Planeamiento estratégico de la Provincia del Santa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se desarrolla el Plan Estratégico de la Provincia del Santa
para el año 2026, la cual será reconocida como una de las cinco ciudades más competitivas
del Perú. En la provincia se implementará un modelo de ciudad inteligente soportado en la
aplicación de tecnologías de información y comunicación en los espacios urbanos para
mejorar la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos de manera equitativa y sostenible. Se ha
empleado el Modelo Secuencial de Proceso Estratégico de D´Alessio (2015) el cual plantea
en su etapa inicial la visión y la misión, así como el análisis del intorno y entorno;
posteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de definición de objetivos y evaluación de
estrategias. Finalmente, se contempla una última etapa de decisión, en la que se definen
objetivos de corto plazo, políticas, recursos y formas de control.
El crecimiento sostenible del país le permitirá a la Provincia del Santa la ejecución de
proyectos alineados a un modelo de ciudad inteligente mediante el uso de las TIC’s con el fin
de ubicarse dentro de las mejores ciudades sostenibles del mundo mejorando su
infraestructura vial, servicios básicos de electrificación, agua y saneamiento; gestión
eficiente de los residuos sólidos y optimización de los servicios de seguridad ciudadana. Por
otro lado, la Provincia del Santa debe considerar los tratados de libre comercio existentes
como una oportunidad para el fortalecimiento de sus operaciones portuarias en el Puerto de
Chimbote. Los factores expuestos en su conjunto contribuyen a incrementar la calidad de
vida de los ciudadanos de la provincia
The present work has focused on the elaboration of the Strategic Plan of the Province of Santa for the year 2026, to be recognized as one of the five most competitive cities of Peru. In the province will be implemented a model of intelligent city supported in the application of information and communication technologies in urban spaces to improve the quality of life of its citizens in an equitable and sustainable way. The Sequential Strategic Process Model of D'Alessio (2015) has been used which considers in its initial stage the vision and the mission, as well as the analysis of the environment and environment; Subsequently, the process of defining objectives and evaluating strategies has been carried out. Finally, a final decision phase is contemplated, which defines short-term objectives, policies, resources and forms of control. The sustainable growth of the country will allow the Province of Santa to execute projects aligned to an intelligent city model through the use of TIC’s in order to be located within the best sustainable cities of the world, improving its road infrastructure, basic services Electrification, water and sanitation; Efficient management of solid waste and optimization of citizen security services. On the other hand, the Province of the Santa should consider existing free trade agreements as an opportunity to strengthen its port operations in the Port of Chimbote. The factors exposed as a whole contribute to increase the quality of life of the citizens of the province
The present work has focused on the elaboration of the Strategic Plan of the Province of Santa for the year 2026, to be recognized as one of the five most competitive cities of Peru. In the province will be implemented a model of intelligent city supported in the application of information and communication technologies in urban spaces to improve the quality of life of its citizens in an equitable and sustainable way. The Sequential Strategic Process Model of D'Alessio (2015) has been used which considers in its initial stage the vision and the mission, as well as the analysis of the environment and environment; Subsequently, the process of defining objectives and evaluating strategies has been carried out. Finally, a final decision phase is contemplated, which defines short-term objectives, policies, resources and forms of control. The sustainable growth of the country will allow the Province of Santa to execute projects aligned to an intelligent city model through the use of TIC’s in order to be located within the best sustainable cities of the world, improving its road infrastructure, basic services Electrification, water and sanitation; Efficient management of solid waste and optimization of citizen security services. On the other hand, the Province of the Santa should consider existing free trade agreements as an opportunity to strengthen its port operations in the Port of Chimbote. The factors exposed as a whole contribute to increase the quality of life of the citizens of the province
Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Ancash, Planificación regional -- Perú -- Ancash, Planificación estratégica
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