Informe Jurídico sobre Resolución del Tribunal Fiscal N° 09789-4-2017 en relación con el numeral 7 del artículo 44 del Código Tributario, introducido por el Decreto Legislativo N° 1113
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Resolución de Observancia Obligatoria del Tribunal Fiscal N° 09789-4-2017
evidenció las interrogantes que existían sobre la aplicación en el tiempo del
Decreto Legislativo N° 1113, mediante el cual, las notificaciones de las
Resoluciones de Determinación y Resoluciones de Multa fueron establecidas
como el inicio del cómputo del plazo de prescripción de la facultad de la
Administración de exigir el pago de la deuda tributaria.
A partir de ello, se abrió a discusión sobre si el criterio vinculante establecido por
el Tribunal Fiscal era conforme a la normativa y a los principios constitucionales.
Por ello, con el objetivo de fijar una interpretación y posición sobre la aplicación
en el tiempo de las nuevas modificaciones introducidas, se emitió el Decreto
Legislativo N° 1421, el cual contradecía el criterio vinculante establecido por el
Tribunal Fiscal, en tanto que, determinaba la aplicación inmediata del nuevo
inicio del cómputo del plazo de prescripción a todas las deudas tributarias
vigentes, incluidas a aquellas cuyo plazo de prescripción ya había iniciado.
En tal sentido, este trabajo pretende sustentar las razones por las que el criterio
determinado por el Tribunal Fiscal no es conforme a la normativa ni a la
institución jurídica de la prescripción, a través de un análisis en conjunto de las
disposiciones normativas vinculantes, doctrina y jurisprudencia.
Asimismo, se va a sustentar la constitucionalidad del Decreto Legislativo N° 1421
desde la teoría de hechos cumplidos y la propia naturaleza interpretativa de la
The Mandatory Compliance Resolution of the Tax Court N° 09789-4-2017 evidenced the questions that existed about the application in time of Legislative Decree N° 1113, by means of which, the notifications of the Determination Resolutions and Fine Resolutions were established as the beginning of the calculation of the limitation period of the Administration's power to demand payment of the tax debt. From there, a discussion was opened on whether the binding criterion established by the Tax Court was in accordance with the regulations and constitutional principles. Therefore, in order to establish an interpretation and position on the application in time of the new modifications introduced, Legislative Decree N° 1421 was issued, which contradicted the binding criterion established by the Tax Court, insofar as it determined the immediate application of the new start of the calculation of the limitation period to all current tax debts. including those whose statute of limitations had already begun. In this sense, this paper aims to support the reasons why the criterion determined by the Tax Court is not in accordance with the regulations or the legal institution of the statute of limitations, through a joint analysis of the binding regulatory provisions, doctrine and jurisprudence. Likewise, the constitutionality of Legislative Decree N° 1421 will be supported from the theory of fulfilled facts and the interpretative nature of the norm itself.
The Mandatory Compliance Resolution of the Tax Court N° 09789-4-2017 evidenced the questions that existed about the application in time of Legislative Decree N° 1113, by means of which, the notifications of the Determination Resolutions and Fine Resolutions were established as the beginning of the calculation of the limitation period of the Administration's power to demand payment of the tax debt. From there, a discussion was opened on whether the binding criterion established by the Tax Court was in accordance with the regulations and constitutional principles. Therefore, in order to establish an interpretation and position on the application in time of the new modifications introduced, Legislative Decree N° 1421 was issued, which contradicted the binding criterion established by the Tax Court, insofar as it determined the immediate application of the new start of the calculation of the limitation period to all current tax debts. including those whose statute of limitations had already begun. In this sense, this paper aims to support the reasons why the criterion determined by the Tax Court is not in accordance with the regulations or the legal institution of the statute of limitations, through a joint analysis of the binding regulatory provisions, doctrine and jurisprudence. Likewise, the constitutionality of Legislative Decree N° 1421 will be supported from the theory of fulfilled facts and the interpretative nature of the norm itself.
Impuestos--Prescripción, Derecho tributario--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho tributario--Legislación--Perú, Obligaciones (Derecho)--Perú
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