Planeamiento estratégico de los productores de café en la Región Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Plan Estratégico propuesto para el café de Región Junín, se desarrolló en base al
modelo secuencial propuesto por D’Alessio (2015), con el objetivo de recuperar el liderazgo
nacional de la producción de café. Se indican los objetivos y las estrategias que marcarán el
camino a seguir. La Región Junín cuenta con 50,000 familias cafetaleras, las cuales se ubican
mayoritariamente en las Provincias de Satipo y Chanchamayo, en menor proporción en Jauja
y Concepción.
En los primeros capítulos se describe la situación actual, es decir, el análisis externo y
análisis interno de producción de café. A partir de esta información se realizó un análisis
minucioso y técnico que plantea una propuesta de mejora para incrementar: el Valor Bruto de
Producción, ingresos económicos de los productores y mano de obra que beneficiará a la
comunidad para que sus pobladores motivados contribuyan en su propio desarrollo.
A fin de recuperar el liderazgo nacional en la producción de café, se trazaron
objetivos a largo plazo: (a) Incrementar al año 2024, el número de jornales anuales
demandados para las actividades de la producción del café en chacra de 729, 928 jornales
(2015) a 1´182,484 jornales anuales; (b) Contribuir al incremento del ingreso per cápita anual
de las familias productoras de café de S/ 5, 090.04 (2015) a S/ 19,638.66 (2011), al año 2024;
e (c) Incrementar el Valor Agregado Bruto de la producción de café de la Región Junín de
S/ 254,502,000.00 (2015) a S/ 888’963,440.00 (2011), al año 2024. El logro de los objetivos
se dará mediante la implementación de las estrategias como: (a) Difundir el café Junín en el
mercado internacional a través de la participación en ferias (Fair Trade), concursos (AVPA –
París) y rueda de negocios con compradores internacionales; (b) Realizar alianzas
certificaciones de café especiales; (c) Implementar la cultura de ahorro para financiar al
Instituto del Café en construcción, con la finalidad de generar investigación en tecnologías
agrícolas y desarrollo de proyectos de investigación del sector cafetalero; (d) Realizar nuevas
formas de organización empresarial (consorcios, uniones temporales, distritos industriales) a
través de convenios con instituciones internacionales y nacionales; (e) Implementar
convenios con organizaciones educativas (Segel ipae, Esan, Centrum Católica) para la
gestión empresarial del sector; (f) Sistematizar el apoyo de las instituciones públicas y
privadas, principalmente del MINAGRI, en el desarrollo de asistencias técnicas como la
fertilización, gestión de suelos, deforestación y otros, principalmente al pequeño productor
para su incorporación a la producción sostenible del café con estándares internacionales; (g)
Gestionar líneas de fondeo internacional para el cultivo de café, tanto en la siembra y cosecha
con instituciones internacionales y fuentes cooperantes que apoyen financieramente al café
tales como: Root Capital, USAID, etc.; (h) Incorporar buenas prácticas para el cuidado del
medio ambiente mediante el uso adecuado de los recursos naturales, y evitar la deforestación
y depredación de los bosques a través de capacitaciones e incentivos; e (i) Realizar alianzas
públicas y privadas para la industrialización del café.
En conclusión, el rendimiento por hectárea está por debajo del promedio mundial, con
el planenamiento se pretende duplicar la producción, lo que permitirá mejorar los ingresos
económicos de los agricultores y con ello podrán invertir en cada ciclo produtivo con la
posibilidad de que puedan elegir la mejor técnica y tecnología en la producción de café.
Asimimo, se podrá aprovechar las ventajas comparativas que tiene la región para desarrollar
una producción sostenible con tipos de café mas rentables.
Como recomendación final, se propone la creación de una institución privada
representativa de todos los caficultores: pequeños, medianos y grandes; para la realización de
investigaciones y estudios de acuerdo al interés y prioridad de los productores, a fin de
desarrollar una oferta sostenible con estándares internacionales, además del desarrollo de una
cultura de ahorro para inversiones futuras y financiamiento de la nueva institución
The proposed Strategic Plan for Coffee in the Junín Region was developed following the sequential model proposed by D'Alessio (2015), with the objective of recovering the national leadership of coffee production. The objectives and strategies that marked the way to follow are indicated. The Junín Region has 50,000 coffee families, which are mostly located in the provinces of Satipo and Chanchamayo, to a lesser extent in Jauja and Concepción. The first chapters describe the current situation, ie the external analysis and internal analysis of coffee production. Based on this information, a detailed and technical analysis is made, which proposes an improvement to increase the Gross Value of Production, economic income of the producers and labor that will benefit the community so that its motivated settlers contribute in their own development. In order to regain national leadership in coffee production, long-term objectives are set out: (a) To increase, by 2024, the number of annual wages demanded for the production of coffee in the land of 729, 928 wages (2015) to 1'182,484 annual wages; (b) Contribute to the increase in the annual per capita income of the coffee producing families of S / 5,090.04 (2015) to S / 19,638.66 (2011), to 2024; and (c) Increase the Gross Value Added of coffee production in the Junín Region of S / 254, 502,000.00 (2015) to S / 888'963,440.00 (2011), to the year 2024. The achievement of the objectives will be accomplished through the implementation of strategies such as: (a) Disseminating Junín's coffee in the international market through participation in Fair Trade, competitions (AVPA - Paris) and a business conference with international buyers; (b) Make strategic alliances with FAIRTRADE, RAINFOREST ALLIANCE and USDA ORGANIC for special coffee certifications; (c) Implement the savings culture to finance the Coffee Institute under construction, with the purpose of generating research in agricultural technologies and development of research projects in the coffee sector; (d) Promote new forms of business organization (consortia, temporary unions, industrial districts) through agreements with international and national institutions; (e) To coordinate agreements with educational organizations (Segel ipae, Esan, Centrum Católica) for the business management of the sector; (f) To articulate the support of public and private institutions, mainly MINAGRI, in the development of technical assistance such as fertilization, soil management, deforestation and others, mainly for the smallholder to be incorporated into sustainable coffee production with international standards; (g) To manage international funding lines for coffee cultivation, both in planting and harvesting with International Institutions and Cooperating sources that financially support coffee such as: Root Capital, USAID, etc.; (h) Incorporate good practices for the care of through the appropriate use of natural resources, avoiding deforestation and predation of forests through training and incentives; and (i) Generate public and private alliances for the industrialization of coffee. In conclusion, the yield per hectare is below the world average, the planning is intended to double the production, which will improve the economic income of farmers, and thus can invest in each production cycle with the possibility that they can choose the best technique and technology in coffee production. It will also be possible to take advantage of the region's comparative advantages in developing sustainable production with more profitable types of coffee. As a final recommendation, we propose the creation of a private institution representative of all coffee growers: small, medium and large; to carry out research and studies according to the interest and priority of producers in order to develop sustainable supply with international standards; in addition to the development of a culture of savings for future investments and financing of the new institution
The proposed Strategic Plan for Coffee in the Junín Region was developed following the sequential model proposed by D'Alessio (2015), with the objective of recovering the national leadership of coffee production. The objectives and strategies that marked the way to follow are indicated. The Junín Region has 50,000 coffee families, which are mostly located in the provinces of Satipo and Chanchamayo, to a lesser extent in Jauja and Concepción. The first chapters describe the current situation, ie the external analysis and internal analysis of coffee production. Based on this information, a detailed and technical analysis is made, which proposes an improvement to increase the Gross Value of Production, economic income of the producers and labor that will benefit the community so that its motivated settlers contribute in their own development. In order to regain national leadership in coffee production, long-term objectives are set out: (a) To increase, by 2024, the number of annual wages demanded for the production of coffee in the land of 729, 928 wages (2015) to 1'182,484 annual wages; (b) Contribute to the increase in the annual per capita income of the coffee producing families of S / 5,090.04 (2015) to S / 19,638.66 (2011), to 2024; and (c) Increase the Gross Value Added of coffee production in the Junín Region of S / 254, 502,000.00 (2015) to S / 888'963,440.00 (2011), to the year 2024. The achievement of the objectives will be accomplished through the implementation of strategies such as: (a) Disseminating Junín's coffee in the international market through participation in Fair Trade, competitions (AVPA - Paris) and a business conference with international buyers; (b) Make strategic alliances with FAIRTRADE, RAINFOREST ALLIANCE and USDA ORGANIC for special coffee certifications; (c) Implement the savings culture to finance the Coffee Institute under construction, with the purpose of generating research in agricultural technologies and development of research projects in the coffee sector; (d) Promote new forms of business organization (consortia, temporary unions, industrial districts) through agreements with international and national institutions; (e) To coordinate agreements with educational organizations (Segel ipae, Esan, Centrum Católica) for the business management of the sector; (f) To articulate the support of public and private institutions, mainly MINAGRI, in the development of technical assistance such as fertilization, soil management, deforestation and others, mainly for the smallholder to be incorporated into sustainable coffee production with international standards; (g) To manage international funding lines for coffee cultivation, both in planting and harvesting with International Institutions and Cooperating sources that financially support coffee such as: Root Capital, USAID, etc.; (h) Incorporate good practices for the care of through the appropriate use of natural resources, avoiding deforestation and predation of forests through training and incentives; and (i) Generate public and private alliances for the industrialization of coffee. In conclusion, the yield per hectare is below the world average, the planning is intended to double the production, which will improve the economic income of farmers, and thus can invest in each production cycle with the possibility that they can choose the best technique and technology in coffee production. It will also be possible to take advantage of the region's comparative advantages in developing sustainable production with more profitable types of coffee. As a final recommendation, we propose the creation of a private institution representative of all coffee growers: small, medium and large; to carry out research and studies according to the interest and priority of producers in order to develop sustainable supply with international standards; in addition to the development of a culture of savings for future investments and financing of the new institution
Café -- Industria y comercio -- Perú -- Junín, Planificación estratégica
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