Planeamiento estratégico para la compañía minera Poderosa S.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La compañía minera Poderosa realiza los procesos de exploración, explotación y
comercialización del oro y plata en el territorio de Batolito de Pataz, La Libertad. La
elaboración del planeamiento estratégico se realizó para determinar la situación y la
posibilidad de mejora integral en toda la compañía con la finalidad de lograr la visión de la
empresa: “Ser al 2030, la Compañía Minera líder en el sector aurífero del Perú, en la que
todos quieran trabajar por la competitividad demostrada, generando más de 5,000 puestos
de trabajo, logrando ser reconocida como la mejor empleadora en el rubro minero a nivel
El planeamiento estratégico empieza con el análisis de: (a) Situación general de
Poderosa; (b) visión; (c) misión; (d) valores y código de ética, para continuar con la
evaluación externa a fin de determinar la influencia del entorno en Poderosa; dentro de las
oportunidades encontradas se puede identificar que las principales son el Potencial de
reserva de minerales de oro y la existencia de acuerdos comerciales que facilitan el acceso a
equipos, insumos y maquinarias; mientras que en el análisis interno la satisfacción del
cliente, la madurez del sistema de gestión y la cultura de mejora e innovación, permite
neutralizar las debilidades como son alta rotación del personal de contratas, sistema de
gestión de seguridad débil.
Las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas nos permitieron evaluar y
diseñar las estrategias retenidas y de contingencia; como, por ejemplo, (a) Incrementar las
exploraciones mineras, para reposición y crecimiento de los recursos minerales; (b)
Impulsar la implementación y desarrollo de programas que contribuyan con la disminución
de la minería ilegal. Asimismo, uno de los cambios más importantes que debe realizar la
empresa está en su estructura organizacional, con ello se podrá cumplir con los objetivos de
corto y largo plazo. Finalmente, se determinaron las conclusiones que han sido obtenidas del análisis de,
recomendaciones finales y la situación futura deseada para Poderosa.
The mining company Poderosa carries out the processes of exploration, exploitation and commercialization of gold and silver in the territory of Batolito de Pataz, La Libertad. The preparation of the strategic planning was carried out to determine the situation and the possibility of comprehensive improvement throughout the company in order to achieve the company's vision: “To be by 2030, the leading Mining Company in the gold sector in Perú, in which everyone wants to work for demonstrated competitiveness, generating more than 5,000 jobs, achieving to be recognized as the best employer in the mining sector nationwide" Strategic planning begins with the analysis of: (a) the general situation of Poderosa, (b) vision, (c) mission, (d) values and code of ethics, to continue with the external evaluation in order to determine the influence of the environment in Poderosa; Among the opportunities found, the main ones can be identified are the gold mineral reserve potential and the existence of commercial agreements that facilitate access to equipment, supplies and machinery; while in the internal analysis, customer satisfaction, the maturity of the management system and the culture of improvement and innovation, allow to neutralize weaknesses such as high turnover of contract staff, weak security management system. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats allowed us to evaluate and design the retained and contingency strategies; as, for example, (a) Increase mining explorations, for replacement and growth of mineral resources; (b) Promote the implementation and development of programs that contribute to the reduction of illegal mining. Likewise, one of the most important changes that the company must make is in its organizational structure, with which the short and long-term objectives can be met. Finally, the conclusions that have been obtained from the analysis of, final recommendations and the desired future situation for Poderosa were determined.
The mining company Poderosa carries out the processes of exploration, exploitation and commercialization of gold and silver in the territory of Batolito de Pataz, La Libertad. The preparation of the strategic planning was carried out to determine the situation and the possibility of comprehensive improvement throughout the company in order to achieve the company's vision: “To be by 2030, the leading Mining Company in the gold sector in Perú, in which everyone wants to work for demonstrated competitiveness, generating more than 5,000 jobs, achieving to be recognized as the best employer in the mining sector nationwide" Strategic planning begins with the analysis of: (a) the general situation of Poderosa, (b) vision, (c) mission, (d) values and code of ethics, to continue with the external evaluation in order to determine the influence of the environment in Poderosa; Among the opportunities found, the main ones can be identified are the gold mineral reserve potential and the existence of commercial agreements that facilitate access to equipment, supplies and machinery; while in the internal analysis, customer satisfaction, the maturity of the management system and the culture of improvement and innovation, allow to neutralize weaknesses such as high turnover of contract staff, weak security management system. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats allowed us to evaluate and design the retained and contingency strategies; as, for example, (a) Increase mining explorations, for replacement and growth of mineral resources; (b) Promote the implementation and development of programs that contribute to the reduction of illegal mining. Likewise, one of the most important changes that the company must make is in its organizational structure, with which the short and long-term objectives can be met. Finally, the conclusions that have been obtained from the analysis of, final recommendations and the desired future situation for Poderosa were determined.
Planificación estratégica, Industria minera
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