Planeamiento estratégico del sistema educativo posgrado público en Tacna
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Frecuentemente se han realizado observaciones sobre por qué la enseñanza, en todo
nivel, es mediocre o baja en las instituciones estatales o nacionales, aunque no se ha
considerado un análisis minucioso en base a esta premisa. Por ello, se ha decidido llevar a
cabo el presente Planeamiento Estratégico del Sistema Educativo Posgrado Público en Tacna,
que busca responder a este requerimiento, ya que solo se orienta hacia el nivel educativo de
posgrado de una sola región del país: Tacna.
En instituciones nacionales o estatales, la enseñanza en programas de posgrado
presenta un gran potencial; sin embargo, este no ha sido desarrollado, quizás por falta de
conocimiento, por falta de voluntad o, simplemente, porque no se quiere desarrollar nada
nuevo. En el siguiente plan estratégico, se ha realizado un profundo análisis interno y externo
de las fortalezas, ventajas y oportunidades, así como de las amenazas y debilidades del
Sistema Educativo Posgrado Público en Tacna, investigando tanto en el país como en países
aledaños. Para ello se ha hecho uso de herramientas y pautas desarrolladas en el libro El
Proceso Estratégico: Un Enfoque de Gerencia, escrito por D’Alessio (2008), las cuales
permitirán entender y enfocar los esfuerzos necesarios para el logro de este plan estratégico.
Se sustenta que para el 2025, el Sistema Educativo Posgrado Público en Tacna deberá
ser reconocido por su excelencia académica, por sus aportes en trabajos de investigación
necesarios para el país y por contar con una infraestructura acorde con los avances
tecnológicos en su campo. Existen fortalezas y oportunidades, así como los recursos
necesarios; solo queda pendiente ejecutar el siguiente plan estratégico acompañado de la
actitud para cambiar y alcanzar mejoras para esta región y, por ende, para el Perú
Observations are frequently made on why is teaching at all levels mediocre or low level in local or state institutions, although a detailed analysis has not been considered based on this assumption. It has thus been decided to undertake the present Strategic Planning of the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna which seeks to answer this request, as it is only directed at the postgraduate educational level of one region of the country: Tacna. In local or state institutions, the teaching of post graduate programs presents a great potential, that, however, has not been developed, maybe because of lack of knowledge, lack of will or simply because nothing new wants to be developed. In the following strategic planning a profound internal and external analysis has been developed of the strengths, advantages and opportunities as well as the threats and weaknesses of the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna, investigating the country as well as neighboring countries. For this, the tools and guidelines developed in the book The Strategic Process: A Management Approach written by D´Alessio (2008) have been used, the ones that will allow us to understand and focus the required efforts for the achievement of this strategic plan. It is stated that by 2025, the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna should be recognized for its academic excellence, for its contributions in investigative works necessary for the country and for having an infrastructure in accordance with the technological advances in its field. Strengths and opportunities exist, as well as the necessary resources, there only remains for the present strategic plan to be executed accompanied by an attitude to change and reach improvements for this region and thus for Peru
Observations are frequently made on why is teaching at all levels mediocre or low level in local or state institutions, although a detailed analysis has not been considered based on this assumption. It has thus been decided to undertake the present Strategic Planning of the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna which seeks to answer this request, as it is only directed at the postgraduate educational level of one region of the country: Tacna. In local or state institutions, the teaching of post graduate programs presents a great potential, that, however, has not been developed, maybe because of lack of knowledge, lack of will or simply because nothing new wants to be developed. In the following strategic planning a profound internal and external analysis has been developed of the strengths, advantages and opportunities as well as the threats and weaknesses of the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna, investigating the country as well as neighboring countries. For this, the tools and guidelines developed in the book The Strategic Process: A Management Approach written by D´Alessio (2008) have been used, the ones that will allow us to understand and focus the required efforts for the achievement of this strategic plan. It is stated that by 2025, the Public Postgraduate System in Tacna should be recognized for its academic excellence, for its contributions in investigative works necessary for the country and for having an infrastructure in accordance with the technological advances in its field. Strengths and opportunities exist, as well as the necessary resources, there only remains for the present strategic plan to be executed accompanied by an attitude to change and reach improvements for this region and thus for Peru
Educación superior--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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