Planeamiento estratégico del distrito de Palcazú provincia de Oxapampa región Pasco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El planeamiento estratégico para el distrito de Palcazú se ha desarrollado siguiendo la
metodología propuesta por D’Alessio (2015), con el objetivo de desarrollar un instrumento de
gestión que servirá como guía en el proceso de desarrollo del distrito, en la cual se han
plasmado la visión, misión y los objetivos que se alcanzaran al 2026 y las estrategias para
alcanzarlos. El distrito cuenta con 10,110 habitantes, está ubicado en el departamento de
Pasco en zona de selva baja, con clima cálido y rodeado de áreas naturales protegidas.
Al 2026 se han planteado los siguientes objetivos: (a) se incrementará a 10,000 hectáreas el
área de producción agrícola principalmente de cacao, el 10% de la producción de Cacao serán
transformados con valor agregado; (b) un 60% de los centros poblados del distrito tendrá
acceso a través carreteras y un 60% más de habitantes tendrá acceso a Internet, telefonía fija
y móvil; (c) el 80% de los hogares tendrá acceso a energía eléctria; (d) se habrá reducido al
20% la pobreza en el distrito.; (e) el 70% de la población del distrito contará con al menos
educación secundaria completa, y se construirá un instituto superior tecnológico; y (f) el 80%
de los habitantes tendrá acceso a los servicios de agua y desagüe.
Para alcanzar los objetivos se debe implementar las siguientes estrategias: (a) desarrollar
proyectos integrales de producción y comercialización de cacao como producto bandera; (b)
incentivar y financiar la producción de peces tropicales para mejorar el acceso a proteínas en
la población de menores ingresos; (c) desarrollar proyectos de mejoramiento ganadero para
todo el distrito; (d) desarrollar y ejecutar proyectos de conservación, manejo de bosques
sostenibles; (e) Implementar proyectos de inversión pública para el mejoramiento y
construcción de carreteras y obras; (f) desarrollar cultivos como el plátano kion, maní, como
productos alternativos; (g) implementar proyectos de inversión pública en saneamiento básico
en todos los centros poblados y anexos; (h) ampliar la cobertura de energía eléctrica a todos
los centros poblados del distrito; y (i) formular proyectos de reforestación y agroforestería
para bosques tropicales
The strategic planning for the district of Palcazu has been developed following the methodology proposed by D'Alessio (2015), with the aim of developing a management tool that will serve as a guide in the development process of the district, in which the vision, mission and objectives to be achieved by 2026 and the strategies to achieve them, have been articulated. The district, with 10,110 inhabitants, is located in the department of Pasco in a zone of low jungle, with a warm climate and surrounded by protected natural areas. By 2022, the following objectives have been set: (a) the area of agricultural production, mainly of cocoa, will be increased to reach 10,000 hectares, and 10% of the production of cocoa will be transformed with added value; (b) 60% of the populated centers of the district will have access to highways and, an 60% of the inhabitants will have access to the Internet, fixed and mobile telephony; (c) the 80% of total households will have access to electrical energy; (d) poverty will be reduced to 20%; (e) 70% of the district population will have at least complete secondary education and a technological institute will be built; and (f) 80% of the district population will have access to water and sewage services. To achieve the objectives, the following strategies must be implemented: (a) develop integral cocoa production and marketing projects to market cocoa as a flagship product.;(b) Encourage and finance the production of tropical fish to improve access to protein in the lower income population; (c) develop livestock improvement projects for the entire district; (d) develop and execute conservation projects and sustainable forest management; (e) implement public investment projects for the improvement and construction of roads and works. (f) Develop crops such as banana, ginger, peanuts, as alternative products; (g) conduct public investment projects in basic sanitation in all population centers and annexes; (h) expand electricity coverage to all population centers; and (i) formulate reforestation and agroforestry projects for tropical forests
The strategic planning for the district of Palcazu has been developed following the methodology proposed by D'Alessio (2015), with the aim of developing a management tool that will serve as a guide in the development process of the district, in which the vision, mission and objectives to be achieved by 2026 and the strategies to achieve them, have been articulated. The district, with 10,110 inhabitants, is located in the department of Pasco in a zone of low jungle, with a warm climate and surrounded by protected natural areas. By 2022, the following objectives have been set: (a) the area of agricultural production, mainly of cocoa, will be increased to reach 10,000 hectares, and 10% of the production of cocoa will be transformed with added value; (b) 60% of the populated centers of the district will have access to highways and, an 60% of the inhabitants will have access to the Internet, fixed and mobile telephony; (c) the 80% of total households will have access to electrical energy; (d) poverty will be reduced to 20%; (e) 70% of the district population will have at least complete secondary education and a technological institute will be built; and (f) 80% of the district population will have access to water and sewage services. To achieve the objectives, the following strategies must be implemented: (a) develop integral cocoa production and marketing projects to market cocoa as a flagship product.;(b) Encourage and finance the production of tropical fish to improve access to protein in the lower income population; (c) develop livestock improvement projects for the entire district; (d) develop and execute conservation projects and sustainable forest management; (e) implement public investment projects for the improvement and construction of roads and works. (f) Develop crops such as banana, ginger, peanuts, as alternative products; (g) conduct public investment projects in basic sanitation in all population centers and annexes; (h) expand electricity coverage to all population centers; and (i) formulate reforestation and agroforestry projects for tropical forests
Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Pasco, Planificación regional -- Perú -- Pasco, Planificación estratégica
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