conjunto de pasos para
implementar cada alternativa de solución, se estableció el Gantt de actividades, factores
claves de éxito, Balanced Scorecard, Análisis de inversión para la implementación y
presupuesto de costos. Posteriormente, se logró determinar beneficios de carácter cualitativo
y cuantitativo. Con relación al beneficio cualitativo, la aplicación de las alternativas
innovadoras, representarán entregables documentados y estandarizados, que integrarán el
sistema de control de la calidad. Luego se analizaron dos escenarios financieros: Escenario
optimista, el VAN es S/ 467,340.27, la TIR es 59.10% y el tiempo en el cual se recuperará la
inversión se da en el 3° año. En contraste, en el escenario con enfoque pesimista, el VAN es
S/ 30,093.24, la TIR es 29.18% y la recuperación de lo invertido se da en el 5° año.
UNIMAQ S.A. is a company with great financial support, belonging to the Ferreycorp economic group, which gives it great opportunities for positioning and strategy. The main objective of the consultancy is to determine the central problem of the company and propose the necessary solutions for the management of old inventories. After having identified the general situation of the company, where the business model was addressed through CANVAS; the mission, vision and values were determined as the main axis of the thesis. In order to fulfill the objectives, various studies were necessary, such as: The external PESTE analysis, Porter's five forces, opportunities and threats, AMOFHIT internal analysis, strengths and weaknesses, complexity versus benefit matrix, root cause analysis, among other methodologies. After the identification of problems, it was determined that the old inventories are the key problem to be addressed by a wide difference; it was concluded, after the assessment of the four problems analyzed. Therefore, measures are being considered for the sale and/or rental of the same, in this way, dispensing with them, since they generate damage to the economy of UNIMAQ S.A. In this aspect, a set of steps was elaborated to implement each solution alternative, the Gantt of activities, key success factors, Balanced Scorecard, Investment Analysis for the implementation and cost budget were established. Subsequently, it was possible to determine qualitative and quantitative benefits. In relation to the qualitative benefit, the application of the innovative alternatives will represent documented and standardized deliverables, which will integrate the quality control system. Two financial scenarios were then analyzed: Optimistic scenario, the NPV is S/ 467,340.27, the IRR is 59.10% and the time in which the investment will be recovered is in the 3rd year. In contrast, in the scenario with a pessimistic approach, the NPV is S/ 30,093.24, the IRR is 29.18% and the recovery of the investment occurs in the 5th year.
UNIMAQ S.A. is a company with great financial support, belonging to the Ferreycorp economic group, which gives it great opportunities for positioning and strategy. The main objective of the consultancy is to determine the central problem of the company and propose the necessary solutions for the management of old inventories. After having identified the general situation of the company, where the business model was addressed through CANVAS; the mission, vision and values were determined as the main axis of the thesis. In order to fulfill the objectives, various studies were necessary, such as: The external PESTE analysis, Porter's five forces, opportunities and threats, AMOFHIT internal analysis, strengths and weaknesses, complexity versus benefit matrix, root cause analysis, among other methodologies. After the identification of problems, it was determined that the old inventories are the key problem to be addressed by a wide difference; it was concluded, after the assessment of the four problems analyzed. Therefore, measures are being considered for the sale and/or rental of the same, in this way, dispensing with them, since they generate damage to the economy of UNIMAQ S.A. In this aspect, a set of steps was elaborated to implement each solution alternative, the Gantt of activities, key success factors, Balanced Scorecard, Investment Analysis for the implementation and cost budget were established. Subsequently, it was possible to determine qualitative and quantitative benefits. In relation to the qualitative benefit, the application of the innovative alternatives will represent documented and standardized deliverables, which will integrate the quality control system. Two financial scenarios were then analyzed: Optimistic scenario, the NPV is S/ 467,340.27, the IRR is 59.10% and the time in which the investment will be recovered is in the 3rd year. In contrast, in the scenario with a pessimistic approach, the NPV is S/ 30,093.24, the IRR is 29.18% and the recovery of the investment occurs in the 5th year.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Servicios al cliente--Administración, Empresas de servicios, Administración de empresas, Control de inventarios--Mejoramiento
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