Propuesta de plan de negocio de juegos de azar: T-Pago
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
T-Pago es una lotería que ofrece al mercado peruano, como propuesta de valor
diferencial, un juego de lotería de baja de denominación, sencillo, con la mayor
probabilidad de ganar por jugada del mercado. El diseño de la propuesta de juego tomó
en consideración las nuevas tendencias del mercado debido a la pandemia del Covid-19,
la cual está basada en una economía de bajo contacto físico. Asimismo, T-Pago
respondió a la inquietud de un 75% de encuestados (jugadores y no jugadores) que
mostraron interés por este nuevo modelo de lotería y de un 57% que indicaron al canal
digital como el medio para jugarlo. La encuesta, además, realizada en la etapa de
empatizar, arrojó información de la intención, monto y recurrencia para la compra de
este modelo de lotería. Se utilizó la simulación de Montecarlo a fin de determinar la
probabilidad de ganadores o esperanza matemática de este modelo de negocio.
Estos factores evaluados, en conjunto con el monto de inversión inicial y la
regulación actual, hacen que la propuesta de negocio sea viable creando valor para los
accionistas y generando utilidad desde el primer año de funcionamiento.
T-Pago is a lottery that offers a value proposition that differentiates itself by providing a greater probability of winning in the Peruvian market. A survey showed that 75% of people were interested in T-Pago, including people who do not usually play lotteries and, in addition, 57% would prefer the digital channel to play it. The survey also measured the intention, amount and recurrence for the purchase of T-Pago, and the Montecarlo simulation estimated the probability of winners or mathematical expectation of the game. In addition, the trend towards a low touch economy, as consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, led the final product to be developed in digital format and using digital wallets for payment. This results in greater benefit to T-Pago due to digital wallets do not charge a commission per transaction and have nationwide scope. These previous factors, together with the initial investment amount and current regulations, make the business proposal viable, creating value for shareholders and generating profit from the first year of operation.
T-Pago is a lottery that offers a value proposition that differentiates itself by providing a greater probability of winning in the Peruvian market. A survey showed that 75% of people were interested in T-Pago, including people who do not usually play lotteries and, in addition, 57% would prefer the digital channel to play it. The survey also measured the intention, amount and recurrence for the purchase of T-Pago, and the Montecarlo simulation estimated the probability of winners or mathematical expectation of the game. In addition, the trend towards a low touch economy, as consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, led the final product to be developed in digital format and using digital wallets for payment. This results in greater benefit to T-Pago due to digital wallets do not charge a commission per transaction and have nationwide scope. These previous factors, together with the initial investment amount and current regulations, make the business proposal viable, creating value for shareholders and generating profit from the first year of operation.
Plan de negocios, Juegos de azar, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Prevención