Análisis y propuesta de mejora en la operatividad de locaciones del proyecto Camisea, enfocado en lean cluster, de la empresa Pluspetrol Perú Corporation
Bazán Rivera, Anthony Emanuel
Coronado Salgado, Ebert Ronald
Ciezza Hoyos, Sócrates Adolfo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se ha elaborado un business consulting para la empresa Pluspetrol Peru Corporation S.A., la
cual es socio y operador del proyecto de gas Camisea (lote 88 y 56), y tiene el mayor aporte
de gas natural para uso industrial, vehicular y doméstico, así mismo contribuye en la
generación del 40% energía eléctrica del territorio nacional. Para ello, se ha realizado una
evaluación sobre la empresa y su modelo de negocio, y ha sido necesario efectuar un análisis
del contexto del mercado de los hidrocarburos en el Perú, así como un análisis interno y
externo propio de la empresa, para lo cual se han utilizado los análisis PESTEL y FODA, que
permitieron identificar principalmente las oportunidades y fortalezas que tiene esta empresa
en el desarrollo energético del Perú. Se realizó el diagnóstico empresarial, en el que se
observó el mapa de procesos, identificando a su unidad de negocio Planta Malvinas como la
de mayor impacto en la compañía, se identificaron los problemas principales y la causa raíz,
para así realizar una propuesta de valor que le permita a Pluspetrol operar en un escenario
rentable y sostenible que le permita tener un impacto positivo en las personas, el medio
ambiente, su reputación y la gestión de activos/producción. Para ello, se han utilizado las
herramientas de análisis 7Ms, Diagrama de Ishikawa, Matriz de Criticidad y Priorización de
Problemas, Diagrama de Pareto. Es a partir de este punto que se presentaron propuestas de
solución para lograr optimizaciones y eliminar desperdicios en las locaciones remotas o
“clusters” del lote 88 y 56, a través de la remotización de sus operaciones, lo que se ha
denominado como Lean Cluster. La principal propuesta se basa en la eliminación de procesos
que requieren la presencia permanente de personal operativo en las locaciones para que se
mantenga continua la producción desde los pozos de gas, ya sea por un alto índice de falla en
los equipos o por su impacto que puede tener en el medio ambiente o comunidades. Es así
que se presenta un estatus actual (Cluster As Is) y el estatus deseado (Cluster To Be).
This business consulting has been prepared for the company Pluspetrol Peru Corporation S.A., which is a partner and operator of the Camisea gas project (Blocks 88 and 56), which has the largest contribution of natural gas for vehicular and domestic use, and also contributes in the generation of 40% electrical energy in the national territory. To do this, a presentation has been made about the company and its business model, and it has been necessary to carry out an analysis of the hydrocarbon context in Peru, as well as, an internal and external analysis of the company, for which the PESTEL and SWOT analysis, which allows us to mainly identify the opportunities and strengths that this company has in the energy development of Peru. Likewise, a business diagnosis is carried out, in which the process map is observed, and major problems are identified along with their root causes, in order to make a value proposition that allows Pluspetrol to continue having a positive impact on people, the environment, its reputation and asset/production management. For this, some important tools have been used such as 7Ms, Ishikawa Diagram, Problem Criticality and Prioritization Matrix, Pareto Diagram. It is from this point that solution proposals are presented to achieve optimizations and eliminate waste in the remote locations or “clusters” of blocks 88 and 56, through the remotization of their operations, which has been called Lean Cluster. The main proposal is based on the elimination of some processes, which require the permanent presence of operational personnel at the locations to maintain continuous production from the gas wells, either due to a high rate of equipment failure or due to its impact it can have on the environment or communities. This is how a current status (Cluster As Is) and the desired status (Cluster To Be) are presented.
This business consulting has been prepared for the company Pluspetrol Peru Corporation S.A., which is a partner and operator of the Camisea gas project (Blocks 88 and 56), which has the largest contribution of natural gas for vehicular and domestic use, and also contributes in the generation of 40% electrical energy in the national territory. To do this, a presentation has been made about the company and its business model, and it has been necessary to carry out an analysis of the hydrocarbon context in Peru, as well as, an internal and external analysis of the company, for which the PESTEL and SWOT analysis, which allows us to mainly identify the opportunities and strengths that this company has in the energy development of Peru. Likewise, a business diagnosis is carried out, in which the process map is observed, and major problems are identified along with their root causes, in order to make a value proposition that allows Pluspetrol to continue having a positive impact on people, the environment, its reputation and asset/production management. For this, some important tools have been used such as 7Ms, Ishikawa Diagram, Problem Criticality and Prioritization Matrix, Pareto Diagram. It is from this point that solution proposals are presented to achieve optimizations and eliminate waste in the remote locations or “clusters” of blocks 88 and 56, through the remotization of their operations, which has been called Lean Cluster. The main proposal is based on the elimination of some processes, which require the permanent presence of operational personnel at the locations to maintain continuous production from the gas wells, either due to a high rate of equipment failure or due to its impact it can have on the environment or communities. This is how a current status (Cluster As Is) and the desired status (Cluster To Be) are presented.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Gas natural--Perú