Modelo prolab: Nina Yaku, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores altoandinos a través del calentamiento de agua sanitaria instantánea, confiable y de bajo costo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo pretende brindar una solución sustentable de negocio ante una
problemática social que se torna más agudo año tras año en el territorio nacional. Según INEI
(2019), en Junín, el año 2018, 1,427 niños menores de cinco años padecieron de infecciones
respiratorias agudas, 11 padecieron neumonía, y del total, fallecieron 23 niños. Ante estos datos
brindados por el INEI y teniendo conocimiento de que cada año estos números se elevan, es que
surge la propuesta que se enfoca en crear y mejorar los hábitos de higiene y aseo personal de las
personas que viven en las zonas altoandinas del Perú.
Nuestra solución consiste en la instalación de una bomba de calor en los hogares de los
pobladores que viven en zonas altoandinas llamado “Nina Yaku”. Este sistema extrae y captura la
energía de fuentes externas y gratuitas como es el caso del aire, que posee la capacidad de
calentar el agua ya sea tanto para el lavado de manos, la realización de higiene personal, así
como para realizar las actividades cotidianas domésticas. La solución fue prototipada y
presentada a los usuarios para su validación en donde se considera una inversión inicial de
S/54,426.87 cuyo payback es de un año. El VAN obtenido a un periodo de cinco años es de
S/.1’255,576.89 y una TIR de 81%. Con esta solución pretendemos brindar una mejor calidad de
vida a los usuarios el cual incluye diferentes aspectos como lo son la reducción de enfermedades
y acceso a más oportunidades.
“Nina Yaku” se presenta como una solución viable para los pobladores de las zonas
altoandinas quienes son los más afectados ante la problemática social de los cambios climáticos
y el friaje afectando su salud, economía y otros; es así que nuestra solución eco-amigable
permitirá mejorar su calidad de vida.
This thesis aims to provide a sustainable business solution to a social problem that becomes more acute year after year in the national territory. According to INEI (2019), in Junin, in 2018, 1,427 children under five suffered from acute respiratory infections, 11 suffered pneumonia, and of the total, 23 children died. Given this data provided by INEI and knowing that each year these numbers rise, is that the proposal arises that focuses on creating and improving the hygiene and grooming habits of people living in the high Andean areas of Peru. Our solution consists in the installation of a heat pump in the homes of people living in high Andean areas called "Nina Yaku". This system extracts and captures energy from external sources and free of charge as is the case with air, which has the ability to heat water either for washing hands, carrying out personal hygiene, as well as for daily household activities. The solution was prototyped and presented to users for validation where it is considered an initial investment of S/54,426.87 whose payback is one year. The NPV obtained over a period of five years is S/. 1'255,576.89 and an IRR of 81%. With this solution we aim to provide a better quality of life to users which includes different aspects such as the reduction of diseases and access to more opportunities. "Nina Yaku" is presented as a viable solution for the inhabitants of the high Andean areas who are the most affected by the social problems of climate change and frost affecting their health, economy and others; so, our eco-solution friendly will improve your quality of life.
This thesis aims to provide a sustainable business solution to a social problem that becomes more acute year after year in the national territory. According to INEI (2019), in Junin, in 2018, 1,427 children under five suffered from acute respiratory infections, 11 suffered pneumonia, and of the total, 23 children died. Given this data provided by INEI and knowing that each year these numbers rise, is that the proposal arises that focuses on creating and improving the hygiene and grooming habits of people living in the high Andean areas of Peru. Our solution consists in the installation of a heat pump in the homes of people living in high Andean areas called "Nina Yaku". This system extracts and captures energy from external sources and free of charge as is the case with air, which has the ability to heat water either for washing hands, carrying out personal hygiene, as well as for daily household activities. The solution was prototyped and presented to users for validation where it is considered an initial investment of S/54,426.87 whose payback is one year. The NPV obtained over a period of five years is S/. 1'255,576.89 and an IRR of 81%. With this solution we aim to provide a better quality of life to users which includes different aspects such as the reduction of diseases and access to more opportunities. "Nina Yaku" is presented as a viable solution for the inhabitants of the high Andean areas who are the most affected by the social problems of climate change and frost affecting their health, economy and others; so, our eco-solution friendly will improve your quality of life.
Negocios--Planificación, Enfermedades--Prevención, Salud pública--Perú, Planificación urbana--Aspectos sociales
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