Análisis de los factores que influyen en la implementación e involucramiento de actores comunales y familias en el Servicio de Acompañamiento a Familias, del Programa Nacional Cuna Más, en el distrito de Acocro, provincia de Huamanga, departamento de Ayacucho, durante los años 2017-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Programa Nacional Cuna Más, se inicia el 23 de marzo del 2012, con el Decreto
Supremo N° 003-2012. Pertenece al Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social
(MIDIS).1 El objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo de los niños y niñas en condiciones
de pobreza menores de 3 años, de forma integral, es decir en su proceso del
desarrollo físico, cognitivo y mental. El Programa Nacional Cuna Mas, posee dos
tipos de servicios; el Servicio de Cuidado Diurno donde los niños y niñas reciben
cuidado y alimentación en los centros a donde acuden. El otro servicio que se
implementó el año 2013, es el Servicio De Acompañamiento a Familias (SAF) el
cual es motivo del presente estudio.
El SAF atiende en ámbitos rurales dispersos con extrema pobreza. En este servicio
es el personal del Programa quienes se acercan a las casas de las familias y les
apoyan trasmitiéndoles acciones que deben de realizar con sus niños y niñas para
mejorar su desarrollo cognitivo, emocional, y de lenguaje. Ambos servicios del
programa Cuna Más se implementan a través de la gestión comunal, como los
Comités de Gestión y Consejos de Vigilancia. El motivo de investigación surge
justamente por el débil involucramiento de estos actores comunales en la cogestión
del Servicio de Acompañamiento a Familias (SAF).
Los resultados señalan que los factores que influyen en la implementación e
involucramiento de los actores comunales son: la priorización de sus actividades de
sobrevivencia, el desconocimiento de sus funciones, la escasa disponibilidad de
tiempo debido al tipo de trabajo que realizan (agricultura), y la insatisfacción por la
inexistencia de estímulos monetarios por las actividades que realizan. Con respecto
a las familias los factores limitantes son también el trabajo en campo, los
quehaceres del hogar que recaen en la mujer, la valoración a las actividades del
programa y la escasa comprensión de que el niño y la niña son personas con
derechos. Estos factores los hemos clasificado en tres lineamientos de investigación: a) El
involucramiento de los actores comunales, b) La participación de las familias
usuarias y c) La estrategia de implementación, del acompañante técnico del SAF.
La investigación es un estudio de caso, cuya metodología es cualitativa. El tipo de
muestreo es no probabilístico y de conveniencia. Para la presente investigación se
consideró de interés a cinco centros poblados del distrito de Acocro; Matará,
Ccollcca, Ccuisa, Ccenhuapampa y Cceracancha; denominado Comité de Gestión
Warma Kuyay.
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo Conocer los factores que influyen en la
implementación del Servicio de Acompañamiento a Familias, del Programa
Nacional Cuna Más, del distrito de Acocro, Ayacucho, durante los años 2017 –
2018, analizando el nivel de involucramiento de los actores comunales y las
familias, así como las acciones que realiza el Programa, para proponer medidas de
mejoras que fortalezcan su implementación.
Los hallazgos nos muestran la necesidad de mayor articulación entre las
instituciones públicas y comunales; y la necesidad de proponer estímulos materiales
significativos a los actores comunales y a las mismas familias. Lo que significa la
reformulación de algunas estrategias y metodologías institucionales del Servicio de
Acompañamiento a Familias (SAF). 1 PROGRAMA NACIONAL CUNA MÁS. Servicio de Acompañamiento a Familias. Consulta: 20 de abril 2019.
The National Cuna Más Program begins on March 23, 2012, with Supreme Decree No. 003-2012. It belongs to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). The objective is to contribute to the development of children in conditions of poverty under 3 years of age, in a comprehensive way, that is, in their process of physical, cognitive and mental development. The Cuna Mas National Program has two types of services; the Day Care Service where children receive care and food in the centers where they go. The other service that was implemented in 2013 is the Family Support Service (SAF) which is the reason for this study. The SAF serves scattered rural areas with extreme poverty. In this service, it is the Program staff who approach the families' homes and support them by transmitting actions that they must carry out with their children to improve their cognitive, emotional, and language development. Both services of the Cuna Más program are implemented through community management, such as Management Committees and Vigilance Councils. The reason for the investigation arises precisely from the weak involvement of these community actors in the co-management of the Family Support Service (SAF). The results indicate that the factors that influence the implementation and involvement of community actors are: prioritization of their survival activities, ignorance of their functions, scarce time availability due to the type of work they perform (agriculture), and dissatisfaction with the inexistence of monetary stimuli for the activities they carry out. With regard to families, the limiting factors are also work in the field, household chores that fall on the woman, the evaluation of program activities and the scant understanding that boys and girls are people with rights. We have classified these factors into three research guidelines: a) The involvement of community actors, b) The participation of the user families, and c) The implementation strategy of the SAF technical assistant. The research is a case study, whose methodology is qualitative. The type of sampling is non-probabilistic and of convenience. For the present investigation, five populated centers of the Acocro district were considered of interest; Maará, Ccollcca, Ccuisa, Ccenhuapampa and Cceracancha; called the Warma Kuyay Management Committee. The objective of this thesis was to know the factors that influence the implementation of the Family Support Service, of the National Program Cuna Más, of the district of Acocro, Ayacucho, during the years 2017 - 2018, analyzing the level of involvement of community actors and families, as well as the actions carried out by the Program, to propose improvement measures that strengthen their implementation. The findings show us the need for greater articulation between public and communal institutions; and the need to propose significant material stimuli to community actors and to families themselves. Which means the reformulation of some institutional strategies and methodologies of the Family Support Service (SAF).
The National Cuna Más Program begins on March 23, 2012, with Supreme Decree No. 003-2012. It belongs to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). The objective is to contribute to the development of children in conditions of poverty under 3 years of age, in a comprehensive way, that is, in their process of physical, cognitive and mental development. The Cuna Mas National Program has two types of services; the Day Care Service where children receive care and food in the centers where they go. The other service that was implemented in 2013 is the Family Support Service (SAF) which is the reason for this study. The SAF serves scattered rural areas with extreme poverty. In this service, it is the Program staff who approach the families' homes and support them by transmitting actions that they must carry out with their children to improve their cognitive, emotional, and language development. Both services of the Cuna Más program are implemented through community management, such as Management Committees and Vigilance Councils. The reason for the investigation arises precisely from the weak involvement of these community actors in the co-management of the Family Support Service (SAF). The results indicate that the factors that influence the implementation and involvement of community actors are: prioritization of their survival activities, ignorance of their functions, scarce time availability due to the type of work they perform (agriculture), and dissatisfaction with the inexistence of monetary stimuli for the activities they carry out. With regard to families, the limiting factors are also work in the field, household chores that fall on the woman, the evaluation of program activities and the scant understanding that boys and girls are people with rights. We have classified these factors into three research guidelines: a) The involvement of community actors, b) The participation of the user families, and c) The implementation strategy of the SAF technical assistant. The research is a case study, whose methodology is qualitative. The type of sampling is non-probabilistic and of convenience. For the present investigation, five populated centers of the Acocro district were considered of interest; Maará, Ccollcca, Ccuisa, Ccenhuapampa and Cceracancha; called the Warma Kuyay Management Committee. The objective of this thesis was to know the factors that influence the implementation of the Family Support Service, of the National Program Cuna Más, of the district of Acocro, Ayacucho, during the years 2017 - 2018, analyzing the level of involvement of community actors and families, as well as the actions carried out by the Program, to propose improvement measures that strengthen their implementation. The findings show us the need for greater articulation between public and communal institutions; and the need to propose significant material stimuli to community actors and to families themselves. Which means the reformulation of some institutional strategies and methodologies of the Family Support Service (SAF).
Programa Nacional Cuna Más (Perú), Niños--Programas sociales--Perú, Trabajo social con las familias--Perú, Trabajo social con niños--Perú
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