La izquierda que marcó su sendero. El Diario de Marka frente al terrorismo de Sendero Luminoso (1980-1983)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta tesis analiza El Diario de Marka, un periódico de izquierda, con activa
participación de algunos partidos políticos, publicado en Perú a inicios de 1980, en
los últimos meses de la transición democrática. El mismo nace con el objetivo de ser
la voz del movimiento popular y de la oposición política.
Se pretende demostrar que, con el restablecimiento de la democracia y el
surgimiento del terrorismo, encarnado en Sendero Luminoso, el periódico supo
mantener la línea en defensa del orden constitucional, si bien la izquierda a la que
pertenecía y representaba nunca pudo esclarecer sus diferencias en torno a la lucha
armada, lo que agravó sus contradicciones internas. La línea del periódico, que al
inicio se caracterizó por la incertidumbre y el desconocimiento, tomó forma a
medida que la violencia se incrementó.
This thesis seeks to analyze El Diario de Marka, a left-wing newspaper, with the active participation of some political parties, published in Peru in the early 1980s, in the last months of the democratic transition. It was born to be the voice of the popular movement and the political opposition. It is intended to demonstrate that, with the restoration of democracy and the rise of terrorism, embodied in the Shining Path, the newspaper knew how to maintain the line in defense of the constitutional order, although the left to which it belonged and represented was never able to clarify their differences in around the armed struggle, aggravating its internal contradictions. A line that at the beginning was characterized by uncertainty and ignorance, but which took shape as the violence increased.
This thesis seeks to analyze El Diario de Marka, a left-wing newspaper, with the active participation of some political parties, published in Peru in the early 1980s, in the last months of the democratic transition. It was born to be the voice of the popular movement and the political opposition. It is intended to demonstrate that, with the restoration of democracy and the rise of terrorism, embodied in the Shining Path, the newspaper knew how to maintain the line in defense of the constitutional order, although the left to which it belonged and represented was never able to clarify their differences in around the armed struggle, aggravating its internal contradictions. A line that at the beginning was characterized by uncertainty and ignorance, but which took shape as the violence increased.
Periódicos peruanos--Siglo XX, Periodismo--Perú--Lima--Siglo XX, Periodismo--Aspectos políticos, Sendero Luminoso--Perú, Perú--Historia-Siglo XX
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