Modelo Prolab: IRONFISH, una propuesta de hamburguesa envasada para combatir la anemia en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La anemia en el Perú es un problema que afecta a gran parte de la población, especialmente a
niños, mujeres adolescentes y mujeres embarazadas; sin embargo, a pesar de la importancia
que debería tener el combatirla por los efectos sociales y económicos que tiene a largo plazo,
no se han logrado resultados concretos, lo que ha significado el incremento porcentual de
personas con esta enfermedad. IronFish surge como una alternativa de solución para combatir
este problema e inclusive prevenirlo, ya que es una hamburguesa de pescado bonito
enriquecida con sangrecita porcina, ingredientes que tienen gran cantidad de hierro, siendo
este elemento muy útil para mejorar los niveles de hemoglobina en toda persona que lo
consuma. Con estas hamburguesas buscamos que las personas no solo tengan una forma de
prevenir o combatir la anemia, sino que mejoren su nutrición sin sacrificar el buen sabor al
que están acostumbrados al comer una hamburguesa, que por cierto cuenta con ventajas
adicionales como su practicidad siendo apta para consumo en cualquier momento del día sin
la necesidad de refrigerarse por el tratamiento térmico al cual ha sido sometida. Durante la
validación de deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad se pudo comprobar con diferentes
experimentos el cumplimiento de las hipótesis planteadas y en el caso de viabilidad
específicamente, se obtuvo un VANE de S/3,927,599 con una TIR de 85% y un VANS de
S/3,640,903 con un impacto positivo en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: “Hambre
cero” (ODS N°2) y “Salud y bienestar” (ODS N°3).
Anemia in Peru is a problem that affects a large part of the population, especially children, adolescent women and pregnant women; however, despite the importance that fighting it should have due to the social and economic effects it has in the long term, no concrete results have been achieved, which has meant the percentage increase in people with this disease. IronFish emerges as an alternative solution to combat this problem and even prevent it, since it is a beautiful fish burger enriched with porcine blood, foods that have a large amount of iron, this element being very useful for improving hemoglobin levels in anyone. let him consume it. With these hamburgers we want people to not only have a way to prevent or combat anemia, but also to improve their nutrition without sacrificing the good taste to which they are accustomed when eating a hamburger, which by the way has other added values such as its practicality. being suitable for consumption at any time and not needing to be refrigerated due to the heat treatment to which it has been subjected. During the validation of desirability, feasibility and viability, it was possible to verify with different experiments the fulfillment of the proposed hypotheses and in the case of viability specifically, a NAPV of S/3,927,599 was obtained with an IRR of 85% and a SNPV of S/3,640,903 with a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals: “Zero Hunger” (SDG N°2) and “Good health and well-being” (SDG N°3).
Anemia in Peru is a problem that affects a large part of the population, especially children, adolescent women and pregnant women; however, despite the importance that fighting it should have due to the social and economic effects it has in the long term, no concrete results have been achieved, which has meant the percentage increase in people with this disease. IronFish emerges as an alternative solution to combat this problem and even prevent it, since it is a beautiful fish burger enriched with porcine blood, foods that have a large amount of iron, this element being very useful for improving hemoglobin levels in anyone. let him consume it. With these hamburgers we want people to not only have a way to prevent or combat anemia, but also to improve their nutrition without sacrificing the good taste to which they are accustomed when eating a hamburger, which by the way has other added values such as its practicality. being suitable for consumption at any time and not needing to be refrigerated due to the heat treatment to which it has been subjected. During the validation of desirability, feasibility and viability, it was possible to verify with different experiments the fulfillment of the proposed hypotheses and in the case of viability specifically, a NAPV of S/3,927,599 was obtained with an IRR of 85% and a SNPV of S/3,640,903 with a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals: “Zero Hunger” (SDG N°2) and “Good health and well-being” (SDG N°3).
Anemia--Perú, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú