Seguridad jurídica y responsabilidad solidaria: Impacto de la reinterpretación normativa en la gestión de gerentes generales por INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo pretende comprender la excepcionalidad de la
responsabilidad conforme al Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor;
posteriormente, en la segunda parte se analizarán los tipos de participación,
siendo el dolo o culpa inexcusable; y, finalmente, se evaluarán los verbos
ejecutores de la infracción y como el gerente actúa. A lo largo de esta sección,
se usará como marco legal, principalmente, al Código de Protección y Defensa
del Consumidor. Así, al final de la sección, se concluirá que la participación en la
conducta infractora es vital y se encuentra delimitada a supuestos
excepcionales, lo que tiene relación con el objetivo general del presente artículo
en la medida que se comprenderá el razonamiento de la entidad y los supuestos
donde se aplica la responsabilidad solidaria. Es importante señalar que esta
conclusión permitirá en la siguiente parte tener una base teórica de razonamiento
que se emplea en el Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor.
Asimismo, se abordarán las concepciones doctrinarias de diversas ramas del
derecho que regulan las características de la persona jurídica y la diferenciación
con el personal que la componen; seguido de ello, en la segunda parte las
funciones del gerente general conforme a la ley general de sociedades; y,
finalmente, las responsabilidades como funciones del gerente general conforme
a la Ley General de Sociedades. A lo largo de esta sección, se usará como marco
teórico y legal, principalmente, doctrina del Derecho Societario, Penal y
Constitucional. Así, al final de la sección, se concluirá que existe una
homogeneidad de tratamiento en las conductas dentro de la rama Societaria,
Penal y Constitucional, lo que tiene relación con el objetivo principal del presente
artículo en la medida que la nueva valoración que realiza Indecopi debe ser
concordante en la manera de cómo se aplica el razonamiento en otras ramas del
Finalmente, se abordarán las concepciones doctrinarias de diversas ramas del
derecho que regulan las características de la persona jurídica y la diferenciación
con el personal que la compone; posteriormente, en la segunda parte las
funciones del gerente general conforme a la ley general de sociedades; y,
finalmente, las responsabilidades como funciones del gerente general conforme
a la Ley General de Sociedades. A lo largo de esta sección, se usará como marco
teórico y legal, principalmente, doctrina del Derecho Societario, Penal y
Constitucional. Así, al final de la sección, se concluirá que existe una
homogeneidad de tratamiento en las conductas dentro de la rama Societaria,
Penal y Constitucional, lo que tiene relación con el objetivo principal del presente
artículo en la medida que la nueva valoración que realiza Indecopi debe ser
concordante en la manera de cómo se aplica el razonamiento en otras ramas del
The purpose is to understand the exceptional nature of liability under the Consumer Protection and Defense Code. In the second part, the different types of participation will be analyzed, with a focus on intent or inexcusable fault. Finally, the actions that constitute the infringement will be examined, along with the role of the manager in this regard. Throughout this section, the primary legal framework will be the Consumer Protection and Defense Code. At the conclusion of this section, it will be determined that participation in the infringing conduct is critical and restricted to exceptional cases, which is aligned with the general objective of this article, as it seeks to comprehend the reasoning of the entity and the circumstances in which joint liability applies. It is important to note that this conclusion will provide a theoretical foundation for the reasoning used in the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, which will be referenced in the subsequent sections. Additionally, doctrinal perspectives from various branches of law that regulate the characteristics of legal persons and distinguish them from the individuals who comprise them will be addressed. Following this, the functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law will be discussed in the second part. Finally, the responsibilities and functions of the general manager in accordance with the General Companies Law will be analyzed. Throughout this section, the theoretical and legal framework will predominantly draw from corporate law, criminal law, and constitutional law doctrines. At the conclusion of this section, it will be concluded that there is a consistent treatment of conduct across the fields of corporate, criminal, and constitutional law, which aligns with the primary objective of this article, as the new assessment carried out by Indecopi must be consistent with how reasoning is applied across these various branches of law. In the final part, doctrinal perspectives from various branches of law regarding the characteristics of legal persons and the distinction from the personnel comprising them will be revisited. This will be followed by a discussion of the functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law. Finally, the responsibilities and functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law will be analyzed. Throughout this section, the theoretical and legal framework will primarily draw from corporate, criminal, and constitutional law doctrines. At the conclusion of this section, it will be concluded that there is a consistent treatment of conduct across the corporate, criminal, and constitutional legal domains, which is consistent with the primary objective of this article, ensuring that the new evaluation carried out by Indecopi aligns with the application of legal reasoning in these different areas of law.
The purpose is to understand the exceptional nature of liability under the Consumer Protection and Defense Code. In the second part, the different types of participation will be analyzed, with a focus on intent or inexcusable fault. Finally, the actions that constitute the infringement will be examined, along with the role of the manager in this regard. Throughout this section, the primary legal framework will be the Consumer Protection and Defense Code. At the conclusion of this section, it will be determined that participation in the infringing conduct is critical and restricted to exceptional cases, which is aligned with the general objective of this article, as it seeks to comprehend the reasoning of the entity and the circumstances in which joint liability applies. It is important to note that this conclusion will provide a theoretical foundation for the reasoning used in the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, which will be referenced in the subsequent sections. Additionally, doctrinal perspectives from various branches of law that regulate the characteristics of legal persons and distinguish them from the individuals who comprise them will be addressed. Following this, the functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law will be discussed in the second part. Finally, the responsibilities and functions of the general manager in accordance with the General Companies Law will be analyzed. Throughout this section, the theoretical and legal framework will predominantly draw from corporate law, criminal law, and constitutional law doctrines. At the conclusion of this section, it will be concluded that there is a consistent treatment of conduct across the fields of corporate, criminal, and constitutional law, which aligns with the primary objective of this article, as the new assessment carried out by Indecopi must be consistent with how reasoning is applied across these various branches of law. In the final part, doctrinal perspectives from various branches of law regarding the characteristics of legal persons and the distinction from the personnel comprising them will be revisited. This will be followed by a discussion of the functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law. Finally, the responsibilities and functions of the general manager under the General Companies Law will be analyzed. Throughout this section, the theoretical and legal framework will primarily draw from corporate, criminal, and constitutional law doctrines. At the conclusion of this section, it will be concluded that there is a consistent treatment of conduct across the corporate, criminal, and constitutional legal domains, which is consistent with the primary objective of this article, ensuring that the new evaluation carried out by Indecopi aligns with the application of legal reasoning in these different areas of law.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Responsabilidad legal--Perú, Ejecutivos--Situación legal--Perú, Derecho societario--Perú
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