Mentoría entre pares como una estrategia de acompañamiento a los becarios y becarias de Beca 18 para asegurar su permanencia en la educación superior
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A nivel mundial, la ampliación del acceso a la educación superior no ha asegurado la permanencia de la nueva población estudiantil en las Instituciones de
Educación Superior. Desde su reforma iniciada en 2017, el Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (Pronabec) ha puesto especial énfasis en asegurar que sus beneficiarios y beneficiarias culminen exitosamente sus programas de estudio. En 2021, la Oficina de Bienestar del Beneficiario del programa implementó una estrategia de mentoría entre pares para acompañar a los nuevos becarios y becarias de Beca 18 durante su transición a la educación superior, en el contexto de la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19, y prevenir la deserción de sus estudios. Esta estrategia refleja el modelo de Tinto (1975), que explica la permanencia de los estudiantes en la educación superior a través de su nivel de integración en las instituciones educativas, producto de su compromiso académico y su compromiso institucional. La mentoría entre pares ha resultado ser beneficiosa y costo eficiente, y es pertinente escalarla para atender al universo de beneficiarios y beneficiarias del programa. Además, proporciona orientación sobre como acompañar a la población vulnerable, en general, durante su transición a la educación superior
Worldwide, the expansion of access to higher education has not ensured the retention of the new student population in Higher Education Institutions. Since its reform began in 2017, the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec, by its acronym in Spanish) has placed particular emphasis on ensuring that its beneficiaries successfully complete their study programs. In 2021, the Beneficiary Welfare Office of the program implemented a peer mentoring strategy to support new Beca 18 scholarship holders during their transition to higher education, within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to prevent dropout rates. This strategy reflects Tinto's model (1975), which explains student retention in higher education through their level of integration into educational institutions, a result of their academic goal and institutional commitment. Peer mentoring has proven to be beneficial and cost-efficient, and scaling it to cater to the program's entire beneficiary population is relevant. Moreover, it provides guidance on how to support vulnerable populations in general during theirtransition to higher education.
Worldwide, the expansion of access to higher education has not ensured the retention of the new student population in Higher Education Institutions. Since its reform began in 2017, the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec, by its acronym in Spanish) has placed particular emphasis on ensuring that its beneficiaries successfully complete their study programs. In 2021, the Beneficiary Welfare Office of the program implemented a peer mentoring strategy to support new Beca 18 scholarship holders during their transition to higher education, within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to prevent dropout rates. This strategy reflects Tinto's model (1975), which explains student retention in higher education through their level of integration into educational institutions, a result of their academic goal and institutional commitment. Peer mentoring has proven to be beneficial and cost-efficient, and scaling it to cater to the program's entire beneficiary population is relevant. Moreover, it provides guidance on how to support vulnerable populations in general during theirtransition to higher education.
Asesoramiento entre iguales, Estudiantes universitarios--Becas, pensiones, etc.--Perú, Educacación superior y Estado--Perú
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