La comunicación estratégica en la gestión de Susana Villarán como alcaldesa de Lima (2011 – 2014): el caso del Programa Cultura Viva Comunitaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis analiza las características de la estrategia de comunicación para
promover la participación de organizaciones culturales comunitarias implementada en
el programa Cultura Viva Comunitaria en el período de la gestión de gobierno de
Susana Villarán como alcaldesa de Lima Metropolitana. La investigación tiene un
enfoque metodológico cualitativo que ha permitido los testimonios y valoraciones de
los funcionarios responsables de la ejecución del programa Cultura Viva Comunitaria
y de los miembros de organizaciones culturales con base comunitaria. Así también, se
realizó un análisis de los documentos pertinentes al programa elaborados por la
Municipalidad de Lima Metropolitana en el período 2011 - 2014. Ambos actores
estuvieron insertos en el proceso de coordinación y planificación de actividades del
programa. Además, constituyeron espacios de diálogo para la participación directa de
organizaciones culturales en la elaboración de la Ordenanza Municipal N°1673, que
instituyó al programa Cultura Viva Comunitaria como una política pública local. Se
tiene como conclusión general que el programa Cultura Viva Comunitaria contribuyó
en el fortalecimiento de la democracia constituyendo espacios para la comunicación y
la participación ciudadana directa de las organizaciones culturales de base comunitaria
cuyo rol fue protagónico para el desarrollo de las actividades del programa, y para la
institución del programa como política pública local por medio de una ordenanza
municipal; además, logró articular las actividades y los resultados del programa con
los objetivos institucionales de la gestión de gobierno a través de las estrategias de
relacionamiento que se implementaron.
The present study analyzes the characteristics and scope of the communication strategy implemented in the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program during the government administration of Susana Villarán as mayor of Metropolitan Lima to promote the participation of community-based cultural organizations in the midst of a political and media environment hostile to the government. The research has a qualitative methodological approach that allows collecting and analyzing the testimonies and evaluations of the officials responsible for the execution of the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program and the members of community-based cultural organizations. Likewise, an analysis was carried out of the documents relevant to the program prepared by the Municipality of Metropolitan Lima in the period 2011 - 2014. Both actors were involved in the process of coordination and planning of program activities. In addition, they constituted spaces for dialogue for the direct participation of cultural organizations in the preparation of Municipal Ordinance No. 1673, which established the Community Living Culture program as a local public policy. The general conclusion is that the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program contributed to the strengthening of democracy by constituting spaces for communication and direct citizen participation of community-based cultural organizations whose role was leading in the development of the program's activities, and for the institution of the program as local public policy through a municipal ordinance; In addition, it managed to articulate the activities and results of the program with the institutional objectives of government management through the relationship strategies that were implemented.
The present study analyzes the characteristics and scope of the communication strategy implemented in the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program during the government administration of Susana Villarán as mayor of Metropolitan Lima to promote the participation of community-based cultural organizations in the midst of a political and media environment hostile to the government. The research has a qualitative methodological approach that allows collecting and analyzing the testimonies and evaluations of the officials responsible for the execution of the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program and the members of community-based cultural organizations. Likewise, an analysis was carried out of the documents relevant to the program prepared by the Municipality of Metropolitan Lima in the period 2011 - 2014. Both actors were involved in the process of coordination and planning of program activities. In addition, they constituted spaces for dialogue for the direct participation of cultural organizations in the preparation of Municipal Ordinance No. 1673, which established the Community Living Culture program as a local public policy. The general conclusion is that the Cultura Viva Comunitaria program contributed to the strengthening of democracy by constituting spaces for communication and direct citizen participation of community-based cultural organizations whose role was leading in the development of the program's activities, and for the institution of the program as local public policy through a municipal ordinance; In addition, it managed to articulate the activities and results of the program with the institutional objectives of government management through the relationship strategies that were implemented.
Gobierno municipal--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Desarrollo de la comunidad--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Cultura popular--Perú--Lima Metropolitana--Participación ciudadana, Comunicación en el desarrollo comunitario--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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