El cobro de intereses moratorios en el ámbito de un procedimiento administrativo tributario a la vista de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional N° 04082-2012-PA/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Actualmente, muchos contribuyentes en el Perú han recurrido al Proceso de Amparo con
el objetivo de que se les inaplique lo establecido en el artículo 33° del Código Tributario
antes de la entrada en vigencia del Decreto Legislativo N° 981 y la Ley N° 30230, normas
que establecen el plazo legal máximo para resolver un Recurso de Reclamación y de
Apelación, respectivamente; con la finalidad de que se les aplique la regla de la no
exigibilidad de intereses moratorios, alegando la vulneración del Derecho al Plazo
Razonable. Sin embargo, no existe un panorama claro para determinar la imputabilidad
del retraso y las situaciones en las cuales el cobro de intereses moratorios vulnera
principios y derechos constitucionales, como el Principio de No Confiscatoriedad o el
Derecho a un plazo razonable, puesto que el Tribunal Constitucional no establecido un
precedente vinculante. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio del
cobro de intereses moratorios en el ámbito de un procedimiento administrativo
tributario, a la vista de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional y, específicamente
de la Sentencia N° 04082-2012-PA/TC, el cual buscará discutir y analizar
constitucionalmente los aspectos más relevantes del cobro de intereses moratorios y su
concordancia con un Estado Constitucional de Derecho.
At present, taxpayers in Peru have resorted to the Proceso de Amparo in order to achieve the non-application of article 33º of the Tax Code, before the entry intro effect of Legislative Decree Nº 981 and Law Nº 30230, both of which establish the maximum legal deadline to resolve a Claim and Appeal, respectively; with the purpose of obtaining the application of the Rule of non-enforceability of default interests, alleging the violation of the right to a reasonable term. However, there is no clear picture to determine the imputability of the delay and the situations where charging default interests violates constitutional principles and rights, such as the principle of non-confiscation and the right to a reasonable term, given the fact that the Constitutional Court has not set a binding precedent. Therefore, this report aims to study the collection of default interests within an administrative and tax procedure, taking into account the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and, specifically, of Constitutional Decision Nº 04082-2012-PA/TC, which will seek to discuss and analyze the most relevant aspects of the collection of late payment interests in accordance with a Constitutional State of Law
At present, taxpayers in Peru have resorted to the Proceso de Amparo in order to achieve the non-application of article 33º of the Tax Code, before the entry intro effect of Legislative Decree Nº 981 and Law Nº 30230, both of which establish the maximum legal deadline to resolve a Claim and Appeal, respectively; with the purpose of obtaining the application of the Rule of non-enforceability of default interests, alleging the violation of the right to a reasonable term. However, there is no clear picture to determine the imputability of the delay and the situations where charging default interests violates constitutional principles and rights, such as the principle of non-confiscation and the right to a reasonable term, given the fact that the Constitutional Court has not set a binding precedent. Therefore, this report aims to study the collection of default interests within an administrative and tax procedure, taking into account the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and, specifically, of Constitutional Decision Nº 04082-2012-PA/TC, which will seek to discuss and analyze the most relevant aspects of the collection of late payment interests in accordance with a Constitutional State of Law
Derecho tributario--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Moratoria--Perú, Recurso de amparo--Jurisprudencia--Perú