Plan de Negocios Yanapay
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La salud mental ha sido una asignatura pendiente en nuestro país. De acuerdo con el
Ministerio de Salud (2018), una de cada cinco personas con trastornos mentales consigue
algún tipo de atención. La mitad de los trastornos mentales empiezan en la adolescencia y en
la mayoría de los casos no se identifican ni se tratan (OMS,2019). De acuerdo al Ministerio
de Salud (2018) existía un promedio anual de 20.7% de la población entre 12 a 17 años que
padecen de algún trastorno. La pandemia originada por el Covid – 19 ha afectado aún más la
salud mental de la población. Durante los meses de junio a agosto del año 2020, los niveles
de ansiedad, depresión y estrés se han recrudecido o se han presentado en algunos
adolescentes peruanos llegando incluso a cifras de atención de 2,964 casos por ansiedad y
934 de depresión (Garay, 2020).
Ante ello, se presenta la solución “Yanapay”, que significa apoyo, es un modelo de
negocio que permite acceder a servicios psicológicos a los adolescentes de forma segura y
confidencial, consultas con especialistas de psicología través de medios virtuales, lo cual
brinda flexibilidad en los horarios de las consultas, sin salir de casa. El padre o tutor podrá
escoger de acuerdo con perfil, al psicólogo apropiado. La propuesta resuelve un problema
general y permite llegar masivamente al sector de adolescentes del Perú a través de la
“Yanapay” es un modelo de negocio sostenible socialmente, ya que se encuentra
alineado a cumplir con ocho objetivos de desarrollo sostenible; al brindar apoyo psicológico a
los adolescentes estos pueden convertirse en adultos responsables y seguros. La iniciativa
impacta en la comunidad volviéndola más inclusiva, segura, resiliente y sostenible.
Asimismo, el modelo de negocio es viable financieramente obteniéndose como resultado un
VANF de S/3´609,157 y un TIRF de 62%, con un periodo de recuperación a partir del tercer
Mental health has been a pending issue in our country. According to the Ministry of Health (2018), one in five people with mental disorders gets some type of care. The pandemic caused by Covid - 19 has further affected the mental health of the population. People have begun to become aware of the importance of receiving adequate treatment for mental health, that aspect of our life that goes beyond health that is tangible. This thesis shows a tool that allows mental health professionals to approach safely and remotely with a specific group of users in our population, the adolescents whose mental health has been affected during this pandemic, which has no signs of ending in the short term. Throughout the eight chapters that make up this thesis, it is sought to prove the viability and feasibility of the proposed tool. Yanapay is the name of the proposed tool that enables online sessions between psychologists and adolescent. "Yanapay" is a socially sustainable business model, since it is aligned to meet eight sustainable development goals; by providing psychological support to adolescents, they can become responsible and safe adults. The initiative impacts the community by making it more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Likewise, the business model is financially viable, obtaining as a result a VANF of S / 3'609,157 and a TIRF of 62%, with a recovery period from the third year.
Mental health has been a pending issue in our country. According to the Ministry of Health (2018), one in five people with mental disorders gets some type of care. The pandemic caused by Covid - 19 has further affected the mental health of the population. People have begun to become aware of the importance of receiving adequate treatment for mental health, that aspect of our life that goes beyond health that is tangible. This thesis shows a tool that allows mental health professionals to approach safely and remotely with a specific group of users in our population, the adolescents whose mental health has been affected during this pandemic, which has no signs of ending in the short term. Throughout the eight chapters that make up this thesis, it is sought to prove the viability and feasibility of the proposed tool. Yanapay is the name of the proposed tool that enables online sessions between psychologists and adolescent. "Yanapay" is a socially sustainable business model, since it is aligned to meet eight sustainable development goals; by providing psychological support to adolescents, they can become responsible and safe adults. The initiative impacts the community by making it more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Likewise, the business model is financially viable, obtaining as a result a VANF of S / 3'609,157 and a TIRF of 62%, with a recovery period from the third year.
Negocios--Planificación, Desarrollo sostenible, Servicios digitales, Adaptación (Psicología) en adolescentes, Adolescencia--Aspectos psicológicos, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)
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