Modelo Prolab: PractiChamba, una propuesta sostenible para la búsqueda de empleo en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
PractiChamba es una solución digital innovadora diseñada para formalizar y optimizar
el proceso de búsqueda y contratación laboral en el emporio de Gamarra, Lima. Este proyecto
aborda desafíos sociales y económicos derivados de la informalidad y los procesos
ineficientes y costosos de contratación en Gamarra, que afectan tanto a trabajadores como a
empresarios. Actualmente, se estima que el 70% de los empleos en Gamarra son con contratos
verbales, generando alta rotación laboral y falta de estabilidad para miles de trabajadores.
A través de una aplicación móvil, PractiChamba permite a los trabajadores acceder a
ofertas laborales y capacitaciones de manera rápida, mientras que los empresarios pueden
optimizar el proceso de contratación al reducir costos y tiempos de búsqueda. La plataforma
contribuye a la sostenibilidad y formalización del empleo en el emporio, alineándose con los
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), especialmente con el ODS 8, que busca promover
el trabajo decente y el crecimiento económico sostenible.
Desarrollado con el Flourishing Business Canvas, PractiChamba muestra alto
potencial para reducir el desempleo, generar ahorros en tiempo y recursos, y disminuir la
huella de carbono. En términos de rentabilidad social, ofrece beneficios tangibles como la
reducción de gastos en movilidad, papel y tiempo en la búsqueda de empleo, logrando un
Valor Actual Neto Social (VAN Social) de S/. 3,083,906 (USD 811,554).
La inversión inicial para el desarrollo e implementación asciende a S/. 382,929,
destinada a infraestructura tecnológica y desarrollo de la aplicación. Además, el proyecto
presenta un VAN económico de S/3,906,904 (USD 1,055,920) y una TIR de 131%,
evidenciando su viabilidad financiera. Con una perspectiva de cinco años, PractiChamba se
posiciona como una herramienta para mejorar la empleabilidad y la calidad de vida en
Gamarra, contribuyendo significativamente a la formalización y sostenibilidad económica de
uno de los emporios comerciales más grandes de Sudamérica.
PractiChamba is an innovative digital solution designed to formalize and optimize the job search and hiring process at the Gamarra emporium in Lima. This project addresses social and economic challenges arising from informality and inefficient and costly hiring processes in Gamarra, which affect both workers and employers. Currently, it is estimated that 70% of jobs in Gamarra are with verbal contracts, generating high job turnover and lack of stability for thousands of workers. Through a mobile application, PractiChamba allows workers to access job offers and training quickly, while employers can optimize the hiring process by reducing costs and search times. The platform contributes to the sustainability and formalization of employment at the emporium, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG 8, which seeks to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth. Developed with the Flourishing Business Canvas, PractiChamba shows high potential to reduce unemployment, generate savings in time and resources, and reduce the carbon footprint. In terms of social profitability, it offers tangible benefits such as the reduction of expenses in mobility, paper and time in the search for employment, achieving a Social Net Present Value (Social NPV) of S/. 3,083,906 (USD 811,554). The initial investment for the development and implementation amounts to S/. 382,929, destined for technological infrastructure and development of the application. In addition, the project presents an economic NPV of S/3,906,904 (USD 1,055,920) and an IRR of 131%, evidencing its financial viability. With a five-year perspective, PractiChamba is positioned as a tool to improve employability and quality of life in Gamarra, contributing significantly to the formalization and economic sustainability of one of the largest commercial emporiums in South America.
PractiChamba is an innovative digital solution designed to formalize and optimize the job search and hiring process at the Gamarra emporium in Lima. This project addresses social and economic challenges arising from informality and inefficient and costly hiring processes in Gamarra, which affect both workers and employers. Currently, it is estimated that 70% of jobs in Gamarra are with verbal contracts, generating high job turnover and lack of stability for thousands of workers. Through a mobile application, PractiChamba allows workers to access job offers and training quickly, while employers can optimize the hiring process by reducing costs and search times. The platform contributes to the sustainability and formalization of employment at the emporium, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG 8, which seeks to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth. Developed with the Flourishing Business Canvas, PractiChamba shows high potential to reduce unemployment, generate savings in time and resources, and reduce the carbon footprint. In terms of social profitability, it offers tangible benefits such as the reduction of expenses in mobility, paper and time in the search for employment, achieving a Social Net Present Value (Social NPV) of S/. 3,083,906 (USD 811,554). The initial investment for the development and implementation amounts to S/. 382,929, destined for technological infrastructure and development of the application. In addition, the project presents an economic NPV of S/3,906,904 (USD 1,055,920) and an IRR of 131%, evidencing its financial viability. With a five-year perspective, PractiChamba is positioned as a tool to improve employability and quality of life in Gamarra, contributing significantly to the formalization and economic sustainability of one of the largest commercial emporiums in South America.
Empleo--Perú, Contratos de trabajo, Dispositivos móviles
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