Business consulting - SLAKER S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa SLAKER S.R.L. está constituida en la ciudad de Piura, y comenzó sus
actividades en 2010 dedicándose inicialmente a los servicios de compra venta y alquiler de
baños portátiles, compra venta y alquiler de carpas portátiles, compra venta de toda clase de
bebidas, realización de actividades para espectáculos no deportivos, atención de banquetes y
todo tipo de compromisos sociales, alquiler de menaje de cocina para realización de todo tipo
de actividades sociales; así como la organización y promoción de eventos artísticos, con
artistas nacionales e internacionales y otras actividades afines al objeto social. En los últimos
años le ha sumado a su línea de servicios, la succión de pozos sépticos en Piura y el recojo,
segregación y traslado de residuos peligrosos y no peligrosos.
Se llevaron a cabo diversas entrevistas con el gerente general, el jefe de operaciones,
el jefe de seguridad y medio ambiente y la jefa de recursos humanos, con la finalidad de
determinar el problema principal de SLAKER S.R.L. En base a lo anterior y a toda la
información recopilada de SLAKER S.R.L se concluyó que el problema fundamental es la
deficiente gestión por procesos y falta de herramientas de gestión. Así mismo, las tres causas
subyacentes al problema principal resultaron ser: la falta de herramientas de orientación
estratégica, marketing y gestión de proyectos, la falta de estandarización de procesos, y la
falta de software de gestión de costos.
Culminada la etapa anterior, se desarrollaron las etapas del análisis interno y externo,
el reconocimiento de conceptos o definiciones y el marco teórico que define las cinco
alternativas de solución al problema principal, de acuerdo al siguiente orden: la
implementación de herramientas de gestión estratégica, la implementación de la gestión
basada en un enfoque de procesos, la implementación de estrategias de marketing mix, la
implementación de software expediente electrónico, la implementación de tablero de mando
integral. Conforme a lo anterior, se diseñó un cronograma de Gantt, en el cual se propusieron
los plazos estimados para la implementación de todas las alternativas de solución. Así mismo
se desarrollaron entregables para cada una de estas alternativas, en los cuales se detallaron los
recursos necesarios para su implementación.
Con la finalidad de sustentar los beneficios cuantitativos derivados de las alternativas
de solución planteadas, se desarrolló el correspondiente análisis económico, mediante el cual
se determinó que el proyecto propuesto era viable financieramente tanto en un escenario
optimista, como pesimista. De esta manera, para el caso del escenario optimista se obtuvo un
VAN de S/. 659,477.32, un TIR de 55.00% y un período de recuperación de cuatro años;
mientras que el escenario pesimista supone un VAN de S/. 38,823.75, un TIR de 13.33%, y
un período de recuperación de cinco años.
The company SLAKER S.R.L is constituted in the city of Piura, and began its activities in 2010, initially dedicating itself to services of purchase sale and renting portable toilets, purchase sale and rental portable tents, purchase sale of all kinds of drinks, realization of activities for non-sports shows, attention of banquets and all kinds of social commitments, rental of kitchen utensils for realization of all kind of social activities, as well as the organization and promotion of artistic events, with national and international artists and other activities related related to the social objective. In recent years he has added to his line of services, the suction of septic tanks in Piura and the collection, segregation and transfer of hazardous and non hazardous waste. Several interviews were conducted with the General manage, the head of operations, the head of security, and environment and the head of human resources, in order to determine the main problem of SLAKER S.R.L. Based on the above and all the information collected from SLAKER S.R.L, it was concluded that the main problem is poor process management and lack of management tools. Likewise, the three underlying causes of the main problem turned out to be: the lack of strategic guidance tools, marketing and project management, the lack of standardization of processes, and the lack of cost management software. After the previous stage, the stages of internal and external analysis, the recognition of concepts or definitions and the theoretical framework that defines the five alternative solutions to the main problem were developed, according to the following order: the implementation of strategic management tools, the implementation of management based on a process approach, the implementation of marketing mix strategies, the implementation of electronic file software, the implementation of an integral dashboard. In accordance with the above, a Gantt schedule was designed, in which the estimated deadlines for the implementation of all solution alternatives were proposed. Likewise, deliverables were developed for each of these alternatives, in which the resources necessary for their implementation were detailed. In order to support the quantitative benefits derived from the proposed solution alternatives, the corresponding economic analysis was developed, through which it was determined that the proposed project was financially viable both in an optimistic and pessimistic scenario. In this way, for the case of the optimistic scenario, it was obtained a VAN of S/. 659,477.32, a TIR of 55.00% and a recovery period of four years; while the pessimistic scenario supposes a VAN of S/. 38,823.75, a TIR of 13.33% and a five-year recovery period.
The company SLAKER S.R.L is constituted in the city of Piura, and began its activities in 2010, initially dedicating itself to services of purchase sale and renting portable toilets, purchase sale and rental portable tents, purchase sale of all kinds of drinks, realization of activities for non-sports shows, attention of banquets and all kinds of social commitments, rental of kitchen utensils for realization of all kind of social activities, as well as the organization and promotion of artistic events, with national and international artists and other activities related related to the social objective. In recent years he has added to his line of services, the suction of septic tanks in Piura and the collection, segregation and transfer of hazardous and non hazardous waste. Several interviews were conducted with the General manage, the head of operations, the head of security, and environment and the head of human resources, in order to determine the main problem of SLAKER S.R.L. Based on the above and all the information collected from SLAKER S.R.L, it was concluded that the main problem is poor process management and lack of management tools. Likewise, the three underlying causes of the main problem turned out to be: the lack of strategic guidance tools, marketing and project management, the lack of standardization of processes, and the lack of cost management software. After the previous stage, the stages of internal and external analysis, the recognition of concepts or definitions and the theoretical framework that defines the five alternative solutions to the main problem were developed, according to the following order: the implementation of strategic management tools, the implementation of management based on a process approach, the implementation of marketing mix strategies, the implementation of electronic file software, the implementation of an integral dashboard. In accordance with the above, a Gantt schedule was designed, in which the estimated deadlines for the implementation of all solution alternatives were proposed. Likewise, deliverables were developed for each of these alternatives, in which the resources necessary for their implementation were detailed. In order to support the quantitative benefits derived from the proposed solution alternatives, the corresponding economic analysis was developed, through which it was determined that the proposed project was financially viable both in an optimistic and pessimistic scenario. In this way, for the case of the optimistic scenario, it was obtained a VAN of S/. 659,477.32, a TIR of 55.00% and a recovery period of four years; while the pessimistic scenario supposes a VAN of S/. 38,823.75, a TIR of 13.33% and a five-year recovery period.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Empresas de servicios--Perú--Piura, Saneamiento--Industria y comercio--Perú--Piura
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