Informe jurídico de la Resolución Nº 393-2019-SUNARP-TR-L: Declaración jurada como documento acreditante de aporte de capital en la constitución de una MYPE
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Resolución Nº 393-2019-SUNARP-TR-LN cuestiona si es suficiente una
declaración jurada del gerente para acreditar el aporte de capital social en la
constitución de una sociedad con la condición de Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
(MYPE). Además, el Texto Único Ordenado (TUO) de la Ley de impulso al
desarrollo productivo y al crecimiento empresarial (Decreto Supremo N° 013-
2013-PRODUCE) y el TUO de la Ley de Promoción de la Competitividad,
Formalización y Desarrollo de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa y del Acceso al
Empleo Decente (Decreto Supremo N° 008-2008-PRODUCE) tienen como
objetivo la simplificación de los trámites para fomentar la formalización y
constitución de estas empresas. Asimismo, se realiza un análisis sobre si esta
excepción aplicable a las MYPE afecta negativamente a la transparencia y la
seguridad jurídica.
Este informe, además, abarca el tema de la supresión de la exigencia de la
presentación de un documento emitido por entidad financiera para la
acreditación del aporte de capital en el artículo 10 del Decreto Supremo N°
013-2013-PRODUCE mencionado. Se concluye que, pese a que las facilidades
brindadas cumplen con la finalidad de las normas indicadas, se debe tomar en
consideración que el Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley para la Lucha contra la
Evasión y para la Formalización de la Economía (Decreto Supremo Nº 150-
2007-EF), por lo que debe haber un monto mínimo de aporte de capital
dinerario a partir del cual se tenga que acreditar con un documento emitido por
entidad financiera. Por ello, es importante que se realice una interpretación
conjunta o integral de las normas vinculadas a las MYPEs.
Por último, se precisa que la condición de MYPE debe encontrarse mencionada
expresamente en los documentos constitutivos, ya que, de esta manera, se
reducirá o evitará la inseguridad jurídica.
The Resolution No. 393-2019-SUNARP-TR-L questions whether an affidavit of the manager is sufficient to prove the contribution of capital stock in the incorporation of a company with the status of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE). In addition, the Single Ordered Text (SOT) of the Law for the Promotion of Productive Development and Business Growth (Supreme Decree N° 013- 2013-PRODUCE) and the SOT of the Law for the Promotion of Competitiveness, Formalization and Development of Micro and Small Enterprises and Access to Decent Employment (Supreme Decree N° 008-2008- PRODUCE) aim at simplifying the procedures to promote the formalization and incorporation of these companies. However, an analysis is made on whether this exception applicable to SMEs has a negative impact on transparency and legal certainty. This report also covers the issue of the suppression of the requirement to present a document issued by a financial entity for the accreditation of the capital contribution in Article 10 of Supreme Decree N° 013-2013-PRODUCE mentioned above. It is concluded that, despite the fact that the facilities provided comply with the purpose of the indicated regulations, it should be taken into consideration that the SOT of the Law for the Fight against Evasion and for the Formalization of the Economy (Supreme Decree No. 150-2007-EF), so there must be a minimum amount of capital contribution from which a document issued by a financial entity must be accredited. Therefore, it is important to make a joint or integral interpretation of the rules related to SMEs. Finally, it is specified that the MSE status must be expressly mentioned in the constitutional documents, since this will reduce or avoid legal uncertainty.
The Resolution No. 393-2019-SUNARP-TR-L questions whether an affidavit of the manager is sufficient to prove the contribution of capital stock in the incorporation of a company with the status of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE). In addition, the Single Ordered Text (SOT) of the Law for the Promotion of Productive Development and Business Growth (Supreme Decree N° 013- 2013-PRODUCE) and the SOT of the Law for the Promotion of Competitiveness, Formalization and Development of Micro and Small Enterprises and Access to Decent Employment (Supreme Decree N° 008-2008- PRODUCE) aim at simplifying the procedures to promote the formalization and incorporation of these companies. However, an analysis is made on whether this exception applicable to SMEs has a negative impact on transparency and legal certainty. This report also covers the issue of the suppression of the requirement to present a document issued by a financial entity for the accreditation of the capital contribution in Article 10 of Supreme Decree N° 013-2013-PRODUCE mentioned above. It is concluded that, despite the fact that the facilities provided comply with the purpose of the indicated regulations, it should be taken into consideration that the SOT of the Law for the Fight against Evasion and for the Formalization of the Economy (Supreme Decree No. 150-2007-EF), so there must be a minimum amount of capital contribution from which a document issued by a financial entity must be accredited. Therefore, it is important to make a joint or integral interpretation of the rules related to SMEs. Finally, it is specified that the MSE status must be expressly mentioned in the constitutional documents, since this will reduce or avoid legal uncertainty.
Derecho registral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho societario--Legislación--Perú, Sociedades comerciales--Legislación--Perú, Pequeña empresa--Legislación--Perú