Estructura y gestión de la institucionalidad para el desarrollo del sector de los camélidos sudamericanos en Huancavelica entre el 2007 - 2012
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tiene el objetivo de analizar el tipo de institucionalidad
pública y privada para el desarrollo del sector de los camélidos sudamericanos en
Huancavelica a partir de la transferencia de funciones y competencias del CONACS
como parte del proceso de descentralización entre los años 2007 y 2012; para lo
cual primero, se describe en sí mismo el proceso de transferencia de funciones y
competencias institucionales; y segundo, se presenta los mecanismos empleados
en la articulación interinstitucional para la gestión concertada del desarrollo. La
metodología utilizada fue de tipo cualitativo, para identificar y analizar las
interacciones entre los actores públicos y privados del sector, y se usaron
instrumentos tales como, la revisión de archivo documental y se aplicó entrevistas
semiestructuradas a 27 actores directos e indirectos. Los resultados evidencian que
hubo un cambio del tipo de institucionalidad para el desarrollo del sector, el cual fue
débil y pasivo en relación a la institucionalidad previamente generada. Se determinó
que el mecanismo de transferencia de competencias y funciones durante la
descentralización, fue netamente administrativo, sin participación de los actores
locales, lo que generó vacíos funcionales institucionales, ocasionando confusiones
por la indefinición de roles, pérdida de capacidades técnicas y materiales, división,
competencia entre instituciones promotoras del desarrollo y finalmente se anuló la
concertación de políticas públicas; en consecuencia, se provocó la postergación de
los intereses de los tenedores de camélidos, desamparándolos, exponiendo sus
debilidades al contexto y con una sensación de ausencia permanente del Estado.
The objective of this study is to analyze the type of public and private institutions for the development of the South American camelid sector in Huancavelica based on the transfer of functions and powers of CONACS as part of the decentralization process between 2007 and 2012; for which first, the process of transferring institutional functions and powers is described in itself; and second, the mechanisms used in inter-institutional coordination for the concerted management of development are presented. The methodology used was qualitative, to identify and analyze the interactions between public and private actors in the sector, and instruments such as documentary archive review were used, and semi-structured interviews were applied to 27 direct and indirect actors. The results show that there was a change in the type of institutionality for the development of the sector, which was weak and passive in relation to the previously generated institutionality. It was determined that the mechanism for transferring powers and functions during decentralization was purely administrative, without the participation of local actors, which generated institutional functional gaps, causing confusion due to the lack of definition of roles, loss of technical and material capabilities, division, competition between institutions promoting development and finally the coordination of public policies was annulled; Consequently, the interests of the camelid owners were postponed, abandoning them, exposing their weaknesses to the context and creating a feeling of permanent absence of the State.
The objective of this study is to analyze the type of public and private institutions for the development of the South American camelid sector in Huancavelica based on the transfer of functions and powers of CONACS as part of the decentralization process between 2007 and 2012; for which first, the process of transferring institutional functions and powers is described in itself; and second, the mechanisms used in inter-institutional coordination for the concerted management of development are presented. The methodology used was qualitative, to identify and analyze the interactions between public and private actors in the sector, and instruments such as documentary archive review were used, and semi-structured interviews were applied to 27 direct and indirect actors. The results show that there was a change in the type of institutionality for the development of the sector, which was weak and passive in relation to the previously generated institutionality. It was determined that the mechanism for transferring powers and functions during decentralization was purely administrative, without the participation of local actors, which generated institutional functional gaps, causing confusion due to the lack of definition of roles, loss of technical and material capabilities, division, competition between institutions promoting development and finally the coordination of public policies was annulled; Consequently, the interests of the camelid owners were postponed, abandoning them, exposing their weaknesses to the context and creating a feeling of permanent absence of the State.
Camélidos--Crianza--Perú--Huancavelica, Institucionalidad--Perú--Huancavelica, Desarrollo económico--Política gubernamental--Perú--Huancavelica, Descentralización gubernamental--Aspectos políticos--Perú--Huancavelica
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