Cuidar en igualdad: análisis de las licencias por maternidad y paternidad a raíz de la experiencia de madres trabajadoras del sector financiero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende demostrar cómo las leyes N.º 26644 y N.º 29409
que otorgan el derecho a la licencia por maternidad y por paternidad, respectivamente, han
sido concebidas sin considerar un enfoque de género al reforzar el rol de la mujer como
cuidadora y no permitir que las madres trabajadoras concilien con corresponsabilidad las
responsabilidades familiares y las laborales, generando así un efecto perjudicial para las
mujeres, incluso en aquellos sectores donde las trabajadoras son consideradas
“privilegiadas” por la calidad de empleo al que acceden tal como lo es el sector financiero.
Para ello, en el primer capítulo se analiza la participación de la mujer en el mercado laboral
peruano en base a estadística disponible y se desarrollan conceptos necesarios para abordar
la problemática planteada tales como conciliación, corresponsabilidad, igualdad y
discriminación estructural. En el segundo capítulo se analiza la experiencia de trabajadoras
de importantes empresas del sector financiero en torno a la licencia por maternidad y la
licencia por paternidad gozada por sus esposos o convivientes luego de convertirse en
madres, poniendo énfasis en cómo, incluso cuando las empresas implementan políticas
corporativas en pro de la igualdad de género, las mujeres no están exentas de sufrir de
discriminación con la actual regulación de las referidas licencias. Finalmente, en el tercer
capítulo y a la luz de los resultados de las entrevistas realizadas a las trabajadoras del sector
financiero, se analiza cómo la actual regulación de las licencias por maternidad y paternidad
representa una vulneración al principio-derecho de igualdad y al mandato de no
discriminación en perjuicio de las mujeres y se propone la implementación de una licencia
parental que corrija dichas deficiencias, sin dejar de lado el rol que juegan los empleadores
en el logro de la conciliación con corresponsabilidad.
This research paper aims to demonstrate how the Peruvian laws N.º 26644 and N.º 29409, which grant the right to maternity and paternity leave, respectively, have been conceived without considering a gender approach by reinforcing the role of women as caregivers and not allowing working mothers to balance family and work responsibilities, thus generating a negative effect on women, even in those sectors where women workers are considered "privileged" because of the quality of employment they have access to, such as the financial sector. To this end, the first chapter analyzes women's participation in the Peruvian labor market based on available statistics and develops the concepts necessary to address the problems raised, such as conciliation, co-responsibility, equality and structural discrimination. The second chapter analyzes the experience of female employees of important companies in the financial sector regarding maternity and paternity leave taken by their husbands or partners after becoming mothers, emphasizing how, even when companies implement corporate policies in favor of gender equality, women are not exempt from suffering discrimination with the current regulation of these leaves. Finally, in the third chapter and in accordance to the results of the interviews conducted with female workers in the financial sector, we analyze how the current regulation of maternity and paternity leave represents a violation of the principle of equality and the mandate of non-discrimination against women. This study proposes the implementation of a parental leave that corrects these deficiencies, without neglecting the crucial role played by employers in the achievement of reconciliation with co-responsibility to promote gender equality.
This research paper aims to demonstrate how the Peruvian laws N.º 26644 and N.º 29409, which grant the right to maternity and paternity leave, respectively, have been conceived without considering a gender approach by reinforcing the role of women as caregivers and not allowing working mothers to balance family and work responsibilities, thus generating a negative effect on women, even in those sectors where women workers are considered "privileged" because of the quality of employment they have access to, such as the financial sector. To this end, the first chapter analyzes women's participation in the Peruvian labor market based on available statistics and develops the concepts necessary to address the problems raised, such as conciliation, co-responsibility, equality and structural discrimination. The second chapter analyzes the experience of female employees of important companies in the financial sector regarding maternity and paternity leave taken by their husbands or partners after becoming mothers, emphasizing how, even when companies implement corporate policies in favor of gender equality, women are not exempt from suffering discrimination with the current regulation of these leaves. Finally, in the third chapter and in accordance to the results of the interviews conducted with female workers in the financial sector, we analyze how the current regulation of maternity and paternity leave represents a violation of the principle of equality and the mandate of non-discrimination against women. This study proposes the implementation of a parental leave that corrects these deficiencies, without neglecting the crucial role played by employers in the achievement of reconciliation with co-responsibility to promote gender equality.
Maternidad--Legislación--Perú, Paternidad (Derecho)--Perú, Género--Investigaciones--Perú, Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú, Licencias--Perú