Estrategias interculturales promotoras de la identidad cultural en niños de 4 años en un contexto de educación virtual en una institución pública del distrito de Pueblo Libre en Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la aplicación y los resultados
alcanzados de estrategias interculturales diseñadas para promover la identidad
cultural en niños de 4 años de una institución pública de Pueblo Libre. Este estudio se
realizó en la modalidad investigación – acción y propuso estrategias para garantizar
el desarrollo de la identidad cultural. Es decir, se planteó desarrollar estrategias
interculturales que permitan un desarrollo óptimo de la identidad en estudiantes de
cuatro años en el contexto de la educación virtual. Se planteó como hipótesis
desarrollar estrategias para promover la identidad de cada niño, creando un ambiente
diverso, de aceptación, conciencia, promoción de su entorno cultural e interacción con
sus compañeros difundiendo y apreciando las riquezas simbólicas que cada familia
presenta. Además, esta propuesta buscó que los niños reconozcan sus culturas,
raíces, ascendencias, familias y costumbres para fomentar un desarrollo con
autoestima y prevenir la influencia de estereotipos culturales y raciales
The present study aimed to analyze the application and the results achieved of intercultural strategies designed to promote cultural identity in 4-year-old children from a public institution in Pueblo Libre. This study was carried out in the research - action modality and proposed strategies to guarantee the development of cultural identity. That is, it was proposed to develop intercultural strategies that allow an optimal development of identity in four-year-old students in the context of virtual education. It was hypothesized to develop strategies to promote the identity of each child, creating a diverse environment of acceptance, awareness, promotion of their cultural environment and interaction with their peers, spreading and appreciating the symbolic riches that each family presents. In addition, this proposal sought that children recognize their cultures, roots, ancestry, families and customs to promote a development with self-esteem and prevent the influence of discriminatory cultural and racial stereotypes.
The present study aimed to analyze the application and the results achieved of intercultural strategies designed to promote cultural identity in 4-year-old children from a public institution in Pueblo Libre. This study was carried out in the research - action modality and proposed strategies to guarantee the development of cultural identity. That is, it was proposed to develop intercultural strategies that allow an optimal development of identity in four-year-old students in the context of virtual education. It was hypothesized to develop strategies to promote the identity of each child, creating a diverse environment of acceptance, awareness, promotion of their cultural environment and interaction with their peers, spreading and appreciating the symbolic riches that each family presents. In addition, this proposal sought that children recognize their cultures, roots, ancestry, families and customs to promote a development with self-esteem and prevent the influence of discriminatory cultural and racial stereotypes.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Pueblo Libre (Lima : Distrito), Educación pública--Perú--Pueblo Libre (Lima : Distrito), Educación a distancia--Perú--Pueblo Libre (Lima : Distrito), Interculturalidad--Perú--Pueblo Libre (Lima : Distrito)
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