Actividades lúdicas que promueven el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico matemático en niños de 5 años
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación se encuentra enfocada en las actividades lúdicas que promueven
el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico matemático en niños de 5 años, puesto que
dichas actividades contribuyen al logro de diferentes aprendizajes y habilidades para
la vida a partir del disfrute. El objetivo general es “Analizar las actividades lúdicas que
promueven el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico matemático en niños de 5 años de
nivel inicial de una Institución Educativa privada en la educación a distancia”.
Asimismo, los objetivos específicos son “Describir los aprendizajes lógico
matemáticos que logran los estudiantes de un aula de 5 años a partir de actividades
lúdicas en una Institución Educativa privada en la educación a distancia” y “Describir
las actividades lúdicas que utiliza una docente para el desarrollo del pensamiento
lógico matemático en niños de 5 años de nivel inicial de una Institución Educativa
privada en la educación a distancia”. Este estudio posee un enfoque cualitativo y es
de nivel descriptivo. Las técnicas empleadas son el análisis documental y la entrevista
aplicada a una docente de un aula de 5 años. En este sentido, los instrumentos de
investigación son una guía de análisis documental y una guía de entrevista. Por medio
de esta tesis, se concluye que, gracias a la promoción de diferentes tipos de
actividades lúdicas, se adquieren nociones y habilidades matemáticas. A raíz de ello,
se recomienda continuar con la promoción de dichas actividades, fomentar la
participación activa de los estudiantes y de los padres de familia.
This research is focused on recreational activities that promote the development of mathematical logical thinking in 5-year-old children, since these activities contribute to the achievement of different learning and life skills based on enjoyment. The general objective is "To analyze the recreational activities that promote the development of mathematical logical thinking in children of 5 years of initial level of a private educational institution in distance education". Likewise, the specific objectives are “Describe the logical-mathematical learning that students in a 5-year-old classroom achieve from recreational activities in a private educational institution in distance education” and “Describe the recreational activities that a teacher uses for development of mathematical logical thinking in initial level 5-year-old children from a private educational institution in distance education”. This study has a qualitative approach and is descriptive. The techniques used are the documentary analysis and interview applied to a teacher in a 5-year-old classroom. In this sense, the research instruments are a document analysis guide and an interview guide. Through this thesis, it is concluded that, thanks to the promotion of different types of recreational activities, mathematical notions and skills are acquired. As a result, it is recommended to continue promoting these activities, encouraging the active participation of students and parents.
This research is focused on recreational activities that promote the development of mathematical logical thinking in 5-year-old children, since these activities contribute to the achievement of different learning and life skills based on enjoyment. The general objective is "To analyze the recreational activities that promote the development of mathematical logical thinking in children of 5 years of initial level of a private educational institution in distance education". Likewise, the specific objectives are “Describe the logical-mathematical learning that students in a 5-year-old classroom achieve from recreational activities in a private educational institution in distance education” and “Describe the recreational activities that a teacher uses for development of mathematical logical thinking in initial level 5-year-old children from a private educational institution in distance education”. This study has a qualitative approach and is descriptive. The techniques used are the documentary analysis and interview applied to a teacher in a 5-year-old classroom. In this sense, the research instruments are a document analysis guide and an interview guide. Through this thesis, it is concluded that, thanks to the promotion of different types of recreational activities, mathematical notions and skills are acquired. As a result, it is recommended to continue promoting these activities, encouraging the active participation of students and parents.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Juegos educativos, Educación preescolar--Perú, Educación a distancia
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