Modelo Prolab: BAMBU, propuesta de negocio de venta de artículos de reúso para niños
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este trabajo presenta el modelo de negocio circular de BAMBU, una iniciativa que
combina una plataforma digital con una tienda física dedicada a la reutilización de artículos
infantiles de segunda mano. BAMBU se diferencia por ofrecer una experiencia confiable y
cercana al cliente, facilitando tanto la compra como la venta de productos de manera segura.
Su enfoque permite no solo generar ingresos para las familias, sino también reducir la huella
ambiental, contribuyendo de forma directa a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS),
específicamente el ODS 12 (producción y consumo responsables) y el ODS 8 (trabajo
decente y crecimiento económico).
La validación de la propuesta con usuarios ha arrojado resultados positivos, con un
alto nivel de aceptación y disposición a pagar por el servicio. Asimismo, se ha comprobado la
factibilidad técnica y operativa del modelo de negocio. Financieramente, BAMBU demuestra
ser viable con un Valor Actual Neto Social (VANS) de S/969,325.97 y un Valor Actual Neto
Económico (VANE) de S/1’918,584.84. Sus valores agregados, como la inspección física de
los artículos, la desinfección, la entrega asegurada y atención centrada en el cliente,
permitirán captar el 29% del mercado objetivo en Lima Metropolitana en cinco años. Con
una proyección de punto de equilibrio en el segundo año y márgenes operativos netos
superiores al 20%, BAMBU combina sostenibilidad y rentabilidad. En resumen, BAMBU
representa una propuesta que integra crecimiento económico, cuidado ambiental y confianza
en la experiencia del cliente, que busca posicionarse como líder en un mercado en expansión
que alcanzó una tasa de crecimiento en los últimos tres años que oscila entre un 15% y 16%
(Perú Retail, 2022).
This work presents the circular business model of BAMBU, an initiative that combines a digital platform with a physical store dedicated to the reuse of second-hand children's items. BAMBU stands out by offering a reliable and customer-centric experience, facilitating both the purchase and sale of products in a secure manner. Its approach not only generates income for families but also reduces environmental impact, directly contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth). The validation of the proposal with users has yielded positive results, with a high level of acceptance and willingness to pay for the service. Additionally, the technical and operational feasibility of the business model has been confirmed. Financially, BAMBU proves to be viable, with a Social Net Present Value (SNPV) of S/969,325.97 and an Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) of S/1’918,584.84. Its added value services, such as physical inspection of items, disinfection, guaranteed delivery, and customer-focused attention, are expected to capture 29% of the target market in Lima Metropolitan Area within five years. With a projected break-even point in the second year and net operating margins exceeding 20%, BAMBU successfully combines sustainability with profitability. In summary, BAMBU represents a business model that integrates economic growth, environmental care, and trust in customer experience, aiming to establish itself as a leader in a growing market, which reached a growth rates between 15% and 16% (Perú Retail, 2022).
This work presents the circular business model of BAMBU, an initiative that combines a digital platform with a physical store dedicated to the reuse of second-hand children's items. BAMBU stands out by offering a reliable and customer-centric experience, facilitating both the purchase and sale of products in a secure manner. Its approach not only generates income for families but also reduces environmental impact, directly contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth). The validation of the proposal with users has yielded positive results, with a high level of acceptance and willingness to pay for the service. Additionally, the technical and operational feasibility of the business model has been confirmed. Financially, BAMBU proves to be viable, with a Social Net Present Value (SNPV) of S/969,325.97 and an Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) of S/1’918,584.84. Its added value services, such as physical inspection of items, disinfection, guaranteed delivery, and customer-focused attention, are expected to capture 29% of the target market in Lima Metropolitan Area within five years. With a projected break-even point in the second year and net operating margins exceeding 20%, BAMBU successfully combines sustainability with profitability. In summary, BAMBU represents a business model that integrates economic growth, environmental care, and trust in customer experience, aiming to establish itself as a leader in a growing market, which reached a growth rates between 15% and 16% (Perú Retail, 2022).
Mercadeo--Metodología, Consumidores
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