Plan de estratégico de marketing para la comercialización de uva de mesa en el mercado peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, la uva de mesa se posiciona en el séptimo lugar entre las frutas más
consumidas en Lima Metropolitana. A pesar de su reconocida calidad, disponibilidad durante
todo el año y valor nutricional, el consumo interno se mantiene bajo en comparación con las
exportaciones. Ante esta situación y con el fin de contribuir a la misión del sector de
incrementar el consumo local como internacional, se plantea un plan de marketing integral
para el periodo 2025-2029, cuyo objetivo será aumentar el consumo de uva de mesa en el
segmento NSE AB en los distritos de Lima Metropolitana.
La investigación revela que el mercado limeño ofrece condiciones favorables como
un crecimiento sostenido, una alta capacidad adquisitiva del segmento objetivo y una
creciente conciencia sobre la salud. Estas condiciones han potenciado la preferencia por
productos naturales y sostenibles, lo que ofrece un contexto idóneo para destacar las
propiedades nutricionales, la textura y el sabor distintivo de la uva de mesa peruana.
Logrando capitalizar esta oportunidad y promover su consumo local de manera efectiva.
El plan establece metas para 2029: a) posicionar la uva de mesa entre las frutas más
consumidas en el segmento premium NSE AB, b) asegurar el reconocimiento de sus
variedades y beneficios, c) introducir empaques eco amigables y d) expandir su presencia en
puntos de venta estratégicos. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se implementarán estrategias
Above The Line (ATL) y Below The Line (BTL) orientadas a educar y concientizar sobre los
atributos de la uva de mesa, promoviendo prácticas sostenibles y saludables alineadas con las
expectativas actuales.
Currently, table grapes rank seventh among the most consumed fruits in Lima Metropolitana. Despite their recognized quality, year-round availability, and nutritional value, domestic consumption remains low compared to exports. Given this scenario, and with the aim of supporting the sector's mission to increase both local and international consumption, a comprehensive marketing plan is proposed for the 2025-2029 period. The objective is to increase table grape consumption within the NSE AB segment in the districts of Lima Metropolitana. The research reveals that the Lima market offers favorable conditions such as sustained growth, high purchasing power of the target segment, and a growing awareness of health. These factors have enhanced the preference for natural and sustainable products, creating an ideal context to highlight the nutritional properties, texture, and distinctive flavor of Peruvian table grapes. Capitalizing on this opportunity will effectively promote local consumption. The plan sets targets for 2029: a) position table grapes among the most consumed fruits within the premium NSE AB segment, b) ensure recognition of their varieties and benefits, c) introduce eco-friendly packaging, and d) expand their presence in strategic sales points. To achieve these objectives, Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) strategies will be implemented, focusing on educating and raising awareness of table grapes' attributes while promoting sustainable and healthy practices aligned with current consumer expectations.
Currently, table grapes rank seventh among the most consumed fruits in Lima Metropolitana. Despite their recognized quality, year-round availability, and nutritional value, domestic consumption remains low compared to exports. Given this scenario, and with the aim of supporting the sector's mission to increase both local and international consumption, a comprehensive marketing plan is proposed for the 2025-2029 period. The objective is to increase table grape consumption within the NSE AB segment in the districts of Lima Metropolitana. The research reveals that the Lima market offers favorable conditions such as sustained growth, high purchasing power of the target segment, and a growing awareness of health. These factors have enhanced the preference for natural and sustainable products, creating an ideal context to highlight the nutritional properties, texture, and distinctive flavor of Peruvian table grapes. Capitalizing on this opportunity will effectively promote local consumption. The plan sets targets for 2029: a) position table grapes among the most consumed fruits within the premium NSE AB segment, b) ensure recognition of their varieties and benefits, c) introduce eco-friendly packaging, and d) expand their presence in strategic sales points. To achieve these objectives, Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) strategies will be implemented, focusing on educating and raising awareness of table grapes' attributes while promoting sustainable and healthy practices aligned with current consumer expectations.
Uvas--Planificación estratégica, Frutas--Consumo