Planeamiento estratégico para el desarrollo de la industria metalúrgica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo realizar el planeamiento estratégico para el
desarrollo de la industria para la metalurgia, la cual tiene como visión para el 2025, ser la
industria que duplicara su volumen de producción, fabricando productos metalúrgicos de
calidad para los consumidores más exigentes del mercado, practicando la mejora continua e
innovación tecnológica, lo cual dará un importante crecimiento económico en beneficio de la
sociedad peruana. La industria metalúrgica cuenta con fortalezas internas que permiten sacar
ventaja de las oportunidades identificadas, que incrementan su participación en el mercado y
concentran recursos en los productos que marcan una clara ventaja competitiva. Para obtener
la visión se formulan cinco objetivos de largo plazo buscando incrementar el volumen de
exportación de productos metalúrgicos no tradicionales; instalar tres plantas fundidoras
polimetálicas para clúster mineros; incrementar el consumo de cobre en sectores productivos
secundarios; desarrollar profesionales y técnicos capacitados en empresas extranjeras de
países industrializados; implementar en las fundiciones un sistema de recuperación de
energía. Se retienen ocho estrategias de primer orden quedando doce como estrategias de
contingencia, dentro de las estrategias de primer orden tenemos el generar la adquisición de
nuevas tecnologías, desarrollo de nuevos usos de productos metalúrgicos, desarrollo de
nuevas fundiciones cercanas a puertos marítimos, atraer inversión en nuevas fundiciones
debido al bajo costo de energía eléctrica, aprovechar los acuerdos comerciales con bloques
económicos, invertir y desarrollar investigación para disminuir consumo de agua y energía,
establecer la capacitación de profesionales para implementar la transferencia tecnológica en
la industria, desarrollar el uso de productos de cobre para hospitales, transporte público e
instituciones educativas. Definimos objetivos a corto plazo para poder alcanzar los objetivos
a largo plazo, se describe la manera de gestionar el cambio para poder concretar lo propuesto, y hacer el seguimiento a través del Tablero de Control Balanceado, considerando cada una de
las perspectivas.
Present research is to m Perform Strategic Planning for the Development of Industry for metallurgy, which has as its vision for 2025, this industry doubled its production volume, Manufacturing Metallurgical Quality Products for Consumers More demanding Market practicing Continuous Improvement and Technological Innovation, which is Dara UN Economic Growth Important for the benefit of Peruvian society. The metallurgical industry has internal strengths that allow to take advantage of identified opportunities that increase their participation in the market and concentrate resources on the products that make a clear competitive advantage f. To Get The Vision five long-term goals are formulated seeking to increase the volume of export of non-traditional Metallurgical Products; Install three smelters Plants paragraph polymetallic mining cluster; Increasing Consumption of copper in Secondary Productive Sectors; develop Professionals and Technicians Trained in Industrialized Countries Foreign Companies; foundries implement UN Energy Recovery System. Eight Strategies primer Order retained remaining Twelve as contingency strategies, in strategies primer Order, we have the generate the acquisition of new technologies, development of new uses of Metallurgical Products, Development of New nearby smelters seaports, Attracting Investment new Foundries due to the low cost of Electric Power, tap v the Trade Agreements with economic blocs, invest and develop research to reduce Water Consumption and Energy, establish training professionals to implement technology transfer in the industry, develop the use of products Copper for hospitals, public transport and educational institutions. We define a Short-term goals para to achieve the objectives in the long term, the way to manage change para order to realize the proposal, and make the noun, monitoring Through Control Board Balanced, considering each of the Outlook will be described.
Present research is to m Perform Strategic Planning for the Development of Industry for metallurgy, which has as its vision for 2025, this industry doubled its production volume, Manufacturing Metallurgical Quality Products for Consumers More demanding Market practicing Continuous Improvement and Technological Innovation, which is Dara UN Economic Growth Important for the benefit of Peruvian society. The metallurgical industry has internal strengths that allow to take advantage of identified opportunities that increase their participation in the market and concentrate resources on the products that make a clear competitive advantage f. To Get The Vision five long-term goals are formulated seeking to increase the volume of export of non-traditional Metallurgical Products; Install three smelters Plants paragraph polymetallic mining cluster; Increasing Consumption of copper in Secondary Productive Sectors; develop Professionals and Technicians Trained in Industrialized Countries Foreign Companies; foundries implement UN Energy Recovery System. Eight Strategies primer Order retained remaining Twelve as contingency strategies, in strategies primer Order, we have the generate the acquisition of new technologies, development of new uses of Metallurgical Products, Development of New nearby smelters seaports, Attracting Investment new Foundries due to the low cost of Electric Power, tap v the Trade Agreements with economic blocs, invest and develop research to reduce Water Consumption and Energy, establish training professionals to implement technology transfer in the industry, develop the use of products Copper for hospitals, public transport and educational institutions. We define a Short-term goals para to achieve the objectives in the long term, the way to manage change para order to realize the proposal, and make the noun, monitoring Through Control Board Balanced, considering each of the Outlook will be described.
Industria metalúrgica--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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