La estrategia humorística audiovisual del canal de YouTube peruano “Hablando Huevadas” a través de la teoría de la violación benigna. Un análisis descriptivo desde la comunicación y la psicología moral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los elementos significativos que permiten la
comprensión de la estrategia humorística audiovisual del canal de YouTube peruano “Hablando
Huevadas” (2019, 2021 y 2022) desde el enfoque comunicacional y la psicología moral. Según el
tipo de investigación del estudio por su naturaleza es exploratoria y, por su nivel, descriptiva. Se
toma como muestra de estudio los fragmentos de siete videos transmitidos durante los años 2019,
2021 y 2022, en los segmentos que tienen como público objetivo de su contenido humorístico a
poblaciones vulnerables de la sociedad. Para ello, se recurre al análisis de contenido como técnica
de investigación, desde un enfoque multimodal. Además, se complementa con entrevistas a
académicos competentes en las temáticas de comunicaciones y humor. Finalmente, con la
investigación se determina que el humor transgresor se presenta principalmente a través de
interacciones conversacionales, las cuales hacen uso de estereotipos para desarrollar expresiones
burlescas que posicionan a las poblaciones vulnerables en una posición de ridículo.
The research aims to identify the significant elements that allow the understanding of the audiovisual humorous strategy of the Peruvian YouTube channel “Hablando Huevadas” (2019, 2021 and 2022) from the communicational approach and moral psychology. According to the type of research of the study by its nature is exploratory and, by its level, descriptive. Fragments of seven videos transmitted during 2019, 2021 and 2022 are taken as a study sample, in the segments that have vulnerable populations of society as the target audience of their humorous content. For this purpose, content analysis is used as a research technique, from a multimodal approach. In addition, it is complemented with interviews to academics competent in the topics of communications and humor. Finally, the research determines that transgressive humor is presented mainly through conversational interactions, which make use of stereotypes to develop burlesque expressions that position vulnerable populations in a position of ridicule.
The research aims to identify the significant elements that allow the understanding of the audiovisual humorous strategy of the Peruvian YouTube channel “Hablando Huevadas” (2019, 2021 and 2022) from the communicational approach and moral psychology. According to the type of research of the study by its nature is exploratory and, by its level, descriptive. Fragments of seven videos transmitted during 2019, 2021 and 2022 are taken as a study sample, in the segments that have vulnerable populations of society as the target audience of their humorous content. For this purpose, content analysis is used as a research technique, from a multimodal approach. In addition, it is complemented with interviews to academics competent in the topics of communications and humor. Finally, the research determines that transgressive humor is presented mainly through conversational interactions, which make use of stereotypes to develop burlesque expressions that position vulnerable populations in a position of ridicule.
Humor--Aspectos morales y éticos--Perú, Estereotipo (Psicología social)--Perú, Medios de comunicación de masas digitales--Perú
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