Mujeres heroínas y protagonistas de las independencias de Sudamérica: ideas, discursos, estrategias de participación y movilización en espacios de poder (1808 - 1826)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La tesis analiza el impacto que tuvo la presencia y las acciones de las mujeres de finales del
siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XIX, en el desarrollo y logro de las independencias de
Sudamérica, lo que provocó una serie de transformaciones en los roles femeninos. Para ello
parto de la premisa de que las mujeres de élite y de sectores populares transgreden el espacio
privado del hogar y su condición tradicional de sexo débil, subordinado y subalternizado, lo
que les permitió asumir posiciones de poder en la esfera pública cuyo espacio estaba designado
a los varones. Asimismo, el proceso de las independencias de dominios españoles de
Sudamérica debe estudiarse como parte de un movimiento continental que se va articulando
gracias a la participación de la población local, en el que las mujeres cobran un papel destacado,
pero que luego será minimizado por la historiografía. Por lo tanto, esta investigación pretende
demostrar, a partir de un análisis cualitativo y del estudio de diversas fuentes, cómo las mujeres
fueron conscientes de la importancia de su participación en el proceso independentista,
utilizando estrategias discursivas, de acción militar, transgrediendo las normas sociales
establecidas y convirtiéndose en heroínas, infiltrándose en la esfera pública mediante diversas
estrategias en el contexto de un movimiento independentista de carácter continental.
The thesis analyzes the impact of the presence and actions of women in the late 18th and early 19th centuries on the development and success of South American independence movements, which triggered a series of transformations in female roles. This study is based on the premise that women from both elite and popular sectors transgressed the private sphere of the home and their traditional condition as a weak, subordinate, and subaltern gender, allowing them to assume positions of power in the public sphere, a space traditionally reserved for men. Moreover, the process of independence in Spanish South American territories should be studied as part of a continental movement, shaped by the participation of the local population, where women played a prominent role, although later minimized by historiography. Therefore, this research aims to demonstrate, through a qualitative analysis and the study of various sources, how women were fully aware of the importance of their participation in the independence process, employing discursive and military strategies, transgressing established social norms, and becoming heroines by infiltrating the public sphere through various tactics within the broader context of a continent-wide independence movement.
The thesis analyzes the impact of the presence and actions of women in the late 18th and early 19th centuries on the development and success of South American independence movements, which triggered a series of transformations in female roles. This study is based on the premise that women from both elite and popular sectors transgressed the private sphere of the home and their traditional condition as a weak, subordinate, and subaltern gender, allowing them to assume positions of power in the public sphere, a space traditionally reserved for men. Moreover, the process of independence in Spanish South American territories should be studied as part of a continental movement, shaped by the participation of the local population, where women played a prominent role, although later minimized by historiography. Therefore, this research aims to demonstrate, through a qualitative analysis and the study of various sources, how women were fully aware of the importance of their participation in the independence process, employing discursive and military strategies, transgressing established social norms, and becoming heroines by infiltrating the public sphere through various tactics within the broader context of a continent-wide independence movement.
Heroínas, América del Sur--Historia--Independencia, Mujeres--América del Sur--Historia--Independencia
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