Modelo ProLab: Sistema de alerta temprana para prevenir conflictos entre las comunidades y la empresa minera.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El emprendimiento del Modelo Prolab: Sistema de alerta temprana para prevenir
conflictos entre las comunidades y la empresa minera, tiene como propósito proporcionar
a las empresas mineras herramientas y recursos que les permitan anticipar, identificar y
gestionar de manera efectiva los riesgos asociados a posibles conflictos en las áreas donde
operan. Con ello, se busca que los conflictos mineros no afecten su producción, se busque
prevenirlos, alértalos de forma temprana, minimizar los impactos en las operaciones y
rentabilidad, de esta manera se lograran comunidades sostenibles, pues no se afectaría el
ingreso anual por canon minero que se invierte en el desarrollo de las comunidades. La
plataforma es un sistema integral diseñado a partir de algoritmos para ayudar a las
empresas mineras a anticipar, evaluar y gestionar los riesgos asociados con posibles
conflictos en las áreas donde operan, para ello, se utiliza la información pública. Para
validar el modelo de negocio se entrevistó a representantes de empresas mineras quienes
son los clientes potenciales. En relación al análisis de viabilidad, se estimó que la
inversión inicial sería de $ 181,500.00 con una proyección de los flujos de caja por cinco
años de operación, que arrojó un VAN de $ 1´552,731.83 y un TIR de 125 %. En relación
a la sostenibilidad del negocio, este se alinea con las ODS 11, 17, 16 y 9 de la ONU con
un IRS de 34,12% que evidencia la viabilidad y sostenibilidad del modelo de negocio que
se presenta. La plataforma no solo protege la producción minera, sino que también
impulsa los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), integrando conceptos de
sostenibilidad, paz, colaboración y eficiencia. Tras establecer los ODS relevantes, el
Modelo Prolab identifica metas específicas y calcula un Índice de Impacto de
Sostenibilidad Empresarial (TSRI). En este caso, el Modelo Prolab afecta positivamente
las metas de los ODS 11, 17 y 9.
The Prolab Model Entrepreneurship: Early Warning System to Prevent Conflicts Between Communities and the Mining Company aims to provide mining companies with tools and resources to anticipate, identify, and effectively manage risks associated with potential conflicts in the areas where they operate. The goal is to prevent mining conflicts from affecting production, to alert companies early on, minimize impacts on operations and profitability, and thereby achieve sustainable communities, as this would prevent any negative impact on the annual income from mining royalties invested in community development. The platform is an integrated system designed using algorithms to help mining companies anticipate, assess, and manage risks associated with potential conflicts in their areas of operation by utilizing public information. To validate the business model, interviews were conducted with representatives of mining companies, who are the potential clients. In terms of feasibility analysis, the initial investment was estimated at $181,500.00 with a projection of cash flows over five years of operation, resulting in a NPV of $1,552,731.83 and an IRR of 125%. Regarding the business's sustainability, it aligns with the UN's SDGs 11, 17, 16, and 9, with a TSR of 34.12%, demonstrating the viability and sustainability of the business model presented. The platform not only protects mining production but also promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), integrating concepts of sustainability, peace, collaboration, and efficiency. After establishing the relevant SDGs, the Prolab Model identifies specific targets and calculates a Corporate Sustainability Impact Index (TSRI). In this case, the Prolab Model positively impacts the goals of SDGs 11, 17, and 9.
The Prolab Model Entrepreneurship: Early Warning System to Prevent Conflicts Between Communities and the Mining Company aims to provide mining companies with tools and resources to anticipate, identify, and effectively manage risks associated with potential conflicts in the areas where they operate. The goal is to prevent mining conflicts from affecting production, to alert companies early on, minimize impacts on operations and profitability, and thereby achieve sustainable communities, as this would prevent any negative impact on the annual income from mining royalties invested in community development. The platform is an integrated system designed using algorithms to help mining companies anticipate, assess, and manage risks associated with potential conflicts in their areas of operation by utilizing public information. To validate the business model, interviews were conducted with representatives of mining companies, who are the potential clients. In terms of feasibility analysis, the initial investment was estimated at $181,500.00 with a projection of cash flows over five years of operation, resulting in a NPV of $1,552,731.83 and an IRR of 125%. Regarding the business's sustainability, it aligns with the UN's SDGs 11, 17, 16, and 9, with a TSR of 34.12%, demonstrating the viability and sustainability of the business model presented. The platform not only protects mining production but also promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), integrating concepts of sustainability, peace, collaboration, and efficiency. After establishing the relevant SDGs, the Prolab Model identifies specific targets and calculates a Corporate Sustainability Impact Index (TSRI). In this case, the Prolab Model positively impacts the goals of SDGs 11, 17, and 9.
Industria minera, Participación ciudadana, Conflicto social--Prevención
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