Propuesta de implementación del segundo eje del plan de sostenibilidad de la empresa comercializadora de Hidrocarburos y Derivados S.A. (ECHD)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Empresa Comercializadora de Hidrocarburos y Derivados S.A. (ECHD) es una
organización líder en la distribución de hidrocarburos en Perú, Ecuador y Colombia. ECHD
fue fundada en el año 2000 en el Perú. Actualmente, ECHD cuenta con una participación de
mercado del 32% y 1,759 estaciones de servicios en el Perú, con el 22% de participación de
mercado y 740 estaciones en Colombia y con 22% de participación de mercado y 202
estaciones de servicio en Ecuador. Adicionalmente, ECHD realiza actividades de
comercialización de gas licuado de petróleo (GLP), aceites, grasas, lubricantes en general,
otros derivados o aditivos químicos derivados del petróleo, tiendas de conveniencia,
línea de productos car care, gas natural vehicular (GNV), entre otros.
Se ha realizado una consultoría para la implementación del segundo eje del plan de
sostenibilidad a nivel regional, en el que se detalla los análisis externo e interno, así como las
acciones a desarrollar en Perú, Colombia y Ecuador, tales como: (a) promover buenas
prácticas de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente (SSMA) a nivel regional; (b) desarrollar
prácticas de inclusión colaborativa en gestión y desarrollo humano y (c) desarrollar prácticas
que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de las comunidades aledañas a sus operaciones.
La implementación del segundo eje del plan de sostenibilidad regional permitirá
fortalecer una cultura regional, unificar los procesos y fortalecer la marca y el enfoque en el
ambiente, lo cual de manera indirecta permitirá mejorar sus indicadores comerciales. Sin
embargo, es necesario que la ECHD disponga de recursos tangibles e intangibles a nivel
regional, para la implementación exitosa del proyecto. Se recomienda tener en cuenta las
prevenciones de riesgos de salud debido a la pandemia de la COVID-19 y la implementación
de un tablero de control para el seguimiento y control de las propuestas del equipo consultor.
The Empresa Comercializadora de Hidrocarburos y Derivados S.A. (ECHD) is a leading organization in the distribution of hydrocarbons in Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. ECHD was founded in the year 2000 in Peru. ECHD currently has 32% market share and 1,759 service stations in Peru, 22% market share and 740 stations in Colombia, and 22% market share and 202 service stations in Ecuador. Additionally, ECHD carries out marketing activities for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), oils, greases, lubricants in general, other derivatives or chemical additives derived from petroleum, convenience stores, bunkering, a line of car care products, vehicular natural gas (VNG), among others. A consultancy has been carried out for the implementation of the second axis of the sustainability plan at the regional level, detailing the external and internal analysis, as well as the actions to be developed in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, such as: (a) to promote good safety, health, and environment (SSMA) practices at the regional level; (b) to develop practices of collaborative inclusion in management and human development, and (c) to develop practices that contribute to improving the quality of life of the communities surrounding its operations. The implementation of the second axis of the regional sustainability plan will strengthen a regional culture, unify processes, and strengthen the brand and the focus on the environment, which will indirectly improve its business indicators. However, it is necessary for the ECHD to have available tangible and intangible resources at the regional level, for the successful implementation of the project. It is recommended to take into account the prevention of health risks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of a control panel for monitoring and controlling the proposals of the consulting team.
The Empresa Comercializadora de Hidrocarburos y Derivados S.A. (ECHD) is a leading organization in the distribution of hydrocarbons in Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. ECHD was founded in the year 2000 in Peru. ECHD currently has 32% market share and 1,759 service stations in Peru, 22% market share and 740 stations in Colombia, and 22% market share and 202 service stations in Ecuador. Additionally, ECHD carries out marketing activities for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), oils, greases, lubricants in general, other derivatives or chemical additives derived from petroleum, convenience stores, bunkering, a line of car care products, vehicular natural gas (VNG), among others. A consultancy has been carried out for the implementation of the second axis of the sustainability plan at the regional level, detailing the external and internal analysis, as well as the actions to be developed in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, such as: (a) to promote good safety, health, and environment (SSMA) practices at the regional level; (b) to develop practices of collaborative inclusion in management and human development, and (c) to develop practices that contribute to improving the quality of life of the communities surrounding its operations. The implementation of the second axis of the regional sustainability plan will strengthen a regional culture, unify processes, and strengthen the brand and the focus on the environment, which will indirectly improve its business indicators. However, it is necessary for the ECHD to have available tangible and intangible resources at the regional level, for the successful implementation of the project. It is recommended to take into account the prevention of health risks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of a control panel for monitoring and controlling the proposals of the consulting team.
COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Hidrocarburos--Aspectos ambientales--Perú, Sostenibilidad empresarial, Combustibles--Industria y comercio--Perú