Strategic plan of the program Generación +1
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento se basa en la elaboración de un plan estratégico para el
Programa Generación +1 que es parte de la empresa Libélula y que se llevará a cabo a partir
del año 2015 al 2020. El plan fue elaborado utilizando como base el Proceso Estratégico
propuesto por D´Alessio (2013). A través de la utilización del plan, una visión fue
desarrollada con el propósito de llevar a Generación +1, un programa que busca educar sobre
la problemática y el impacto del cambio climático en los jóvenes, a ser un programa
competitivo, atractivo, que sea sostenible financieramente y que se encuentre en un posición
única dentro de las organizaciones enfocadas al cambio climático. Actualmente, Generación
+1 está enfocada en el desarrollo de un programa de educación gratuita para crear
conocimiento y educar sobre los cambios climáticos.
En la actualidad la organización cuenta con dos empleados y un número variable de 3
a 4 participantes, durante la realización de los programas tanto de Embajadores +1, así
también como de Talento +1 para el apoyo y las coordinaciones necesarias. Estos
participantes no solamente donan su tiempo, si no que se comprometen a la realización
exitosa de transferencia de conocimientos.
El programa aún no ha podido hacerle frente al poco involucramiento y participación
de los jóvenes dentro de la agenda política, así como tampoco al impacto que está creando el
cambio climático debido a la poca consciencia y cuidado de los recursos naturales.
Como resultado, este plan estratégico ha desarrollado cuatro objetivos a largo plazo
para mejorar la sostenibilidad financiera a través de relaciones con otras organizaciones,
mejorar la fuerza de trabajo, aumentar el conocimiento público creando consciencia y a través
del desarrollo de proyectos que disminuyan el impacto de la huella de carbono.
Los objetivos a largo plazo se alcanzarán mediante la implementación de cinco
estrategias claves propuestas para la organización. Asimismo, se propone la implementación del Tablero de Control Balanceado que supervisará el logro y medirá los resultados de los
objetivos a corto plazo, ayudando a la empresa a alcanzar sus objetivos de largo plazo y
visión y hacer las mejoras correspondientes en los objetivos que no se estén logrando. La
realización de todos los objetivos y las estrategias propuestas será un esfuerzo conjunto entre
todos los miembros interesados en lograr un cambio y que, servirán para el beneficio de la
Generación +1 is a program which is part of the company Libélula. The scope of this strategic plan is for five years (2015 to 2020). The plan was developed using the strategic process theory proposed in D'Alessio (2013). Through the use of the plan, a vision was developed with the purpose of bringing Generación +1—a program that seeks to educate the youth about the impacts of climate change—a strategy to become more sustainable. They are in a unique position within the popular global climate change industry, and needs to seize the growing opportunities available. Nowadays, Generación +1 is focused on the development of a free educational program for students, funded by scholarships. Currently the organization has two employees and three to four non-permanent participants during the implementation of both the Ambassadors +1 program and the Talento +1 program as for the support and the necessary coordination. These participants not only donate their time, but are committed to the successful completion of knowledge transfers. The program has not yet been able to cope with the lack of involvement and participation of young people in the political agenda, nor the impact that climate change is creating due to the lack of awareness and care of natural resources. As a result, this strategic plan developed four long-term goals to improve financial sustainability through relationships with other organizations, to improve the workforce, and increase public awareness and knowledge creating development projects that reduce the carbon footprint impacts. The long-term goals will be achieved by implementing five key strategies proposed for the organization. Also, the implementation of Balanced Score Card to monitor achievement and measure the results of short-term goals, helping the company achieve its long term goals and vision and make corresponding improvements in the proposed objectives that are not being achieve. The realization of all the objectives and strategies proposed will be a joint effort between all members of the organization that are interested in created a change.
Generación +1 is a program which is part of the company Libélula. The scope of this strategic plan is for five years (2015 to 2020). The plan was developed using the strategic process theory proposed in D'Alessio (2013). Through the use of the plan, a vision was developed with the purpose of bringing Generación +1—a program that seeks to educate the youth about the impacts of climate change—a strategy to become more sustainable. They are in a unique position within the popular global climate change industry, and needs to seize the growing opportunities available. Nowadays, Generación +1 is focused on the development of a free educational program for students, funded by scholarships. Currently the organization has two employees and three to four non-permanent participants during the implementation of both the Ambassadors +1 program and the Talento +1 program as for the support and the necessary coordination. These participants not only donate their time, but are committed to the successful completion of knowledge transfers. The program has not yet been able to cope with the lack of involvement and participation of young people in the political agenda, nor the impact that climate change is creating due to the lack of awareness and care of natural resources. As a result, this strategic plan developed four long-term goals to improve financial sustainability through relationships with other organizations, to improve the workforce, and increase public awareness and knowledge creating development projects that reduce the carbon footprint impacts. The long-term goals will be achieved by implementing five key strategies proposed for the organization. Also, the implementation of Balanced Score Card to monitor achievement and measure the results of short-term goals, helping the company achieve its long term goals and vision and make corresponding improvements in the proposed objectives that are not being achieve. The realization of all the objectives and strategies proposed will be a joint effort between all members of the organization that are interested in created a change.
Organizaciones sin fines de lucro, Organizaciones no gubernamentales, Cambio climático--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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