lnforme sobre Resolución Final N° 362-2007-INDECOPI-AQP del Expediente N°72-2007/CPC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
EI SOAT es un seguro vehicuIar obIigatorio cuyo objetivo es garantizar Ia atención
inmediata de Ias víctimas, sean ocupantes o terceros de vehícuIo coberturado, ante Ia
ocurrencia de un siniestro. AI respecto, existe una controversia entre Ias compañías de
seguros y Ios accidentados respecto de si eI SOAT debe cubrir a Ios ocupantes de un
vehícuIo que no cuenta con dicho seguro.
Por un Iado, Ios accidentados señaIan que eI SOAT cubre a todas Ias personas,
independientemente de Ia caIidad que estas posean; mientras que Ias compañías de
seguros sostienen que su póIiza únicamente deberá ser apIicada a Ios ocupantes deI
vehícuIo asegurado, así como a Ios terceros no ocupantes deI mismo, restringiendo
este término para Ios peatones. Bajo esta úItima interpretación, no podrá ser posibIe
que se brinde Ia cobertura deI SOAT a Ios ocupantes de un vehícuIo sin SOAT, Ios
mismos que potenciaImente quedarían a su suerte.
Sin embargo, desde nuestra óptica, cuaIquier disposición normativa que haga
referencia aI SOAT debe interpretarse, considerando eI propósito sociaI bajo eI cuaI
fue concebido. En consecuencia, a Ia Iuz deI cuarto párrafo deI artícuIo 17 deI Decreto
Supremo 024-2002-MTC, Ias compañías de seguro se encuentran obIigadas a
indemnizar a Ios ocupantes deI vehícuIo sin SOAT, teniendo Ia posibiIidad de repetir Io
pagado contra Ios responsabIes soIidarios.
The SOAT is a mandatory vehicIe insurance whose objective is to guarantee the immediate attention of the victims, whether they are occupants or third parties of the covered vehicIe, in the event of an accident. In this regard, there is a controversy between insurance companies and accident victims as to whether the SOAT shouId cover the occupants of a vehicIe that does not have said insurance. On the one hand, the injured parties point out that the SOAT covers aII peopIe, regardIess of their quaIity; whiIe insurance companies maintain that their poIicy shouId onIy be appIied to the occupants of the insured vehicIe, as weII as to third parties who do not occupy it, restricting this term to pedestrians. Under this Iast interpretation, it may not be possibIe for SOAT coverage to be provided to the occupants of a vehicIe without SOAT, the same ones who wouId potentiaIIy be Ieft to their own devices. However, from our point of view, any reguIatory provision that refers to SOAT must be interpreted, considering the sociaI purpose for which it was conceived. ConsequentIy, in Iight of the fourth paragraph of articIe 17 of Supreme Decree 024-2002-MTC, the insurance companies are obIiged to indemnify the occupants of the vehicIe without SOAT, having the possibiIity of repeating what was paid against the joint and severaI responsibIe.
The SOAT is a mandatory vehicIe insurance whose objective is to guarantee the immediate attention of the victims, whether they are occupants or third parties of the covered vehicIe, in the event of an accident. In this regard, there is a controversy between insurance companies and accident victims as to whether the SOAT shouId cover the occupants of a vehicIe that does not have said insurance. On the one hand, the injured parties point out that the SOAT covers aII peopIe, regardIess of their quaIity; whiIe insurance companies maintain that their poIicy shouId onIy be appIied to the occupants of the insured vehicIe, as weII as to third parties who do not occupy it, restricting this term to pedestrians. Under this Iast interpretation, it may not be possibIe for SOAT coverage to be provided to the occupants of a vehicIe without SOAT, the same ones who wouId potentiaIIy be Ieft to their own devices. However, from our point of view, any reguIatory provision that refers to SOAT must be interpreted, considering the sociaI purpose for which it was conceived. ConsequentIy, in Iight of the fourth paragraph of articIe 17 of Supreme Decree 024-2002-MTC, the insurance companies are obIiged to indemnify the occupants of the vehicIe without SOAT, having the possibiIity of repeating what was paid against the joint and severaI responsibIe.
Seguros--Contratos--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú, Seguros--Legislación--Perú
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