Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 0084-2020/SDC-INDECOPI: Uber ¿El villano de la competencia o la mejor oferta?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los cuestionamientos acerca de las plataformas digitales y su participación en el mercado han
suscitado importantes discusiones de índole dogmático y decisiones políticas frente a su
regulación en distintos Estados. Así, nos encontramos frente a un estado de incertidumbre
frente a la naturaleza jurídica de estas plataformas, lo cual nos exige identificar, por un lado,
el servicio que se ofrece en particular y, por el otro, el grado de intervención frente a las
prestaciones del servicio subsidiario que ofrecen: el servicio de taxi. Uber se puede
considerar como un instrumento de intermediación, pero en distintos partes del mundo puede
delimitarse sus funciones en marco de esta nueva modalidad de negocio y la necesidad de la
normativa actual de recoger su desenvolvimiento en el mercado. Además, el presente informe
delimitará no solo la posición en el derecho comparado sobre la naturaleza de estas
plataformas, también de indagará la uniformidad de pronunciamientos que ha tenido el
INDECOPI sobre esta coyuntura, en específico, las Comisiones de Competencia Desleal y la
Comisión de Protección al Consumidor.
De esta forma, se analiza la Resolución N° 0084-2020/SDC-INDECOPI en función de
determinar el rol de las plataformas digitales en la regulación peruana, como también, si su
desarrollo significa un acto de competencia desleal en la modalidad de violación de normas,
considerando que la Ordenanza 1684° se encarga de regularizar las modalidades de
prestación del servicio de transporte y, si la condición de economía colaborativa, exime a las
plataformas digitales del cumplimiento esta normatividad.
Como conclusión, se puede identificar la labor de intermediación de estas nuevas plataformas
digitales como Uber; no obstante, se resalta su índice de participación frente a la prestación
del servicio de transporte. No obstante, de acuerdo a la modalidad de violación de normas, no
sería suficiente para poder declarar a Uber como responsable frente a aquella infracción.
Questions about digital platforms and their participation in the market have given rise to important dogmatic discussions and political decisions regarding their regulation in different States. Thus, we are facing a state of uncertainty regarding the legal nature of these platforms, which requires us to identify, on the one hand, the service offered in particular and, on the other hand, the degree of intervention in the provision of the subsidiary service they offer: the cab service. Uber can be considered as an intermediation tool, but in different parts of the world its functions can be delimited within the framework of this new business modality and the need for the current regulations to reflect its development in the market. In addition, this report will not only delimit the position in comparative law on the nature of these platforms, but will also investigate the uniformity of pronouncements that INDECOPI has had on this situation, specifically, the Unfair Competition Commissions and the Consumer Protection Commission. In this way, Resolution No. 0084-2020/SDC-INDECOPI is analyzed in order to determine the role of digital platforms in the Peruvian regulation, as well as whether its development means an act of unfair competition in the form of violation of rules, considering that Ordinance 1684° is responsible for regulating the modalities of provision of transportation services and whether the condition of collaborative economy exempts digital platforms from compliance with this regulation. As a conclusion, it is possible to identify the intermediation work of these new digital platforms such as Uber; however, their participation rate in the provision of transportation services is highlighted. However, according to the modality of violation of regulations, it would not be enough to declare Uber as responsible for that infraction.
Questions about digital platforms and their participation in the market have given rise to important dogmatic discussions and political decisions regarding their regulation in different States. Thus, we are facing a state of uncertainty regarding the legal nature of these platforms, which requires us to identify, on the one hand, the service offered in particular and, on the other hand, the degree of intervention in the provision of the subsidiary service they offer: the cab service. Uber can be considered as an intermediation tool, but in different parts of the world its functions can be delimited within the framework of this new business modality and the need for the current regulations to reflect its development in the market. In addition, this report will not only delimit the position in comparative law on the nature of these platforms, but will also investigate the uniformity of pronouncements that INDECOPI has had on this situation, specifically, the Unfair Competition Commissions and the Consumer Protection Commission. In this way, Resolution No. 0084-2020/SDC-INDECOPI is analyzed in order to determine the role of digital platforms in the Peruvian regulation, as well as whether its development means an act of unfair competition in the form of violation of rules, considering that Ordinance 1684° is responsible for regulating the modalities of provision of transportation services and whether the condition of collaborative economy exempts digital platforms from compliance with this regulation. As a conclusion, it is possible to identify the intermediation work of these new digital platforms such as Uber; however, their participation rate in the provision of transportation services is highlighted. However, according to the modality of violation of regulations, it would not be enough to declare Uber as responsible for that infraction.
Protección del consumidor--Perú, Transporte urbano--Perú--Estudio de casos, Competencia económica desleal, Comercio electrónico, Internet, Consumidores
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